Meeting Mr Darcy?

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This was the perfect place to hide away and read. The sweet aroma of the flowers surrounded Bethany as she read, where no one could disturb her.

“So this is where you are. A rose sitting among the flowers.”

Graham gave her a wide smile, showing off his golden tooth. He was proud of that tooth. So much for thinking she had found the perfect hiding spot. Her heart sank.

“Good morning, Graham.” Bethany kept her face in her book, thinking he would get the message that she didn’t want to be disturbed.

“It’s a good morning indeed, sweet Bethany. Would you care to come on a walk with me?”

Did she look like she wanted to take a walk? Oh, how could he be so clueless. It seemed that no matter how much she refused to show interest in him, he kept pursuing her, like a hound dog.

She didn’t respond. Instead, she kept reading. Surely, he would get the hint.

He snatched the book out of her hand. Her jaw dropped. How dare he!

Reading the page she had been on, he closed the book but held onto it. He held it up high, out of her reach.

“I can assure you I will be much more interesting than whoever this Mr Darcy character is.”

Bethany almost choked on her laughter. There was no comparison between Graham and the handsome, eloquent Mr Darcy.

He held out his hand to her. She had no choice but to take it. The insufferable man had her book in his other hand down by his side.

But she let go of his hand when they started walking. She would walk beside him, but she didn’t need to hold his hand.

They started walking down the garden path, and Graham gave the book back to her. She felt like turning around now that she had her book back, but she figured that a little walk with Graham would be okay. It was a pleasant day to enjoy the sunshine and beautiful flowers.

“Have I ever told you the story of how I got my golden tooth?”

“Yes,” she thought of saying , “many times,” but let it go. It didn’t matter he would tell him anyway. He liked the sound of his own voice. Bethany guessed that his voice echoed inside of his head. Probably too much empty space. Oh, she should be kinder, but … why couldn’t the guys in her novels be real.

Her mind went back to Mr Darcy and what he had said to Elizabeth before Graham had snatched her book away.

“What do you think?”

Bethany didn’t know what to say, she hadn’t heard the question. Graham had been droning on about his golden tooth and how he got it after his original tooth had been knocked out. He was on a ladder trying to rescue a stray kitty from a tree, and he fell. But he now has a cat as a pet. That was one thing he had going for him. He liked animals.

If she was totally honest with herself, maybe he did have other positive attributes. She often was running from his advances , not giving him a real chance.

Graham stopped walking and turned to face Bethany. “My feelings will not be repressed any longer. You must allow me to tell you how much I ardently admire you.”

Bethany was dumbfounded. Had he really quoted a passage from Jane Austen’s book Pride and Prejudice?”

It wasn’t the passage that her book had been opened to when he snatched her book away.

“You appear shocked, my lady. Do you think that men can’t appreciate Jane Austen’s writings as well?”

“Ummm…no….I..I..You….took me by surprise, that is all.”

“You have bewitched me body and soul, and I do not wish to be parted.” Graham replied.

Bethany smiled. She didn’t know what to say. Perhaps she had misjudged him.

“So, back to my question. Would you grace me with your company for dinner tonight?I will pick you up at 6?”

She hesitated but said yes. She would finally give him a chance.

He took her hand in his and gave it a soft kiss. “Parting is such sweet sorrow, but I shall see you before tomorrow. “

Bethany let out a small giggle. Was Graham actually trying to be charming? Had her assumption of him been all wrong?

She bid him goodbye and found herself looking forward to the evening ahead. A guy that read Jane Austen couldn’t be all bad.

Graham was elated. It had worked. A little time spent reading and memorizing the highlighted phrases in his sister’s books had got Bethany’s attention. Now, if only he could keep it. Time would tell.

24 thoughts on “Meeting Mr Darcy?

  1. At dinner, Graham would be well-advised to pull out a large roll of currency to pay the bill. The top layer should consist of $100 bills, prominently flashed before Bethany’s eyes, while everything beneath can be smaller currency, such as $1 bills. Since Bethany fell for the Jane Austen trick, I’m sure she’ll be gullible enough for the roll of C-notes trick.

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