Friday’s Super Short Stories!

2022 is only hours away … What is a highlight from this year? One of mine would be attending the Writer’s Conference back in June … an amazing time! What do you look forward to in 2022? 

Do you have a favorite New Year’s Eve/Day tradition? One of ours is giving Hallmark ornaments to my children that represent something special in their lives from the past year … Have been doing it since they were little. They will have a box of ornaments to take with them when they move out. 

How many books do you read in a year? I have been inspired to keep track of the books I read in 2022, thanks to my friend’s blog post  Any guesses on how many it may be? 


In Between the Pages

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The crystal moon glowed in the sky. Victoria gazed up at the moon, feeling enchantment in the air. She felt like there was a heater inside her filling her soul with warmth, in spite of the frosty air.

On this eve of a New Year promise bubbled up inside of her. This was it. The beginning of her long awaited dream had been put into motion, and anticipation filled her.

Celebrating with friends had been fun but now she better head inside and get some sleep. There was a lot of work ahead of her in the coming weeks.

Ooh that tickled, Victoria drew her shoulder up to her neck. Now something was lightly rubbing the other side of her neck, making her squirm.

Opening her eyes she saw her brother standing there grinning. He was holding a feather in his hand.

She raised her hand to swat at him but he ducked, moving out of reach.

“Thought it was time that you woke up. Or did you want to sleep in the chair all night?”

Victoria looked at the time on the phone. How did it get so late! “How long was I sleeping? There is still so much to do.” A worried frown crossed her face.

“Relax sis! I got it all taken care of.”

Rising from her chair and looking around she saw that he was right. Every book was on the shelf. The kids corner shined with its bright yellow and red furniture. The plump beanbags and the swinging chairs looked cozy. Plush animals were ready and waiting to meet their new friends.

“Thank you!” She gave her brother a hug.

“No problem. There really wasn’t that much to do. Besides I got to hear your deepest secrets. You talked in your sleep about Mark, your boyfriend. Just wait til I see him again.”

Victoria flushed, “i did not, what did I say?”

“My lips are sealed.” This time he didn’t duck in time as a plush bear sailed through the air and hit its target.

After she left the library with her brother they grabbed a bite to eat. Now he had gone home and she found herself once again standing outside, looking into the night sky.

Tomorrow was the Grand Opening, the day had come! Breathing a prayer she asked the question that she had asked herself countless times before.

Would people come to her library? Would it be successful? It was small, but there was something that set it apart from all other libraries. That secret thing she hoped would be enough to bring people to her library and keep them coming back.

4 months had flown by. Her library was a fabulous success! Victoria couldn’t be more happy. Times had changed. Reading always took one to new places in their mind, but now the reader could go to some places for real.

Victoria smiled as the Fleagle couple walked up to the check out desk. Mr. Fleagle held his cane in one hand and his wife’s hand in the other.

Mrs. Fleagle’s eyes were bright. They were such a cute couple.

“Where are you off to today?”

“Its our anniversary and we want to take a boatride on the Blue Danube.”

They handed Victoria a book on “Places to see in Europe.”

She took the book and activated tbe red button. Then she handed it back with a reminder. “Happy Anniversary and remember you need to bring the book back within 2 weeks,before the button no longer works.”

They assured her they would and Victoria watched them walk out the door. She knew she would see them again, they came all the time.

She sighed as she thought about the poor man that she had only seen once. He had checked out the book, “Mysteries of the Deep- The Bermuda Triangle”

The Bluebird’s Song

This is the conclusion to Thoughts from the Tower

Sherilyn paced the room. There was no way she could stay sitting still. Worrisome thoughts were jumping around like popcorn in her brain. She had to do something, and pacing the floor helped to warm her up

Oh, what was he going to do, a fine mese he got himself into! Poor Sherilyn was probably so confused and scared. He should have tried to explain things to her, but there just wasn’t time.

Sitting at the table in the kitchen, he heard the castle door open.

“Clayton, Clayton, where are you?”

The deep booming of his voice filled Clayton with dread. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He thought he had more time.

But no, his time had run out. He hadn’t paid hie taxes on the Castle and now he would lose it. As much as he hated to lose the castle he was more concerned about Sherilyn.

Jaime was an unscrupulous tax collector and he was here for more than just the castle.

Clayton heard Jaime’s footsteps echo in the hallway. “There you are. How nice to see you, this fine day.” His gloating smile made Clayton look down.

Jaime laughed at the look on Clayton’s face. “Soo are you all packed up? Time is a wasting, and I am ready for my prize.”

An evil smile crossed his face. “Where is she? My bride to be? Remember the fine print, everything in the castle belongs to me!”

