Smile Therapy

Here is a picture for your smile therapy today! My friend is doing Baby Animal Picture Therapy each day on Facebook, and this just made me laugh. This is very real. Its an Axoloti, also known as a Mexican Walking Fish.


Now since you had your smile therapy, here is some brain therapy for you. I found these questions on Pinterestย  and I think they could create some interesting answers, and probably bring even more smiles. Give it a try! Feel free to think of you own questions too and share them.

Name a bad job for someone who is accident prone.

What is something you would hate to find under your bed?

What is something that a man may buy before going out on a date?

I leave you with a lesson that we can learn from Cats, we can always learn from animals!








42 thoughts on “Smile Therapy

  1. Name a bad job for someone who is accident prone. Heart surgeon.

    What is something you would hate to find under your bed? Heart surgeon

    What is something that a man may buy before going out on a date? Heart surgeon.

    Liked by 3 people

    • LOL! I thought I might hear something creative from you. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Def wouldn’t want an accident prone surgeon!
      If I found a heart surgeon under my bed I would be needing one!
      Heart surgeon for a date? Hmmm….either to repair a broken hesrt or…to calm down a heart that perhaps has too big of an adrenalin rush!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. 1) Uber Driver. 2) Real Dust Bunnies, the other kind are welcome to stay. 3) Breath Mints. I have learned those lessons from my own cat. In the words of the revered historian and philosopher of the 1800’s, Hippolyte Taine : “I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.” Thank-you! P.S. Love the fish! P.P.S. I promised myself to limit this to one comment, not three like yesterday’s post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yup Uber driver would NOT be a good job choice!

      Haha! Real dust bunnies may be scary, depending how big they are!

      Breath mints is a good one! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Haha! You can comment as much as you like, always a pleasure to hesr from you! ๐Ÿ™‚


    • Definitely right for number 1.
      Oh gosh! Yes , a bottomless pit would be pretty scary!
      Gee! Colin wants to take a heart surgeon with him on a date and you want to buy legal advice before the date! You guys really have some scary thoughts about dates. LOL!
      Though come to think of it that blind date I went on long ago I probably could have used a heart surgeon and legal advice! ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 2 people

        • Fortunately no restraining order needed, it was a one night, one time, never saw him again thing! But yeah, lets see, when I met him in the restaurant it was obvious at first sight that he had lied big time about his age! Then he proceeded to ask me if I wanted to go home with him to meet his Mom, because she really wanted him to get married ….. So yeah, my heart may have been doing some flip flops of wondering what I got myself into!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Name a bad job for someone who is accident prone.
    Razor tester
    Knife/Axe sharpener
    Parachute tester

    What is something you would hate to find under your bed?
    A snake
    A Mexican walking fish
    A dead body

    What is something that a man may buy before going out on a date?
    Toilet paper ~> great hostess gift these days!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are Good! LOL at the Parachute tester!
      I think I would rather find the fish then I would a snake and especially not a dead body! Now I am going to go to bed, dreaming about something under my bed! Haha!
      Toilet paper wrapped with a bow! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love that idea! I’ve become so weary of the so-called coronavirus updates and doom and gloom stories. We need more smiles. Therefore I’m dressing Stormin’ Norman in some silly hat and taking a picture of him. The Rainbow Unicorn headband has been the best! ๐Ÿคฃ

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