Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy June! I hope your first week of June brings some happiness amidst a world gone crazy right now! I know that it can be so easy to fear what may be coming next, but I heard a great quote on the radio yesterday. The person said, ” We have to learn to let go of what we can’t control so that we can grab hold of the things we can control!”

For a few moments as you read the following quotes I hope that you can let go of some of the fear and anxiety that the world can bring right now. The sickening feeling that comes when you read and see the news! I hope they can bring some smiles to your heart!


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Mr.Rogers’s life was love in action. He didn’t feel the need to pose for a picture in front of a church holding a Bible, he lived the Bible!


24 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Thoughts!

  1. I like #3 & #10 best, today. #3 because this year has been full of crazy surprises. #10 because I like it when someone breaks taboos and risks all kinds of criticism while doing something harmless.

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  2. Mr. Rogers is my role model, in fact I even went out and a bought a couple of cardigans so I could be more like him.
    As far as number nine is concerned, perhaps they should be more concerned with the lack of social distancing and masks…

    Liked by 1 person

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