The Horn of Friendship

Long, long ago, back when unicorns walked on the earth, there was a small house by the sea. It wasn’t your typical house, and the one who lived in it felt as proud as could be for having such a unique house. There was no other house that he knew of that had quite the same design.

The red headed boy with the fair complexion found solace in the funny looking house by the sea.

He was all alone, except for his friends, the unicorns. They would often make him smile as they walked along the shore.

Together they would walk and when the boy grew tired, the unicorns would give him a ride.

One day as they were taking their 103rd walk by the sea,the boy asked Ally, his favorite unicorn, a question.

“Why does the ocean look so dull? The water is gray, I wish it would be my favorite color blue and sparkle.”

Ally, the unicorn was quiet for a moment, deep in thought. Unicorns always liked to take their time answering questions. They wanted to give the best answer possible, for after all they were the smartest animals.

The boy waited while digging his feet into the cool sand. It felt great, compared to esrlier in the day, when it was burning hot.

When Ally spoke, the boy was all ears. “I do not know why the sea is gray, but I will see what I can do.”

Weeks passed and the boy wondered if Ally had forgotten about her promise about the sea.

Then one morning it happened! The boy woke up rubbing sleep out of his green eyes. Then he got dressed and made himself a seaweed sandwich for the 999th time.

When breakfast was finished he cleaned up and was ready for his walk with Ally.

He opened the door and let out a yell of delight. The sea was a vivid blue. Where was Ally, she had done it! He couldn’t wait to ask her how.

It was the most prettiest shade of blue that he had ever seen. Plus the water sparkled as if there were emeralds dancing on it. The boy ran into the water, splashing with joy.

He was coming out of the water when he saw Ally coming his way. The boy started running towards her and then stopped suddenly. Something was different about her. The boy was confused, what was it? She didn’t look like herself. He gasped in shock.

“Ally, where oh where is your sparkling blue horn?”

Ally smiled and looked into the sea. The boy didn’t understand. Then with great shock he watched all the other unicorns coming his way. None of them had their sparkling blue horns!

He stared at all of them and looked once more into the deep blue sea that sparkled with emeralds. It was then that he began to understand. The horns of the unicorns were visible no longer, but they would sparkle forever in the deep blue sea.

Tears rolled out of the boy’s eyes. Ally stood beside him. “No need for tears. We all are fine and wanted to give this gift of love to you. All we ask is that you remember and pass on whatever gifts of love that you can give. Big or small, they are all important.”

“And that is the story of what happened to the horns of the unicorns.” He smiled at his grandchildren, his pride and joy.

Nine year old Daisy gave him a suspicious look. “Are you teasing us Grandpa?”

Grandpa tickled her under her chin. There was a twinkle in his eye, “Would I do that? Remember me telling you about the horse I had as a child? Perhaps there was a time when she had a sparkling blue horn.”

After tucking them all into bed he walked outside into the moonlight. Stared out into the sea and remembered his friends from long ago.

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