“She is not a thing! Just let her go back home, she won’t cause you any problems.”

Jamie’s face got red, “She is mine! I saw her out walking and she caught my eye. Why do you think I came today? So hurry up, finish packing and bring me the girl!”

Meanwhile Sherilyn was trying to remember the song of the bluebird to calm her heart that was getting more frantic by the minute. Why did Clayton lock her in here? He must have some evil motive.

Tears were starting to form in her eyes and she angrily wiped them away. She wouldn’t give into fear.

What was that? What was at her tiny window? Something was pecking….Her eyes got as wide as the ocean. A bluebird was pecking at her window!

It was so fluffed up and pecking so hard. Sherilyn had to open the window. For how else would she be able to hear its song.

“Listen to the song of the bluebird” … the sound of her sweet grandmother’s voice brought a calmness to her spirit.

Upon opening the window the bluebird began to sing. It would sing a little and then start to fly away. Turn around, come back and sing a little, and fly away and then come back. Was the bird beckoning her to follow. That was impossible!

There was no way she could fly after the bird. Could she?

“You better start talking, where did you hide her? I know she is here I watched her come here today.”

Clayton was fumbling with his bags and he pursed his lips together, biting his lips due to his nerves.

The bell rang. Who would be at the castle door now? Clayton was a mess, how was he supposed to welcome anyone to the castle now? Bad timing indeed.

Opening the door he got the shock of his life. It was Sherilyn and some old lady. Both of them wearing radiant smiles.

Clayton was speechless. “How did you? … I am so sorry … I can explain ..

He couldn’t think straight!

Jamie came to the door and he saw the damsel that he wanted to be his. He grabbed Sherilyn’s arm.

“Oh No, you don’t!”

Jaime’s grandmother hit him over the head with her heavy purse. While he was dazed for a few moments, the grandmother confronted Clayton.

“You saved my granddaughter by locking her up, how can I ever thank you?”

Poor Clayton couldn’t make heads or tails of what was transpiring. “I ..I…”

Finally he managed to just get a few words out. “How did you know?”

Ignoring him at first Grandmother handed him a check. “Will this cover your back taxes?”

He was feeling faint. Without saying a word he handed the check to Jamie.

“Why thank you! Looks like Clayton has a hero. I still want the girl though.” “

“Not happenimg!” There was fire in grandmother’s eyes. Sherilyn had never seen her look that way before.

“Take your money and get off this private property in 3 minutes.”

Sherilyn was speechless while watching everything. Jaime sighed, he knew he was beat. He couldn’t mess with someone’s dear, sweet grandmother.

When Jaime was finally gone, Clayton found his voice. “How? How did you know everything? How can I ever thank you for what you did?”

Sherilyn gave him a sunny smile of true joy. “Listen to the song of the bluebird” she said, giving hin a little wink.

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Only a few more days left in this year, are you ready for 2022? I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and that if you celebrated Christmas, that you were truly able to enjoy it! That there were lots of smiles and warm hearts amidst the stress that some Christmas get togethers can bring. Hope you had plenty of Egg Nog to enjoy as well. Enjoy the following quotes and best wishes for a bright ending to this year, along with starting 2022 off on the right foot! 











Thoughts from the Tower

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Lost in the sound of the waves, Sherilyn sat at her desk by the window. Contentment filled her. She had finished writing several poems while sitting in this amazing castle. It felt surreal. What better place could there be to gain inspiration.

“Listen to tbe song of the bluebird.” Her grandmother’s words came back to her.

How her grandmother loved birds, especially the bluebird. Sherilyn grew to understand why her grandmother would often repeat that phrase about the bluebird to her. It was her way of telling Sherilyn to follow her heart.

Sherilyn loved her grandmother so much and couldn’t wait to finish this collection of poetry for her.

Her grandmother had always believed in her and her dreams. For this she was truly grateful. She believed in her so much that she had paid for her trip to Ireland! Sherilyn had been so shocked.

Outside walking along the water she may not hear the chipper singing of the bluebird, but she was captivated by the sound of the waves.

Time had passed quickly. She had been outside for 2 hours, enjoying the ocean. Her long hair was blowing in the wind, it would probably be a tangled mess but oh well, she didn’t care. There was noone here that she was trying to impress.

The owner of the castle was a younger guy arounf her age but somewhat strange and then there was the cook and butler. Sherilyn thought there would be more guests at the castle, but she was the only one.

At first she felt uneasy about being the only guest, but the feeling didn’t last long. She didn’t have time to socialize anyway, so it was a good thing that she was alone. No distractions.

