Rain Dance?

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Anson woke up later than usual in the morning. All the dancing last night had wiped him out. His poor body reminded him that he wasn’t 20 anymore.

He stretched his sore muscles and walked to the kitchen to turn on his coffee maker. Hopefully the rain dance he did last night would bring rain today. It was a far stretch, but what did he have to lose. He had made sure to perform the dance in the dark so that no one would see him.

Knock knock! Who would be at his door? He wasn’t expecting anyone today.

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Before Anson knew what was happening the pig walked right into his house as flowers fell around her. “Hi! I am Blossom. Whats your name?”

Anson stared at Blossom with his mouth wide open and his eyes bulging.

Blossom tilted her head, giving Anson a strange look. “Are you okay, good fella?”

“Uh huh”.. was all that Anson could utter. He was bamboozled.

“I am not sure why you are so surprised. You did the Dance of the Pigs last night, didn’t you?”

Anson shook his head. “I was doing a rain dance.”

Blossom laughed. “A rain dance? I think you got your dances a little confused, good fella. Next time I will bring a huge watering can. Will pour it out while I am flying,” She giggled some more.

“While you recover from your shock I will tell you a little about me.”

Anson nodded his head, still looking pale when looking at Blossom. She sure was a bubbly pig, he thought. “There is a flying pig in my house.”

Blossom shook her head, rolling her eyes. “I am glad you realize that now. We are making progress.”

Anson poured himself a big cup of coffee and sat down to drink it. Blossom continued talking. “I hope you can help me find my brother’s. Those crazy triplets went off on their own to build houses!”

Anson’s cup shook in his hand as he took a big gulp. OUCH! He forgot it was still real hot.

Your brother’s??”

Blossom’s eyes sparkled, “Yes! I missed them like crazy. I should thank you for doing the Dance of the Pigs and bringing me down here.

We heard through the grapevine that they got themselves into a little trouble with a big, bad wolf. Do you know anything about it?”

Anson smacked his forehead. Blossom now was the one surprised. “Is that supposed to be a Yes or a No to my question?”

He smacked his head again and groaned some.

“Perhaps I will look around for them myself. I think you may need some ice for your head if you keep smacking it.”

Blossom looked at Anson with concern. “Get some rest and I think you will be Ok. I will see you later.”

Walking around Blossom wasn’t sure how to begin the search for her brother’s. She walked a little ways and came upon a market. By this time Blossom was getting hungry and when she saw some apples she grabbed a red, juicy one.

She continued walking in the neighborhood and heard some pounding going on. A house was being worked on and the three workers looked…It was her brother’s! Blossom squealed with joy and ran to them.

What a happy reunion they had! They were finishing up the house and invited Blossom to move in with them. They had wanted to get farther away from the big, bad wolf, so had moved. That night after a celebratory dinner of roast beef they all relaxed,

Days passed and Anson was feeling much better. His crazy encounter with Blossom became a figment of his imagination. At least that is what he convinced himself it was. He didn’t say a word to anyone about it and he didn’t do rain dances anymore.

On Saturday he walked to the market close by. He was feeling happy, all felt right in his little world. After picking up a few items, he started walking home on the sunshiny day. Oh, the house that had been under construction was finished. He should say Hi to the new neighbors. In fact maybe they would like the Peach pie he had bought.

He rang the doorbell and waited. Blossom opened the door. “HI Anson! What a surprise. Guess what, I found … Anson, Anson, where are you going?”

He had dropped his food at the door and was …. running all the way home.

19 thoughts on “Rain Dance?

  1. Oh, Joy! As much as we NEED a rain dance HERE, I WANT to do the pig dance. Little pig, little pig, let me in. Or little pig, little pig, please build a house next door! I always enjoy your writing, my friend! It makes me squeal in delight! 💕 🐷

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