The Bestest Tea Party

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Desiree’s stomach sank as she looked at all the boxes surrounding her. She was standing in the middle of the kitchen. Not only did the boxes surround her, but they were spilling into the dining room. It was enough to make her want to turn around and go back to bed!

Why couldn’t she snap her fingers like Mary Poppins and have all the boxes disappear with everything being where it was supposed to be? How perfect that would be. If only her life was that magical. Right now, she felt like Cinderella. So much work to do and no prince to be found.

At least she had unpacked her Keurig. She would need it today!

Desiree was in the middle of putting all of her glassware and plates away when Callie ran into the kitchen.

‘Mommy, Mommy! Want to have a tea party with me?”

Her daughter’s eyes were bright with expectation.

“I am sorry, sweet pea, but I can’t right now. Mommy is busy, but save a cup of tea for me, okay?” She gave Callie a tight hug.

“Okay, Mommy, I will, as long as Teddy doesn’t drink it.” She giggled and ran back to her room.

There was nothing better than the sound of Callie’s laughter. Her laughter and unbridled joy had pulled Desiree through this tough year. How thankful she was for her precious daughter.

Turning up her music, she got back to unpacking.

“Mr Teddy, this cup is for my mommy. You can’t have it!” Callie shook her finger at him. “Here is a cup for you.”

“Remember, Susie, hold tight onto your cup. We don’t want any spills. You are wearing your prettiest dress.”

Callie was proud of her doll, Susie. She looked beautiful. Mr Teddy didn’t look bad either wearing a red polka dot bow tie. One had to look their best for tea parties.

Oh, Cathy, her other doll, was being too chatty again. Callie told her to stop talking, but she ignored her. She needed something to get her attention. Oh, Callie knew what to do.

Jumping up from her chair, she grabbed something from her bed. She didn’t know where it had come from, but it should get Chatty Cathy’s attention. Ding, Ding, Ding!

POOF! Pink and purple smoke filled the room. When it cleared, Callie couldn’t believe her eyes. Her face reflected a golden sunbeam. Jubilation filled her heart.

“Hi Miss Callie! Welcome to our castle.”

They knew her name, Callie was shocked. This was the bestest day ever!

“Hi! I can’t believe I am here.” She sat down at the table when a servant pulled out a chair for her.

“We are real glad to have you, and now I propose we make a toast to Callie.”

They all raised their crystal tea cups, and Callie couldn’t still the rapid beating of her heart. Whoever would have thought that she would share tea with her favorite princesses! Cinderella, Snow White and Belle.

The progress may be slow, but Desireee felt good at what she had accomplished so far this morning. Taking a breather, she sat down.

She noticed a flyer on the coffee table with the other mail.

“Thursdays are Free Ice Cream cones for children. Come to Jack and Jill’s Icecream shop this summer and cool off with a yummy treat.”

Desiree knew that Callie would love getting some ice cream, and it was time for a break. She headed to Callie’s room and knocked on her door. There was no answer. Maybe she had gone back to sleep. She knocked again.

“Come in, Mommy.”

Callie was sitting at her small table with her tea set displayed on it.

“Tea party still going, I see. I think Teddy may be getting a little sleepy.”

Callie laughed and sat him up straighter.

“Mommy oh Mommy I have had the bestest time ever! You will never believe where I was. I was far, far away in the land where the princesses live. I saw Cinderella, Snow White, and Belle! We had tea and cake and..”

Desiree put her hand up. Callie sure was wound up, talking a mile a minute. She thoroughly enjoyed Callie’s wild imagination.

“That is amazing. I want to hear everything, but what about you tell me everything over lunch. Then we can go for ice cream for dessert. Unless you are too full from eating cake with the princesses?” Desiree winked at her.

‘I am not too full! I love chocolate ice cream and sprinkles! Let’s go.”

“Let me help you change out of your pretty dress, and we will go. But remember you have to eat your green beans first for lunch.”

Callie wrinkled her nose and sighed. But then thought of the princesses again and smiled.

“First, there was a lot of pink and purple smoke, Mommy, and then…” Callie was chattering away again as Desiree helped her to get dressed.

“Whats that on your bed, sweetie?”

“Oh, that’s my cowbell. It’s so cool. It’s how I was able to see all the princesses and go to the castle far away. Shall I ring it again?”

Desiree smiled, “Let’s eat first and then sure, you can ring it again. I would like to meet the princesses too. Though you will always be my favorite princess.” She kissed Callie on the cheek as they headed to the kitchen.

“I also got to meet the seven dwarves, except for Grumpy, he didn’t want to come to a tea party.” Desiree laughed, hoping that Callie’s imagination would never end.

29 thoughts on “The Bestest Tea Party

  1. It seems Desiree is addicted to both coffee and tea. How sad. And she’s getting her little daughter hooked on these poisonous substances, too.

    I hope Callie stops trying to emulate her mother and takes a lesson from Grumpy, who avoids tea. That way she can break the chain of addiction that is being passed down through the generations. Grumpy knows best, and I can sympathize with his reluctance to attend the tea party. He’s surprisingly smart for a short person.

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