She headed back inside. Perhaps she would take a little rest. When she got to her room the bed did look extra inviting. Before she could decide about a nap there was knocking on her door. Who could that be, she wondered.

When she opened her door, the owner of the castle was standing there.

“Good afternoon Miss,” he bowed and Sherilyn smiled.

“Hi! Do you need something?”

Clayton silently stared at her just long enough to make that uncomfortable feeling come back qgain.

“Would you like to see the tower? I was thinking how I didn’t take you there when giving you a tour.

Seeing more of the castle excited her, though there was a feeling in her gut telling her not to go.

Sherilyn pushed her wary feeling down. She was at a castle that she would probably never come to again, she should see everything.

“Sure, lets go!” She replied and Clayton led the way.

In the middle of climbing the steps she was regretting her decision. Her legs were tired from walking the beach. What had she been thinking, she should have came another day.

Finally they made it up to the room in the tower. Stepping into the room she felt a chill. The room was cold and there was only one tiny window to see out of. Well now she saw it, she was ready to go back. Curiosity solved.

Turning around to say something to Clayton she got a shock. He was gone. And that was when she heard the turn of the lock.

A silent dread washed over her like a tsunami. No, it couldn’t be. She ran to the door and tried turning the knob. Her fear was comfirmed. It didn’t turn, she was trapped.

(To be continued. .)

“Mario Kart” saves a life, The Queen of England has Fun, and More Facts…


This made me chuckle, the link above will tell more of the story.


Not all video games are bad! This was one quick thinking child! Sadly if I drove like I did when I tried to play Mario Kart years ago with my kids, it would not turn out well! I do much better with a real car.


I like this! A way to see a glimpse of someone’s true character.


We need some days like that! Just listening to relaxing music, not hearing news ,which more often than not makes your blood pressure go up.


Hmm … I don’t think my husband’s Best Man knew how to wield a sword. A good thing that there was no need for it.


I do not believe I would be getting on any more ships!

Friday’s Super Short Stories and Music!

Merry Christmas Eve! The folMerry Christmas Eve! The following song is brought to you by my husband … he played it for me and I had to share my groans, I mean laughter, with all of you.

When you hope that Santa’s sleigh makes it to your house in time to put 2 more gifts under the tree!

When you carry the true meaning of Christmas in your heart all year long … not just for a day!

Wishing all of you a Wonderful, Joy-filled Christmas! Thanks for the smiles you bring throughout the year and for reading my posts! Here are 2 more Christmas songs for you that I hope you enjoy!

Testing the Sleigh

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Were they living at the North Pole? Cassandra was beginning to think so. Her nose was pressed up against the window pane. If she was to step outside a snow drift may swallow her up.

Thankful for the warm fireplace, Cassandra walked away from the window, grabbed a book and sat by the fire.

What adventure would Sally go on now? Cassandra had fun reading about Sally but a part of her longed to have an adventurous life like Sally! Maybe someday.

As her Mom’s piano playing rang through the room, Cassandra began to read.

“Time for bed dear ”

“Oh Mama just one more chapter please!”

Jane smiled at her daughters pleading eyes and relented.

“One more and than get some sleep. Christmas will soon be here and we have lots of baking to do tomorrow.”

Cassandra could almost taste her favorite cookies by just thinking of them. She loved Cookie Day, they made so many cookies to give away and plenty to keep. Though wifh Cassandra’s dad and brother the cookies never lasted long.

“Goodnight darling.” Kissing her on the cheek her mom walked up the stairs to go to bed. Now it was only Cassandra downstairs. She didn’t mind. There was a certain magic in the air, being alone downstairs while the snow fell. Feeling all snug and cozy, with their Boston Terrier lying at Cassandra’s feet.

A blast of cold air blew in. It startled Cassandra, making her shiver.

“You dummkopf! Look where you are going.”

Lost in wonder, Cassandra watched the unfolding scene in front of her. There was a sleigh halfway in her house and 2 elves arguing!

“It isn’t my fault, blame the GPS! I think it malfunctioned.”

All one could hear was the GPS repeating, “recalculating, recalculating…”

“Sure is a good thing we took this electric sleigh out for a trial run before Christmas Eve. I don’t think its going to work. We are going to still need to use the reindeer. They know the way to go!”

Mesmerized Cassandra continued to stare. There were real elves in front of her! Not just any elves but Santa’s. They had to be! Kind of funny looking with their big ears, but yet they were cute.

Noticing Cassandra the elves got a little color to their cheeks.

“Please excuse us, we are so sorry for the intrusion. We will just back out and be on our way.”

They started backing out when Cassandra snapped out of her daze.

“Please don’t go. Not yet. Are you Santa’s elves?”

