Celebrating Nature

I was sitting out on our porch swing this afternoon taking a moment to read and enjoy the sunny weather. I looked up from my book and was struck by the brilliant blueness of the sky. We live in such a beautiful world and being that this is Earth Day, I thought would snap some pictures to share. We should always care about taking care  of the earth, for this is the only one we are going to get!



20190422_181159.jpg This is a Eastern Redbud tree, AKA a miracle bush for when we first got it, it did not look good at all. I faithfully watered it every day and I am pretty certain that there were drivers passing by wondering why I was watering something that looked very small and pitiful. But now every Spring I love looking out into our yard and seeing the lovely blooms.

20190422_180923.jpg This is our Gold Rush Red Wood tree just starting to bud once again. The leaves are so very soft.


Surprise! This is on our back porch Yes, there may be times I like to keep my readers in suspense. 🙂 Just what do you think we have in this thing at times??

23 thoughts on “Celebrating Nature

  1. Earth Day should be more than a once a year event, if we hope to save our planet Earth Day must be everyday! Your trees and yard are beautiful. Benjamin and I both love Dandelions, though most consider them to be weeds. As Pooh Bear says : “Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.” I was hoping that you had the thingy that enables the enlarging of your photos for closer inspection of details, no such luck. I wanted to be able to inspect that box closely to check for a ventilation source. Then upon looking at the box from all possible angles, my attention was drawn to the concrete blocks that look like steps and the solution became obvious. Only a person on the smallish side would need steps to get into this box and that must mean that it is…YOU, the box is your hiding place. I was wondering though, do you have blocks inside so that you can get your smallish self out again? Thank-you!


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