The Epic Blizzard

In case you all don’t see the posting above I will tell you what it says. For some reason it showed up on my blog, but when I was scrolling down through the reader on this site and clicked on my post it didn’t show up. So if not visible it says:
Storm Emergency, If you are 5’2 or smaller, please stay in the house, cause you do not want to get lost in the snow!!” Want to assure you all that even tho I haven’t posted since Saturday I am not LOST in the snow 🙂 Just enjoying Relaxing during our Epic 2016 Blizzard! This warning was put on my Facebook wall 3 times by different people, you can see how much my friends care about me. LOL! For those of you new to my blog, I have not reached the 5ft marker yet and well considering that I am well out of my teens it is probably safe to say I won’t reach it. I will contently stay at 4’10 and 1/2, just make sure you keep that 1/2 in there!

It was crazy watching it snow and snow and get up on my windows higher and higher. Now the sun is shining bright and the way it sparkles on the snow is so pretty! We are all dug out, but there are still a lot of people and businesses that haven’t been.

Baking, watching DVD’s and almost finishing my 500 page novel is what has been on the agenda the past 2 days.  Oh and playing cards with my hubby hoping for a Epic win which did NOT happen, but hey there is still time! Just has been nice enjoying the family together, almost like Christmas again, no one going anywhere. School and work are closed. Got the call just a little bit ago about schools being closed for tomorrow still much to my girls “chagrin”. Haha!

Here are some pictures to share with you all and even if you are not having a blizzard right now, take the time to slow down a bit. IT never hurts and can be refreshing! The hurting part is my precious hubby’s back from the snow blowing and shoveling, but he is getting better. My shoulder and back were aching last night, but ummm…not from shoveling. I think it must have been from sinking into the one drift of the picture below and getting out which ended in kind of a belly flop. And sorry that did not get caught on camera, the camera man was laughing! As you look at the pictures remember I am close to 5 feet tall. Enjoy!


Excuse the date! Forget when change batteries, you gotta change the date.


Faithful Lassie wasn’t sure what to think!

She attempted to plow through it…but then gave up and just barked at it! Lilly our Yorkie didn’t want Lassie to show her up so she jumped and turned back quickly bouncing like a rabbit 🙂


11 thoughts on “The Epic Blizzard

    • Too funny that you all didn’t see a flake! This winter has been so crazy for us, for it hadn’t snowed at all this winter and we had unusual warm temps. It was in the 60’s and even hit 70 in December!! Then BOOM, Winter hits, all in one week-end!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! I wish you could see how it sparkles when the sun shines on it! Yeah the girls are excited for school is still closed for tomorrow! We just aren’t used to this much snow, takes away to get all the roads plowed out! My friends were still snowed in yesterday.


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