“Ssh! Its supposed to be a secret but yes, we are. Pleased to meet you.”

Oooh Cassandra was jubilant with joy! There really was a Santa, she knew it!!

“My name is Alabaster and this “doolally” is named Snowball.”

Cassandra scrunched up her face. “Doolally… what does that mean?”

“It means noodlebrain.”

“Thats silly,” she laugbed. Then a light came to her eyes, “i can call my brother that!”

Snowball looked at Alabaster. “Well aren’t you teaching fine things. You are going to get her in trouble and put on Santa’s naughty list, for calling her brother names, dummkopf.”

Alabaster felt guilty and tried to change the subject fast, hoping Cassandra would forget the name.

“How would you like to go on a ride?”

“Are you crazy?” Snowball’s eyes were big with surprise.

“Yes,yes,yes! Pleeeeese!” Cassandra was jumping up and down.

“Bundle up warm and then we will go.” Alabaster told her.

“With a huge bounce in her step she went to the closet to dig out her boots and gloves and her thick ruby red coat.

Snowball was still shaking his head.

“Relax, it will be fine. We will just take her for a little spin.”

Skepticism was all across Snowball’s face. He hoped Alabaster was right or they may both be looking for new jobs!

Cassandra was as quick as a snap, bundled up from head to toe. “Lets go!” She exclaimed!

Alabaster may not be Santa, his belly didn’t shake like a bowlful of jelly but he had her bundled into the sleigh as quick as a flash.

Over the rooftops they flew. Cassandra felt like she could reach out and touch a star.

Too soon they came back down, landing right at her door this time, instead of running into it.

Little Cassandra’s face radiated pure happiness, which made the elves beam with pleasure as well.

“Well the hour is late, we gotta go.”

“But how will I remember you and know that all of this wasn’t a dream?”

“Miss. Cassandra, we bestow upon you our one of a kind elf hats.”

In total shock she accepted them from Alabaster’s hands. This indeed would be a night to remember.

Snug in her bed for a long night sleep, she could still feel their hugs as they bid her adieu.

What was that? “Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, she tore from her bed to see what was the matter. Away to the window she flew like a flash, threw open the shutters and tore up the sash.”

“Oh , this sleigh is no good! Now it won’t get off the ground!”

Cassandra watched, muffling her laughter. Then suddenly before her bright green eyes the sleigh rose in the sky and she heard, “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night”

The Magical Sparkle

10 days until Christmas! The town was all decked out in holiday cheer. Absolutely picturesque, with store fronts having a friendly decorating competition. The winner would be announced on Christmas Eve.

“Holly,Jolly Christmas’ was playing when Tippner entered Mason’s diner. He stood under the door a little too long.

“Merry Christmas Tippner!” Miss. Blossom kissed him on the cheek and as he wiped it off Miss.Peanut kissed him on the other cheek as she went out the door.

Tippner grumbled, “Why do you have to hang up mistletoe?”

Laughing, Cara said, “Oh don’t be a Scrooge!”

Tippner sat down at his bootb muttering to himself, “I will be a scrooge if I want.”

In his opinion there was too much glitz around town. He felt like he was living in a Hallmark movie or something. It was like the clouds had rained down glitter.

His store was decorated with the Grinch’s face everywhere! Cara and Sarah just shook their heads and rolled their eyes at him.

The diner was busy, everyone was out shopping and they all needed a coffee break. Cara needed a coffee break too. Her Candy Cane Chocolate Lattes were selling out, she better get more ingredients for Christmas Eve.

“Mason, we are running low on eggs and peppermint creamer, could you run to the store?”

“I need to run a special errand so I will pick them up on the way back.” He put on his coat and gloves.

Cara looked at him, “But I thought you said that you were finished your Christmas shoppimg?”

Smiling, he shrugged, “Have to run, before they close.”

“You have plenty of time, the stores here have extended hours.” Cara replied, as she fixed more coffee.

“But this store isn’t in town. See ya later.” With a wink he headed for the door.

“Not in town, then where are …” the door closed. Cara wondered where he was going, Amanda was coming in a few days. Hmmm….maybe it was something for her. A slow smile spread across her face.

Hours later Cara was ready to get off her feet. It had been non-stop customers. Of all days for Mason to go on a secret errand. Just wait til she saw him tomorrow. Perhaps she would take an extra long lunch break, tomorrow.

Having just mopped the floor she started walking towards the back of the store when she heard something at the door. The Closed sign was up, who was there?

Opening up the door a crack, she almost got knocked down when a sheep dog burst in. His muddy paws trampling all over the floor!

Cara groaned. He was a mess! They didn’t have snow this week, they had rain and mud. It looked like he had been out in it for a long time.

