The Night of Color

Thanks for your patience in waiting for the conclusion to last Saturday’s post, Stirring Up Mischief Enjoy!

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The timer on the oven was going off as Lorlita was stirring her other concoction. It was hard work trying to make the perfect magical spell concoction.

Putting down her ladle, she turned off the timer. The oven was beginning to fill up with smoke. She may have had it in the oven for a little too long.

Putting the large dish up on the stove, she looked at it. The warts that she had mixed in were quite crispy now. The large nails must have melted. She probably shouldn’t have bought fake ones, but hopefully, they would work.

When Lorlita was visiting Sarah’s flower shop, she noticed what beautiful long nails Sarah had. If only she would have been able to use them,

Lorlita had nentioned needing long nails for a secret recipe, and Sarah gave her a strange look.

She quickly changed the subject. The last thing Lorlita wanted to do was arouse suspicion and have to leave town before performing the perfect spell.

So Lorlita asked for a mandrake plant, and again, Sarah gave her a confused look. What kind of flower and plant shop was this place?

She decided to leave since it was obvious that Sarah didn’t have anything useful for magic spells.

On the way home, Lorlita had been fortunate to find some dove feathers on the ground. That made her smile, as sbe picked them up.

Now, as she stirred the pot, she could see the white specks from the feathers.

The concoction was almost ready. All she had to do was add her other concoction to it, and the grand spell would be ready!

It had been tricky getting the last supplies for her other concoction, but she had accomplished it. There was a pleasant aroma coming from the pot. It was thick and smooth as she poured it into the large bowl that had been in the oven.

She let out a cackle, wondering what had happened when Mason noticed that all his hair products were gone from his office.

The poor guy had heen so helpful without even knowing it. He had left his office key on the counter near the register. Lorlita waited until the diner got so busy that Mason had to help Cara out with serving customers. She had been able to sneak into his office and grab his hair products without anyone knowing.

One more stir, and oh, she had almost forgotten. She needed to melt crayons into the pot. Then she would be finished. It didn’t take long for the crayons to melt in the hot liquid. The concoction was ready. Now, when it got dark, she would be ready to have some fun.

Lorlita really hoped this spell would work. She had changed her mind about the coffee spell.

Putting a spell into coffee hadn’t worked in the town nearby. She had contemplated sprinkling the spell on the donuts, but some guy named Dustin and a lady named Joelle had ordered the last pumpkin spice donuts. They needed to be pumpkin spice donuts for the sweet taste of the concoction would have blended perfectly with them.

Now, she wouldn’t have to worry about anyone having to eat or drink anything. Nothing needed to be consumed. Lorlita had decided it was wrong to mess with someone’s drink or food. If she was going to be a kind witch, she had to think of something else, and she had. Something spectacular!

About a half hour before dark, she put the heavy pot, with the bubbling hot liquid into the back of her car and drove to the diner. She hoped they would be busy so that no one would notice her. She knew Tippner wasn’t due to be there yet. He was always punctual. Not a minute late or early.

Good! The parking lot was full. She walked in and walked over to Tippner’s booth. Rubbed down the table and booth, with her wet rag. Then, she rubbed down Mason’s doorknob on his office. When it turned, it shocked her. He had left it unlocked. Great! She rubbed down his office chair and desk.

Mission accomplished. Wearing a devilish grin and feeling proud, she left the diner. Drove her car into the woods and stopped beside the creek.

Whoa! She slammed on her brakes, a black cat crossed right in front of her car. Wonderful! Black cats were good luck. Surely, this spell would work.

She parked her car and got out. Lifted the heavy pot from the backseat, being careful not to burn herself.

Setting the pot down on the ground, she took off the lid, letting the smoke billow out as she held her breath.

Yes! It was working. Ahh! How beautiful. She had put a spell on the sky, and everyone in the town of Bittersweet Creek would see it. The unusual colors would stay in the sky all week long. Mason’s hair products had put a wavyness to the colors in the sky.

Once the smoke died down, she put the lid on, Oh, she was so happy, she had really done it, invented a color that hadn’t existed before. The color emerald blue.

Putting the pot back into the car, she drove to the diner to check out the other half of her spell.

People were oohing and ahhing as they gazed into the sky.

She parked at the diner, and a large crowd was gathered around Tippner and Mason. Lorlita made her way to the front of the crowd to see for herself, and she could barely contain her laughter.

Oh, was she good! Tippner and Mason’s skin was emerald blue. She may have decided to be a kind witch, but she still had to have some fun. They didn’t need to worry. It would only last at the most, a week, and then their skin would be back to normal color.

Cara saw Lorlita and ran to her. “Can you believe it?”

Amanda came to join them. “I think the poor guys may be feeling a little blue.”

All three ladies shook with mirth.

Lorlita was sure that she would win the prize this year for the best magical spell.

31 thoughts on “The Night of Color

  1. I see you went ahead with misspelling “Lorlita.” Hmph. What kind of spell can a witch cast, when she can’t even spell her own name?

    Tippner took a shower to wash off the emerald blue color of his sking, but no matter how much he scrubbed, it wouldn’t come off. He felt depressed about this, but when he returned to his bicycle shop he discovered that all the women who walked in became enamored with him. This was because he had scrubbed his body so hard, he had achieved a state of perfect cleanliness. Why, this was the cleanest he’d ever been! And women love clean men. They were all asking him out on dates, while touching and feeling his antiseptic epidermis.

    Tippner scored big from this experience. But after a day he was dirty again, and looking blue and lonely. It was time for another shower.


  2. Getting Tippner to shower on a regular basis should definitely tip the scales on Lorlita winning the grand prize! The beautiful glow in the sky and on the skin of Tippner and Mason were indeed magical, but Tippner being clean on a regular basis was a miracle!

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