Legend of the Giant Cats … A glowing blue sea … The Special Fact …


Glad to know that thanks to my husband, I am safe.


What a feeling, to know that people liked your stories that much!




I want to go there.

5 A guessing game for you. What personal significance does the number 19,478 have to me?

6. Another year is almost over, and one of the best facts is that I have amazing followers! Thank you for reading my stories and encouraging me in my writing. Some of you I have had the privilege of meeting face to face, but whether I met you or not, the fact that wonderful friendships have been developed can’t be denied. It’s a priceless fact! Happy New Year!May the friendships continue. ❤️

The Magic of the Sea

Pinterest image

“Feel the magic.” Her mom’s words echoed in her heart, as she walked along the shore. Feeling the wet sand between her toes. It was still warm from the high summer temps.

The magic of the sea had found its way into Danielle’s heart when she was young. Many trips to the sea had been made as a family when Danielle was growing up. Happy memories warmed her heart.

Danielle had said she would never stop coming to the sea and then her heart fell for a dark, handsome cowboy. They moved to Montana, far away from any sea, but Danielle learned to enjoy the wide open prairie. She was young, and in love, and would follow her cowboy anywhere.

Together forever was how Danielle imagined their life. Riding through the prairie on their horses, side by side. Celebrating their life together and the start of a new one. But then tragedy struck! An accident took her cowboy away. Her heart was in pieces when she came back home. Broken dreams, this was not how it was supposed to be.

It had been four months and feeling a little stronger now, she listened to her heart calling her to the sea.

“Go and Feel the magic”, her mom had said, as she looked at her with eyes full of tender love and compassion.

It was such a beautiful night. The stars in the sky and the cerulean blue sea reflecting the moon. She felt the sea mesmerize her once again.

After walking a little more down the sandy shore she gasped in awe. There was a tiny circle of starfishes, and seashells, with one amazing, glowing shell.

She picked up the glowing shell and couldn’t stop smiling, half expecting tiny fairies to fly out of it.

Danielle knew exactly where the beautiful seashell would go when she returned home. In the nursery, on the small table beside the rocking chair.

Rubbing her stomach, she felt a gentle kick. Her eyes glimmered with tears of hope for what was to come. The sound of the waves stirred her soul, “Feel the magic, my little one.” Danielle said, as she felt another kick and continued walking along the shore.

The Horn of Friendship

Long, long ago, back when unicorns walked on the earth, there was a small house by the sea. It wasn’t your typical house, and the one who lived in it felt as proud as could be for having such a unique house. There was no other house that he knew of that had quite the same design.

The red headed boy with the fair complexion found solace in the funny looking house by the sea.

He was all alone, except for his friends, the unicorns. They would often make him smile as they walked along the shore.

Together they would walk and when the boy grew tired, the unicorns would give him a ride.

One day as they were taking their 103rd walk by the sea,the boy asked Ally, his favorite unicorn, a question.

“Why does the ocean look so dull? The water is gray, I wish it would be my favorite color blue and sparkle.”

Ally, the unicorn was quiet for a moment, deep in thought. Unicorns always liked to take their time answering questions. They wanted to give the best answer possible, for after all they were the smartest animals.

The boy waited while digging his feet into the cool sand. It felt great, compared to esrlier in the day, when it was burning hot.

When Ally spoke, the boy was all ears. “I do not know why the sea is gray, but I will see what I can do.”

Weeks passed and the boy wondered if Ally had forgotten about her promise about the sea.

Then one morning it happened! The boy woke up rubbing sleep out of his green eyes. Then he got dressed and made himself a seaweed sandwich for the 999th time.

When breakfast was finished he cleaned up and was ready for his walk with Ally.

He opened the door and let out a yell of delight. The sea was a vivid blue. Where was Ally, she had done it! He couldn’t wait to ask her how.

It was the most prettiest shade of blue that he had ever seen. Plus the water sparkled as if there were emeralds dancing on it. The boy ran into the water, splashing with joy.

He was coming out of the water when he saw Ally coming his way. The boy started running towards her and then stopped suddenly. Something was different about her. The boy was confused, what was it? She didn’t look like herself. He gasped in shock.

“Ally, where oh where is your sparkling blue horn?”

