Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! Happiness is having your flowers live longer than usual. There must have been some angel dust sprinkled on them from above.  

For anyone who is interested, I need to set the record straight. Two blogger friends let me know that there really is such a thing as Banzai skydiving. I had posted about it in my Sunday’s post, thinking it was too CRAZY for anyone to actually try, but I was wrong. This is from the Guiness Book of World Records, “Yasuhiro Kubo (Japan), jumped from a plane at an altitude of 3,000 m. (9,842 ft) without a parachute and in 50 seconds hooked onto a parachute which was thrown out prior to his jump on 2 September 2000 in Davis, California, USA.” Thanks LT and Barb for the information. 

Hope your week is off to a good start and that you can find some smiles and encouragment in the quotes below. 











Friday’s Super Short Stories!

“No matter what a person does, they never know how inspiring they may be to somebody else.” 

The above quote is from Tippy Gnu at http://unicorniks.com/2022/08/11/three-bad-jokes-challenge-2/ If you need some laughter for the day, Tippy’s blog will usually give you an ample dose.

“I figure that I am at least as smart as that Winnie the Pooh character. I have never even once had my head stuck in a jar of honey.” This quote was made by someone else who will remain anonymous unless they want to make themselves known for the clever quote that they thought of. But they may be too humble.

When you don’t think you have anything for your post and then through banter two quotes come to you. Never doubt where inspiration can come from!

If you can’t beat them, join them. (yes, I know, not an original quote) I am trying something new. If you read the comments in my posts you will notice that there are those who LOVE PUNS and there are days that they can get on a roll. Today was one of those days! Being that they are still on a roll I have decided to put a subject down and let them go at it. Feel Free to join in, I know that they aren’t the only PUN wizards out there. If you can stump them, you will make my day! I warn you, they are good. I don’t typically acknowledge that fact, as I am usually groaning or …”smacking my head”… But I do appreciate wit and one can’t deny that they have it! OH, and there is a prize for the winner!

Disney Characters ( or you can feel free to challenge them with another subject, to see if you can stump them!)

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! Hopefully your week is off to a great start and may this post help keep it that way. While scrolling in Pinterest for quotes the following picture showed up. Did you have one of these in your childhood? I spent many happy hours looking at fun pictures with this. What’s a toy from your childhood that made you smile? 










Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! So it took a little longer this morning due to the fact that the WP new editor found me! What do I think of it? Lets just say I need more coffee! I did see something where you can download the classic editor and stick with it. So hopefully I can figure that out or else will just figure this out. Either way, I am happy that I at least could post. Now I am ready for some Strawberry pie. My husband made me one yesterday, and it is very good! What is your favorite pie? Go ahead and grab your favorite snack, while reading the following quotes. Make your mind and stomach smile!

100 Quotes on Life that'll Bring Alive a New You & Change You Forever


Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles. ~ African Proverb


Wise Sayings: Quotes about Wisdom - Wishes Messages Sayings





Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. ~ Mark Twain #funny #funnyquotes #quotes #quotestoliveby #dailyquote


french proverb water


Responsible tourism begins with you and me !!



Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! What are your thoughts today? Is something weighing heavily on your mind, or do you feel carefree at the moment? Watching the clock, and rushing about, or feeling at peace? Whatever your mood may be, I hope that you can enjoy a few moments of sitting back and relaxing by pondering on some of these quotes. And may today be exactly as Pooh Bear describes it!



  1. d5b987e38ef914925feadab530e3ac1e
  2. life-quotes-26
  3. 104-positive-life-quotes-inspirational-words-that-will-make-you-live-to-by-2
  4. the20enemy20is20fear20we20think20it20is20hate20but20it20is20fear20gandhiimage
  5. ffa8d7e10ae2063b9a5e270cde7edb5b
  6. yorkie-stuck-in-toilet-funny-cat
  7. a75920f56c5f418056166261066e0659
  8. f4865418f695260af011fae0b74f1196
  9. 1577413b3e5333e2f1777840a37de52a
  10. 1c985d0342244c89fe64c35bad976944

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! Getting back into life’s normal routine, but vacation memories are still very vivid in my mind.  We saw such beautiful sights, from the lush gardens, to the beach to the mountains.

Gold nuggets were all around, as we breathed in the moments. There was beauty just waiting to be discovered by us, and not all that beauty was nature. Perhaps that is another  clue to the special, mysterious nuggets that we found, and perhaps now is the time to reveal ………. the quotes for today! Enjoy my dear readers! 🙂


1. de9f6cff85759a020dc38e71d6b3a730

2. 79bbe94fc91dfc0e534f2771fef0f4ab


4. db99e9212e9d200717b38b19c27bfbf5

5. 67ea4b9844a735d2d026c19d10c643ad

6. adbcd6319a5e20bd7f32c28d7d19d92a

7. cc4eb06cd06d6a137bc369f6962e40b8

8. ff18227689a6697defa70ffd3c1a83dd

9, dfc0d3b92e5867cb088a78696954f0e5

10. 08d52a1083052ce60960a240dd4fe167



Tuesday’s Thoughts!

We had a small snowfall over the weekend, just enough to make it look pretty. We are supposed to be getting more this coming weekend, which could come with ice and could be a lot more than just a few inches. I been saying that I am ready for a big snowstorm, but this coming weekend we do have plans to go away. Oh well, I don’t have much control over the weather so as the saying goes, ” what will be, will be!”  May you be able to smile this week, even when things don’t go as you planned! That’s why there is always Plan B and C!

1. 0d8198574c934590668373866d87c39f

2. 277dece133271c49f1145a37aef6b058

3. tomorrow-is-often-the-busiest-time-of-the-year-danish-proverb

4. fear-does-not-stop-death.-it-stops-life.-quote-768x576

5. e2ec46d8dffa8819e52bed1ab11b2a11

6. 8d38e77c49f5a4e9f760970cb1702dff

7. brene-brown-quotes-rising-strong-1-1-429x600

8. 137141d6171ddf42cff4a6052642b333

9. e28bdaa8313df53f10248966207aee90 or a sign of being crazy … or … you choose! 🙂

10. powerful-inspirational-quotes-020