Journey in the Snow

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Buzzz! The washing machine was done. Stacy finished paying her electric bill online and sighed. Perhaps she would buy a lantern. Pretend that she lived in a little house on a prairie.

Rising from her chair, she walked to the washer to switch the clothes over to the dryer. A lantern in the evening wouldn’t be bad to save on electricity, but she wasn’t ready to give up her washer and dryer.

She would be okay. Money was tight this month, but she had been through tough times before. She would make it through this.

Buffy whined at her feet.

“Do you want to go outside, girl?”

Buffy wagged her tail and ran halfway towards the door. Then she stopped and turned around, making sure that Stacy was following her.

Scooping Buffy up in her arms, Stacy carried her outside. Placing her in the snow, the toy poodle shrunk as she sank down a little.

Giving Stacy a pitiful look, she quickly did her business so that she could escape the cold.

Once inside, Buffy made a dash for her comfy bed. Stacy gave her a treat, and soon, the cozy dog was asleep in front of the fireplace.

Later that morning, Stacy passed by her large picture window and stopped. She let out a tiny gasp, covering her mouth in surprise.

That had to be the most gorgeous deer that she had ever seen. It was so still and serene, as the snow fell upon it.

For a moment, time stopped as Stacy soaked in the joy of seeing a deer so close. There was a small field behind her house, but rabbits were mostly what she saw. The few times that a deer did pass by, it was moving fast. Never had one stopped before. This one was looking right at her.

Stacy was surprised that the deer hadn’t run yet. Another minute went by, and then the deer slightly tipped its head down and left. As if it was saying goodbye to her. The mysterious deer soon disappeared across the field, into the thicket of snow-covered trees.

Stacy went about her day with a little extra bounce in her step. Seeing that deer had brought some sunshine her way, as she continued to apply for jobs.

When evening came and the sun started to go down, Stacy’s mood started dropping as well. She had begun the day with hope that she would find the right job, but there were still no promising leads.

She made herself a grilled cheese and treated herself to a slice of creamy peanut hutter pie from the pie she had bought earlier. It had been the last one on the shelf, at the bakery. Obviously, it needed to be rescued by her.

Oooh it was yummy. Almost tasted as good as what her sweet grandmother used to make.

Pushing worrisome thoughts about the future out of her mind, she concentrated on more pleasant things as she ate.

Puppy dog snuggles and books to be read, brown paper packages left by the door, hot cups of coffee, and deer prints in the snow. These were a few of her favorite things.

Walking into the living room, she thought she would enjoy a good book. Give herself a break from scouring the computer looking for jobs.

Find an enchanting fairytale to lose herself in.

Her back porch light was on, and Stacy had to look twice as she raised her head from her book and looked out the window. It was the same deer again! It was in the same spot staring directly at her. Once again, it stayed, appearing to be in no hurry to leave.

Stacy put on her boots and grabbed her thick, winter coat. The deer may run away as soon as she opened the door, but what if it didn’t? What if she could get closer to it?

Opening the door slowly, she stepped outside. The deer was still looking towards the picture window but turned its head when Stacy walked across the snow.

She stopped walking. Would it flee now? Stacy waited as did the deer. Then, once again, it lowered its head at her and turned to run. But it turned back and looked at her. Taking small steps, Stacy walked up to it. She drew in her breath, and her heart was melting, for she was close enough to touch it.

Its luminous dark eyes were so endearing. Tipping its head again, the deer turned to run but looked back, hesitating. Could it be that it wanted Stacy to follow it? Where did it want to take her?

Maybe Stacy was being foolish, but it was as if she was under a spell on this magical night. The air was cold, but it felt refreshing as she breathed it in. Warmth spread through her body as she took in the beautiful sight.

The full moon shined down on the million snowflakes, or angel kisses, as her mom had called them when she was young, covering the ground like a blanket.

She had to follow the deer. It beckoned to her. Reaching out, she touched the deer’s nose that glistened with an angel’s kiss. The deer tipped its head ever so slightly and started forward. It didn’t run. It walked, making sure to look back every so often to see that Stacy was there.

She followed with her heart pulsating in anticipation. Feeling like her life was about to change.

*to be continued..*

38 thoughts on “Journey in the Snow

  1. “Its luminous dark eyes were so endearing.” Nice attempt at a pun, but how can dark eyes be luminous?

    I think the deer understands Stacy’s plight, and knows of a job she can have, where she will can be put to good use. The deer herd will hire her as a decoy. She’ll stand at the edge of the herd, and when a mountain lion comes along, it will go after Stacy, while all the deer will have time to run away, unharmed.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Anyone have a thick, wet noodle I can borrow? I believe Tippy deserves at least 20 lashes with a wet noodle for his response. I am truly offended that anyone who knows our sweet Carolyn would dare to share such a horrific idea! (Note to self: ignore reading Tippy’s responses in this blog. Remember what you were taught long ago about ignoring idiots and bullies.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ooh Jo, you are so thoughtful to defend me, and I do have some noodles. LOL! But believe me, Tippy is harmless and a very good friend! He does know how 😇 I am of course. I try to remind him often. I know how to deal with him
      THUNK!! I believe my book hit him smack in the center of his head. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  3. When Stacey returned she had a great idea about how to make extra money. She created a deer hunting lease on her property and hunters would come from all around and pay her to hunt on her land. Yep, nothing but raking in money and spending cozy evenings by the fire eating peanut butter pie in her future.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. The early morning news report asked the public if anyone knew the identity of the woman who was found delirious in a snow drift clutching a small golden bell in her hand and mumbling incoherently about seeing a deer and a cow. She was taken to the local sanitorium for mental evaluation. Details at 11.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Hmmm… Sounds like one of the ubiquitous “Sika” deer found in rural-ish Japanese tourist traps. I suspect it’s leading Stacy to the deer-food dispenser.

    Ironically, my nickname among ski partners in Japan is “Kojika” (小鹿)… “Little Deer”. Hmm…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: The Golden Glow | Nuggets of Gold

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