Ally smiled and looked into the sea. The boy didn’t understand. Then with great shock he watched all the other unicorns coming his way. None of them had their sparkling blue horns!

He stared at all of them and looked once more into the deep blue sea that sparkled with emeralds. It was then that he began to understand. The horns of the unicorns were visible no longer, but they would sparkle forever in the deep blue sea.

Tears rolled out of the boy’s eyes. Ally stood beside him. “No need for tears. We all are fine and wanted to give this gift of love to you. All we ask is that you remember and pass on whatever gifts of love that you can give. Big or small, they are all important.”

“And that is the story of what happened to the horns of the unicorns.” He smiled at his grandchildren, his pride and joy.

Nine year old Daisy gave him a suspicious look. “Are you teasing us Grandpa?”

Grandpa tickled her under her chin. There was a twinkle in his eye, “Would I do that? Remember me telling you about the horse I had as a child? Perhaps there was a time when she had a sparkling blue horn.”

After tucking them all into bed he walked outside into the moonlight. Stared out into the sea and remembered his friends from long ago.

A Magical Day

Lanikai Turtle Beach Painting from Pinterest

Little Cody couldn’t wait to see the sea turtles He broke free from his Mom’s arms and ran towards the water looking all around. All he saw was endless waves and sand. He kicked at the sand, where were they?

“Hey buddy, so are you happy to be here? The water is beautiful isn’t it. It’s green like sea turtles.”

Cody folded his arms across his chest and stuck out his bottom lip. “Its stupid!”

Melinda stepped back in shock, she wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction. “What is wrong, you were all excited on our way here?”

“There are no sea turtles! Why is it called Sea Turtle Beach, if there aren’t any actual sea turtles?” He narrowed his eyes at his mom and she had to work at not laughing. She did feel bad for him, but sometimes when he was mad he looked so cute.

Wrapping her arms around him she pulled him close. “I am sorry buddy, maybe they will come out later. While we wait, we can still have fun in the waves. The water should be super warm.”

Cody brightened up a little as he grabbed his mom’s hand and they ran into the water. Soon he was yelling with glee, splashing in the waves. For now, he had forgotten all about the sea turtles that weren’t there.

Mother and son were having a splendid time, oblivious to anything else, besides the sand and water around them.

After splashing in the waves, Cody wanted to build a sand castle. He got his blue bucket and shovel and started digging. He was concentrating hard. Building a castle was serious work.

The beach was quiet, only a few people around. Melinda was having as much fun as Cody. She was so thrilled to have won this trip to Hawaii for her and Cody. This would indeed be an adventure of a lifetime, she would make sure of it. One of the first things on her agenda was to find some sea turtles. They had to be somewhere.

“Mommy, this is the bestest day ever!”

She smiled and her heart was full. For a moment in time the stress of their lives were behind them. For a moment in time she could forget. She gazed into the ocean and she yelled, “Cody, look!”

His face sparked with joy as he jumped to his feet. “Mommy, Mommy its two sea turtles!”

Mother and son were caught up in the moment of excitement. They never had noticed the big brown eyes of a cow that had been watching them from the time they arrived.

The sea turtles were drifting in the sea. “Stop grumbling.” Myrtle said to Tulag, the other sea turtle.

“I am not grumbling. But one moment I am basking in the sun and the next I am suddenly riding ocean waves. Why can’t Betsy give us notice before she rings her enchanted cowbell?”

Myrtle rolled her eyes, “Did you hear how happy we made that little boy, thats what matters. She makes people happy with her cowbell and I am always glad to help out.”

“Yes, I guess you are right.”

“Of course I am, I am your wife.” Myrtle snickered as she caught the next wave.

Once Cody got his fill of watching the sea turtles he was ready for some bubblegum icecream. They started walking back to their car.

“Mommy, what is this?” Melinda stopped and looked at what Cody had picked up from the sand.

“That’s strange. It looks like a silver cowbell, but …. why would a cowbell be on the beach?”

“Can I keep it? Please Mommy. Jimmy doesn’t have a silver cowbell! I don’t think any of my friends do. I would be the only one. His smile stretched from ear to ear. How could she say no? What harm could a simple cowbell be?

“Sure honey!”

“Cool! I wonder how loud it rings.”

(To be continued…)

Healing Waves

This is the next part to Coming Up For Air

She drew her shoulders up, zipping her jacket the whole way up. It was nippy out but the roar of the waves made her forget the cold.