“Where did you come from big fella?” She put out a bowl of water and he lapped it up so quickly. Poor fella, was probably hungry too. Finding some food in the back she filled a bowl with food and one with water. He wagged his tail with delight and sighing, she went back to mopping the floor all over again.

After eating the dog had laid down watching Cara. She couldn’t help but smile at him. They already had 3 dogs but Cara couldn’t turn him back out in the rain. She would bring him home. Bard would understand. He knew she had a big heart when it came to anomals. Hopefully they could find his owner before Christmas.

The door blew open and Tippner ran inside with his muddy boots. “Tippner!!’

“You have to come! There’s been an accident. ”

Cara’s eyes deepened with concern looking at Tippner’s stricken face. “Who?”

“It’s Mason, a car ran a redlight and plowed into him.”

Forgetting about the dog, Cara ran out the door with Tippner and jumped in his car. Neither of them spoke as Tippner drove to the hospital.

Fear clutched at Cara’s stomach, as they drove.

When they got to the hospital, Cara gave Sarah and Grayson a tight hug,

“How bad is it?”

“He is unconscious, swelling on his brain, all we can do is wait.”

Tears mingled as they all hugged again. The waiting room quickly filled up. Word spreads quickly in a small town like Bittersweet Creek.

Through the night people were there with Cara, Bard, Grayson, Sarah and Tippner. Old Man Fuzzywhistle came and Cara had never seen him with tears in his eyes before. But they were there when he walked out of Mason’s room.

Tippner kept banging the vending machine, it made him feel better and so far he had managed to dislodge 2 Snickers bars.

Grayson paced the floor as Sarah tried to get him to sit down. Finally he did, with his head in his hands. Others had their heads bowed in prayer.

Tippner looked around and said to Cara, “If only Mason could see how many people truly care about him. He would be overwhelmed.”

Grayson raised his head, ” Yes, people liked him for more than just his wavy, luxurious hair. Something we men in the family have to suffer with. The genetic trait of awesome hair.”

Everyone laughed, it felt good to break the tension.

“Silent Night, Holy Njght….” Carolers were in the hallway. Cara leaned against Bard and Sarah and Grayson were wrapped in each other’s arms as they listened. Tippy momentarily had stopped banging the vending machine and peace filled the room.

It was the wee hours of the morning and everyone had sore necks and backs but noone wanted to leave until they knew that Mason would be Ok.

Cara had phoned Amanda and she was leaving as soon as she could.

The hours passed and still no change. Tippner went to the diner to make coffee for everyone. He got pounced on when he entered the diner by one excited sheepdog!

The sheepdog started licking hun. He knew this dog, where had he seen it before? Yes, this was Randy’s dog! What was it doing here? He had told Randy he needed to move here, get away from those crazy women that put spells on him. Apparently the dog wanted knew to get away from them. He would call Randy later, he was probably worried, but doubted that he wanted disturbed at 3am!

At 7am Amanda arrived. Her eyes were red and swollen. Cara and Sarah gave her long hugs and they showed her Mason’s room and left. Only one person in a time was allowed in.

Amanda took his hand in hers, gently rubbing it. She was trying to swallow the lump in her throat.

“You have to wake up Mason, a whole waiting room full of people are waiting for you and I need you.”

“I need to see that smile that melts my heart and feel the touch that makes my heart race.”

She couldn’t say anymore as she laid her bead on his chest.

“Amanda, why are you crying? Where am I?”

Her head jerked up and she yelled, “You are awake! Doctor, Doctor!” She kept pushing the call button. It was happy chaos as the Dr and nurses gatbered around his bed.

It was Christmas Eve and Mason was coming home! He was doing fine. The Dr couldn’t believe it, the fact that he had survived with just bruises and scrapes was a miracle. His car was a mangled piece of metal.

“When is the Dr coming? I am ready to get out of here!”

“Relax, he is coming. In the meantime, we could watch more Hallmark movies ” Amanda gave a teasing grin, it was the only channel the hospital got.

Mason groaned as the Dr walked in.

“Are you feeling okay?”

Amanda laughed, I think you he needs a prescription for Hallmark movies.”

Once the Dr discharged him they stepped outside and he breatbed in the fresh air.

“Ahhh! Frels so good and look its snowing!”

“Its perfect, just like a movie!”

Amanda stuck out her tongue to catch a snowflake, could this day get any more magical?

“I love you Amanda Rose,” and they kissed as the snow fell, lost in a world of their own. The snow sparkled like diamonds. Amanda knew that nothing could shine brighter than her heart at this moment, not even the diamond ring on her finger.

