Sunny, the Hero

The saying about watching what you say around writers is true. One never knows what may provide inspiration. Thanks to my friends, they keep me well supplied. πŸ˜‰

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Sunny was all smiles. Another bright and fun day to be had. Tia, the chipmunk was close by, and when Sunny saw her, she took off after her. Racing her to the big oak tree. Tia scampered up it.

“I win!” She taunted Sunny, looking down at her.

“Next time, you may not be so lucky.” Sunny replied, giving her best threatening look. Tia laughed all the harder seeing Sunny’s face. She wasn’t afraid of Sunny. Tia knew it was all in jest.

Sunny wasn’t like the other foxes. She was friends with the little critters in the woods and would never hurt them.

Filling her belly with yummy berries, plants, and earthworms was more than satisfying to Sunny.

“I will see you later, Tia. I am going to go hunt for some berries. I noticed that Mr McGregor’s berry patch is full of berries now. They are calling my name. “

“Be careful, you know all the close calls that Peter had! He gave his poor mama so many gray hairs.”

“I will be, don’t worry.” Sunny headed towards the berry patch. Her taste buds tingled with anticipation.

She was almost there when Skippy came running with the speed of lightning and ran smack dab into a tree. Falling down on his back, he was still.

Sunny shook her head. Skippy never watched where he was going, but he had a hard head and was always fine.

Sure enough Skippy soon moaned and sat up, rubbing his head.

“You need to start slowing down, my friend.”

Skippy shook his head. “There was a wild woman after me yelling at the top of her lungs about having squirrel stew! I have to get out of here.”

Sunny’s fur stood up. No one was going to make stew out of her friend!

“I don’t know what to do. My poor Tawny is still trapped in the tree in the mad woman’s yard. She is afraid to come down.”

Mr McGregor’s berry patch would have to wait. Her friends needed help. While Skippy caught his breath, Sunny pondered what to do.

“I got an idea. Listen up, this is what we will do.” Skippy was all ears. He was nuts over his precious Tawny and had to save her.

Sunny and Skippy were at the edge of the crazy lady’s yard.

“Are you ready?”

Drawing in a big breath and puffing out his chest,Skippy said, “Yes!”

He dashed across the yard and up the tree to Tawny. Quickly telling her the plan, they started to scamper down the tree.

“You again! You little rascal, this may be your last day.” The wild woman was yelling again, and Skippy’s heart was pounding.

Sunny came running, and the lady cheered when she saw Sunny grab the two squirrels by their bushy tails.

“YES! Bye-bye squirrels. Enjoy resting in the belly of a fox.” She cackled.

Once they were out of sight and safe, Sunny gently dropped Skippy and Tawny out of her mouth.

“Thanks, Sunny! You are a fantastic fox to have as a friend.”

“You are welcome. no one messes with my friends. Now I am going to go treat myself to some berries.”

Tawny and Skippy grinned. “Enioy! You deserve them.”

Once again, Sunny headed to the berry patch. She had to pass the wild woman’s house. The lady was still outside wearing a smug grin. Doing a celebratory dance.

She spied Sunny. “Hey, little fox, you are my hero. I was hoping you would be back. I have some food for you, as a reward.”

Sunny was curious. Did she have berries? She sat down in the yard and waited.

Soon, the lady came out carrying a pretty china bowl filled with long, wiggly things. Reminded Sunny of earthworms but tasted much better.

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This was turning out to be a fine day. Sunny slurped the funny worms up as the lady continued to praise Sunny for getting rid of those terrible, mischievous squirrels.

Little did she know that right now Skippy and Tawny were living the life on a friend’s boat.

Once more Skippy had avoided becoming squirrel stew. He smiled as Tawny snapped the picture!

The score: Skippy-101 vs. Wild lady- 0

They laughed while eating more pineapple. Life was good!

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21 thoughts on “Sunny, the Hero

  1. The crazy lady looked on with joy at seeing the skinny fox enjoy the noodles. She was really going to need to fatten that fox up a bit if this was going to work out. She was sad at the thought that her mother’s old fox stole was getting too tatted to wear in public, but getting a new fluffy one would be a delight.

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