Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Haku, the dragon, told me to buy this vibrant red plant that I saw the other day. It’s called Dragon’s Breath and says its easy to grow! What could possibly go wrong? Supposed to last all summer, loves the heat. Hopefully it will at least make it through June.

My friend chose a few crazy questions for her blog post earlier this week, and challenged us to share some questions in a post too. I thought it would be perfect for my Friday post, so here you go. Feel free to ask a crazy question of your own, if you have one and I will answer. Share your answers in the comments.

Do you think if anything is possible, is it still possible for anything to be impossible? What would it be?

The FBI wants to question you, why? What did you do?

57 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. I will expect regular updates on the health of this plant you are endangering, er um caring for.

    Knowing only a tiny fraction of all there is to know, I can’t say what is possible and what isn’t. I do know that if there is only a one in a trillion chance that there could be a planet with peanut butter oceans, then there may be millions of them out there.

    As for what the FBI would question me about, see the previous paragraph.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I can only speculate on any FBI questioning…but it likely has something to do with the intense feelings we collectively have toward squirrels. Saw a fox chasing a rabbit down the alley early this morning (the bunny managed to escape-yay) but I suggested out loud the fox should direct his attention on the foul family of Sciuridae (aka squirrels). 😈 He took one look at me and ran the other way. I think he suffered too much misery way too early today.

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  3. First off, love your friend’s blog name: Waking Up on the Wrong side of 50. That’s my kind of blogger. (I’m tempted to hit subscribe even though I can’t keep up with my list of blogs now.)

    You made me stop and think with your response about how times a days people are on autopilot when they ask, “How are you doing?” I liked your answer. If it’s somebody I care about, then I’m also asking because I truly want to know. Other times, I’m a bit embarrassed to say they’re just words.

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  4. It’s somewhat irrelevant what the FBI will question me about, they have no direct authority in New Zealand, but perhaps they needed some comprensive knowledge about how the earth is actually flat and round like a coin..

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ll just be happy if the tomatoes I finally had the courage to plant in the garden don’t freeze this weekend.

    Is anything impossible? If SchrΓΆdinger’s cat is indeed both dead and alive, then for all practical purposes, “No”. But I’m a pretty grounded determinist… so, probably “Yes”.

    Anything that requires a security clearance elicits a fairly invasive FBI background check. It was interesting hearing from old high school friends who’d searched me out to find out if I was sending coded messages hidden in the lyrics of punk rock songs or had become some kind of illicit noodle-smuggling kingpin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good Luck with your πŸ… tomatoes, even though I don’t like tomatoes, I hope yours survive. πŸ™‚

      LOL about the cat!

      Coded messages, eh? It shows how clever your friends think you are. πŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Do you think if anything is possible, is it still possible for anything to be impossible? What would it be?

    Anything is possible some of the time . . . but everything is not possible all the time. So it is still possible for some things (anything) to be impossible.

    As for the FBI, they are looking into one of my college roommates. Her billionaire husband died under “suspicious” circumstances during a pending criminal investigation. Or did he????

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