The Friendship Adventure!

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Bubbles was relaxing on her rock, wondering what she was going to do today. She wanted to go on an adventure, but her friends were busy.

“Hi Catalina,” Bubbles called out to her friend, the mermaid, who swam by. She was on her way to teach summer school to the fish.

Gabby, one of Bubbles’ best friends, was one of Catalina’s students. Bubbles had warned her about talking in class all the time, but she hadn’t listened and now had work to make up.

Her friend, Cleo, the lobster, had a hurt claw, so he had to see the Dr. today.

Oh, Octavia was swimming towards Bubbles. Maybe they could do something fun today.

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“Hi Bubbles!”

“Hi! Would you like to come on an adventure with me today?”

“I am sorry. I wish I could, but I have an appointment at the salon for a manicure. Maybe tomorrow? Will see you later. Bye!”

Bubbles sighed. Maybe she would go up on land for a while and find an adventure waiting for her there.

Yes, that may be the answer. Her grandma Myrtle had told stories of all kinds of adventures that she had on land. Bubbles had often envied her grandma and the adventures she had.

Maybe today she would finally have a fun adventure.

And maybe not!

Bubbles let out a huff of frustration. She had been walking on land trying to find adventure, and so far, she had found nothing.

Nothing exciting ever happened to her.

What was that sound? Someone was crying. Bubbles looked around and didn’t see anyone at first. She headed down to the creek, for she was getting hot and needed to cool off in the water.

The sound of crying grew louder as Bubbles got closer to the creek. She was shocked to find a hippo crying.

Now, Bubbles has a caring heart and felt sad for the hippo. “Are you okay? My name is Bubbles. Can I help you?”

“Hi. I am Henrietta. I don’t know what I am going to do. I have a sore throat and can’t sing. I feel awful when I can’t sing. Singing makes me happy.” She looked at Bubbles with watery eyes.

A singing hippo? Could this be the same singing hippo that Grandma Myrtle had talked about?

“I am so sorry about your sore throat, and wish I knew how to help you. Did you ever meet a turtle named Myrtle?”

Henrietta’s eyes brightened when Bubbles mentioned Myrtle.

“Oh yes, Myrtle was a great friend to have. We had quite the adventures together. I miss her. Do you know her?”

“Yes, I do. She is a wonderful turtle.”

Bubbles smiled to herself. She had an idea, but first, she had to help Henrietta get over her sore throat.

“I want to help you. I am going to visit Dr Eel he may be able to give me something to cure your sore throat. Stay here, and I will be back as fast as I can.”

Gratitude glimmered in Henrietta’s eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered.

By the time Bubbles made it back to Dr Eel’s office, the Dr had almost slipped away. He was taking a break for lunch. Bubbles managed to catch him in the nick of time and told him about Henrietta.

“A singing hippo? Inconceivable!”

Vizzi the eel didn’t know what to think about a singing hippo. While filling a medicine bottle for Henrietta, he kept muttering “Inconceivable” to himself.

Bubbles was so excited about meeting Henrietta and hoped this medicine would work. She wanted to hear her sing!

It was starting to grow dark by the time Bubbles made it back to the creek. Henrietta was in the water and happy to see Bubbles.

“Here is some fish oil medicine for you. Swallow it three times a day, and you should be singing again in no time.”

“Thank you so much!”

Bubbles kept checking on Henrietta and was glad to see that the medicine was working. Henrietta was cheerful again, eager to start singing. Bubbles was having fun getting to know her. She was so jolly, and her vivacious personality was contagious. Bubbles couldn’t help but be happy when she was around her.

They agreed to meet around noon the next day, and then Henrietta would sing for her. Bubbles couldn’t wait. She was going to bring a special surprise along with her, for Henrietta.

The next morning, Bubbles and Myrtle were walking in the meadow. She had convinced her grandma to come out in the sun for a while and stretch her legs. Myrtle had no clue about the surprise that awaited her.

Oh, no! What was that sound? It sounded like someone was in pain.

The sound grew louder as they headed through the meadow.

“Grandma! We need to find whoever is making this noise. They have to be hurt.”

Myrtle’s eyes twinkled with laughter. “They aren’t hurt at all. Keep walking and look straight ahead. There is only one thing that can make that beautiful sound!”

Bubbles was speechless! Had her grandma lost her mind. Beautiful sound??

Oh wow! Bubbles couldn’t believe where the horrible sound was coming from. Henrietta was standing not far from them, surrounded by flowers, with her mouth open wide. She was singing.

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“Myrtle! My friend!” Henrietta stopped singing and bent down to give Myrtle an enthusiastic greeting.

“I can’t believe it! What a fantastic surprise to see you.” Myrtle said.

They both thanked Bubbles profusely for surprising them.

Perhaps Henrietta’s singing was nothing like Bubbles had imagined. But seeing the sweet friendship between Henrietta and her grandmother brought all her all the joy she needed.

Meeting Henrietta had proven to be a super-cali-fragilistic-expi-alidoces adventure indeed! Not only could Henrietta sing, but she also knew big words! Bubbles couldn’t wait for Henrietta to teach her more of them.

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