Thumper’s Wisdom

Here is the conclusion to the The Polar Bear Princess

Once Upon a Time Gianna had what she thought was a fabulous idea. Now her mind was quickly changing. It was turning out to be a disaster! As happy as Gianna was to see her parentโ€™s and dear grandmother again, she questioned the wisdom of her returning home.

Poor Bashful was terrified of Aiden and ran away. They were still looking for him in the forest. Grumpy was mad at having his day taken up with the search.

Meanwhile Dopey was laid up, needing Doc to take care of him. He had ended up breaking his leg when he fell in a hole, while searching for Bashful.

Aiden was hiding in a cave so he wouldn’t scare others by his presence. With each day that passed he was getting grumpier. Gianna truly hoped the day would get better as she made her way to the cave to see Aiden, her polar bear.

“I am melting!” He complained to Gianna.

“Oh, Aiden, you are in no danger of melting I assure you.” He could be such a drama bear at times.

“I am sorry its not colder, but I think I have found someone toย  help you.”

Gianna motioned to the girl standing outside the cave to come in. “Let me introduce you to Elsa, the Ice Queen.”

Aiden’s eyes got bigger at the mention of ice. Within no time at all, Elsa had turned the cave into an ice fortress. Aiden was smiling again as Gianna sighed with relief. It was much easier dealing with Grumpy the dwarf than it was with a  grumpy bear.

Walking away from the cave Gianna was happy, but nervous. She hadn’t only come back to be reunited with family but she wanted the fight with Bruno to end! Goldilocks needed to be able to come home. But how did one reason with an unreasonable bear?

Tbey had a plan, and Gianna took a deep breath before she approached Bruno’s house. She wished that she had Aiden at her side, but Bruno knew about Aiden. He knew that he didn’t want to mess with Aiden so Gianna felt safe as she knocked on the door.

“Well, at least you know how to knock and not barge in like your sister.” Bruno growled, when he opened the door. Gianna swallowed and stepped inside.

“Good Morning! Speaking of Goldilocks I would like to invite you to meet with me and some others, this afternoon, to discuss my sister.”

“What about her?”

Gianna bit her lip and then said, “She wants to come back to the forest.”

“Fine! Thats wonderful news.”

Gianna was startled by his response and felt a twinge of hope. “Its fine with you?”

“Of course, I am rather hungry for a special treat.” He looked at Gianna with a smug grin and her heart dropped.

“This afternoon at three, meet at the big Oak tree.” Gianna didn’t wait to hear his reply, she didn’t trust the hungry look in his eyes.

At the appointed time Gianna was at the tree with Thumper and the Big bad wolf. Well he wasn’t bad anymore. He learned that you couldn’t barge into the houses of others. The three little pigs taught him a painful lesson, but that’s another story.

Was this crazy? Would Bruno show up? As Gianna begsn to give in to her doubts, she saw Bruno coming.

When he got to the tree she thanked him for coming. “I invited you to this meeting to see if we can reach an agreement about Goldilocks coming back without having to fear you.”

Bruno growled, “Why should I let your no good, bratty, …”

Thumper thumped the ground. “Stop! None of that. If you can’t say nothing nice Bruno, say nothing at all.”

“Why you, little, ball…”

The wolf looked at Bruno with compassion. “Calm down, but I know the three little whiny, screeching pigs get under my skin … ”

“Hey….Remember Mr Wolf, if you can’t say nothing nice, say…”

“Don’t tell me what to do, you sassy, little rabbit.”

Gianna groaned, this plan was flopping fast!

Oh, what was that horrible smell? They turned to see Flower, the skunk, looking none to happy. “One more mean word and I will spray directly at you, Bruno and Mr Wolf!”

That shut them up pretty fast. Flower saved the day. Thumper looked mighty proud and Gianna struggled not to laugh at Bruno’s expeession.

The meeting went smoothly after that. Bruno and Mr Wolf wanted to get far away from Flower as quickly as possible.

Gianna’s parent’s were delighted at the outcome. Her mom shed tears of happiness, Goldilocks was coming home! They had reached an agreement.

Bruno relented and promised not to hurt her in any way. No one could deny that she had been wrong to break in to Bruno’s house. There had to be consequences. She would be their maid during the day, while Bruno was away. She would cook lots of porridge for them as well.

It was a compromise they had all agreed upon. Goldilocks would be home within a few days. The dwarves wanted to help throw a big welcome home party. Aiden was really happy in his ice cave and all was well. They lived happily ever after, deep in the forest. Including Bashful who had been found shaking under a bush of red berries.

34 thoughts on “Thumper’s Wisdom

  1. By Jove, you DID IT!!! You incorporated everyone and still came up with a “happily ever after” ending! You are pure genius … and your stories are so much fun. I actually laughed, despite being in a very despondent mood tonight. Thank you, Sweet Carolyn!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Goldilocks is going to grow tired of providing free maid service. And then she’s going to start stealing Bruno’s porridge. I see no good end to this tale until Goldilocks ends up in Bruno’s stomach.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I may be stepping way out here but suspect Goldy just might upset the applecart after all the best formulated plans. She strikes me as someone who wouldn’t be content to cook for bears for any length of time and her self absorbed way of thinking will no doubt get her in trouble again.

    Liked by 1 person

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