No one was around, not many people come to the beach in the middle of winter. Not unless one lives down South or is going to a tropical island.

Kaylee would have been elated to go to a tropical island, but unfortunately her bank account made it only possible to go to the beach close to her. Even if it was in Portland, Maine.

The solitude was perfect for her, no one could see her tears. She was supposed to see him in six weeks. Only six weeks! She had been counting down the days, and now …. who knew when she would see him again. Kaylee couldn’t let herself think of the other real possibility, the fact that she may not ever see him again. No! Impossible! That couldn’t happen.

A gust of wind blew and she jerked around to look. Where was he? The wind smelled like the Axe cologne that Evan had worn on their last night together.

He assured her that he would be back. Where was he? What had happened to him?

She fell to her knees on the sand, remembering his tender kiss and the love reflected in the deep pools of his anber eyes.

Tears caused her body to tremble. He hadn’t made it to his destination. For six weeks he was going to be doing an internship in a medical center in New Mexico.

Police had found his car in a ravine, and his pbone but there was no sign of him. There was a search party going on and they would keep her posted, but so far there was no word. She kept her phone charged now and was constantly checking it but only deafening silence. Well except for friends checking in on her.

Oh Evan, you have to be okay! You have to come back to me. She put her face in her hands.

“Let us run to the ocean…When you can let the pain in your heart be overpowered by the roar of the waves. ..”

Kaylee felt Heidi’s hand on her shoulder as she sank down on the sand beside her.

“You came?”

“How could I not? Remember the other words in that poem.

I will hold you while you cry. I will not let you fight this alone. Let us run to the ocean, dear friend, let us go!”

They embraced. Kaylee had penned that poem for Heidi years ago when she had lost her mom.

No words were needed as they watched the crashing waves. When their hands started growing numb from the cold they decided to leave.

The days drug by and still no word.Heidi did her best to keep Kaylee’s spirits up, but it was hard, the longer it went. Then one day Kaylee got the call.

“Final boarding call…”

Kaylee hugged Heidi. “Thanks for everything! I would never have made it without you.”

“Go! Bring Evan home.” With tear filled eyes Heidi watched Kaylee leave. Watching the plane take off was beautiful. The sun was beginning to rise and the sky was gorgeous.

How appropriate that today was Thanksgiving. Evan had been found. He had been found unconscious in a ditch. As his memory started to come back he said he had remembered leaving the car to go for help but nothing after that.

He had been dehydrated and had a broken arm, but that was it. There was no holding Kaylee back when she found out where he was.

Kaylee pushed open the door to Evan’s hospital room. “Happy Thanksgiving, my love!” She rushed to Evan’s side. His eyes twinkled with surprised delight! “Oh Kaylee. You are exactly what the Dr ordered.”

Their lips met and … the turkey was dry, the corn was old and the muffins were dry, but it was the best Thanksgiving of all! They were celebrating in a hospital room but they had each other and that was all that mattered.

Finding Gold, Music in the Waves and More Facts

If you found your way into a gold vault what would you do? I hope you enjoy these random facts.


Now that is one honest guy!


This would be a cool tree to see, but I don’t think I am going to Indonesia or the Philippines any time soon.


I wonder how long the passengers were stranded!


Awh! They really do. Isn’t it cute!


And sometimes there is just no words, but if her stomach is full of chocolate she may be even more responsive, rigbt ladies?


What a great idea!

The Calling of the Sea!



My body instantly relaxes as I step into the warm sand, feeling it squish up between my toes. I smell the most wonderful scent of all, the smell of the salty sea. I hear the joyful sound of the seagull’s call, as they fly free.  They are welcoming me back to the place that has forever captured my heart.

Where my soul is refreshed, and worries washed away by the waves of the sea. Where time stands still as I soak in the joy of the moment.  When the pleasures of the sea grab hold of me like an octopus and don’t let go. My heart smiles as I pick up seashells; my gift from the sea.

My friend and I walk along the edge of the sea, talking, laughing and sometimes just being silent, letting the waves speak.

Knowing in our hearts that there is no other place we would rather be!

Could we be mermaids in disguise … probably!

** We aren’t at the beach yet, but I am dreaming, as the countdown has begun! **
