The Magic of the Sea

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“Feel the magic.” Her mom’s words echoed in her heart, as she walked along the shore. Feeling the wet sand between her toes. It was still warm from the high summer temps.

The magic of the sea had found its way into Danielle’s heart when she was young. Many trips to the sea had been made as a family when Danielle was growing up. Happy memories warmed her heart.

Danielle had said she would never stop coming to the sea and then her heart fell for a dark, handsome cowboy. They moved to Montana, far away from any sea, but Danielle learned to enjoy the wide open prairie. She was young, and in love, and would follow her cowboy anywhere.

Together forever was how Danielle imagined their life. Riding through the prairie on their horses, side by side. Celebrating their life together and the start of a new one. But then tragedy struck! An accident took her cowboy away. Her heart was in pieces when she came back home. Broken dreams, this was not how it was supposed to be.

It had been four months and feeling a little stronger now, she listened to her heart calling her to the sea.

“Go and Feel the magic”, her mom had said, as she looked at her with eyes full of tender love and compassion.

It was such a beautiful night. The stars in the sky and the cerulean blue sea reflecting the moon. She felt the sea mesmerize her once again.

After walking a little more down the sandy shore she gasped in awe. There was a tiny circle of starfishes, and seashells, with one amazing, glowing shell.

She picked up the glowing shell and couldn’t stop smiling, half expecting tiny fairies to fly out of it.

Danielle knew exactly where the beautiful seashell would go when she returned home. In the nursery, on the small table beside the rocking chair.

Rubbing her stomach, she felt a gentle kick. Her eyes glimmered with tears of hope for what was to come. The sound of the waves stirred her soul, “Feel the magic, my little one.” Danielle said, as she felt another kick and continued walking along the shore.

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