The Secret Ingredient

Cara was singing on her way to work. She felt so refreshed after an amazing vacation at the beach. The weather had been perfect, she was with Bard and it couldn’t have been any better! She owed Mason a big Thank you!

“Good Morning!” she called out when entering the coffee shop. Mason was wiping down the counters and he looked up with a smile.

“Welcome back! How was it?”

“Wonderful!” Cara replied, with a dreamy look on her face.

Mason stood at the counter trying not to laugh, as he looked at Cara’s bright red face! “Was there a lobster look alike contest at the beach?”

Cara rolled her eyes, “I may have fallen asleep and forgot to re-apply my sunscreen.”

“But watch what you say for I did bring something nice back for you! ”

Mason made the most innocent face that he could and said, “How kind. Thank you!”

“Bard will bring it by later today, its a surprise. But I also got you a bag of gummy worms. I know how you like them.” Cara said, handing him the bag.

There wasn’t any more time to chat for customers started coming through the door, ready for their morning coffee.

Cara was glad to see Jake and Joshua at their normal booth. Jake always liked sitting at the same one. She was smiling as she walked over to them.

“Hi guys! How are you?”

“We are fine, really fine, now that you are back! Between you and us, Mason was running himself ragged with you gone! He said he didn’t realize how hard your job was!”

Cara rose her eyebrows and looked at Mason headed their way.

“Oh so tell me what else did Mason say?” she asked, loud enough for Mason to hear.

“Hey Jake, what tales are you telling on me? I know the tall tales you tell.” Mason told him.

Jake chortled, “Nothing at all!” and he winked at Cara. Cara laughed patting Jake on the shoulder as she walked to the next table.

It was great talking with all the customers again. Some of the rumors she was hearing though made her wonder what all happened when she was away!

Tippner had been seen putting stickers of Unicorns on his car? She would have to ask him about that when he came back to town.

The lady who usually dressed real modestly had a short skirt and was overly hyper. Cara could never remember her name but she couldn’t imagine her in a too short of skirt. It wasn’t just her either, apparently a lot of the townspeople were extra hyper, after trying Cara’s new coffee drinks. They had loved them!

The drinks were a definite hit, which made her happy. Cara was sure to pour herself one on her break.

Hmmm…Cara had tried one before leaving on vacation and she thought it had been a lot sweeter. Maybe she had forgotten.

Later that day she poured herself her favorite Salted Caramel Latte. Was something off with her taste buds, this drink didn’t taste quite right either.

By the end of the day Cara was tired and looking forward to a relaxing supper with Sarah.

She was emptying the trash when she saw something that caught her eye. Big empty 5 pound bags of Sweet and Low! Why would they have big bags? They usually had little packets of it for those who wanted it but the only 5 pound of bags they had were of sugar. Cara used them to mix up her special…

Oooh he didn’t! Did Mason use Sweet and Low in her coffee mixes? Thats why they weren’t as sweet! Did he really think she could be that easily fooled!

She was shaking her head in disbelief when Sarah came in the door.

“Hi Cara! Welcome back! Are you ready to go?”

They hugged and Cara said, “Yup, I will dump this in the dumpster as we leave. Sarah what all happened when I was gone?”

“Oh girl! Do I have a story for you! Did you notice anything different about your coffee drinks?”

“I knew it!” said Cara!

“You know there will be trouble when Tippner and Mason conspire! I overheard them and will fill you all in.”

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