Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! Happiness is having your flowers live longer than usual. There must have been some angel dust sprinkled on them from above.  

For anyone who is interested, I need to set the record straight. Two blogger friends let me know that there really is such a thing as Banzai skydiving. I had posted about it in my Sunday’s post, thinking it was too CRAZY for anyone to actually try, but I was wrong. This is from the Guiness Book of World Records, “Yasuhiro Kubo (Japan), jumped from a plane at an altitude of 3,000 m. (9,842 ft) without a parachute and in 50 seconds hooked onto a parachute which was thrown out prior to his jump on 2 September 2000 in Davis, California, USA.” Thanks LT and Barb for the information. 

Hope your week is off to a good start and that you can find some smiles and encouragment in the quotes below. 











43 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Thoughts!

  1. #2 and #3 spoke personally to me. That aside, I’m glad Jason changed his mind about jumping out of a plane in mid-air! My question is, did thinking about doing it make him need to change his underwear? (Oh no, I just thought about that if he goes commando! )

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