Sweet Lemonade Moments

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There was nothing that she could do to get the sour taste out of her mouth. No matter how many sweets she ate, the sour taste didn’t go away.

She looked at all of the candy har wrappers in front of her. She had to get a grip, or soon the scales would let a sour taste in her mouth as well.

Felicity threw away the candy bar wrappers and plopped down on the couch with a tall glass of water.

It wasn’t fair! There wasn’t a strong enough mouthwash to wash away the sour taste left on one’s heart.

She thought she was better. That she was over the hurt, but when she saw Justine, she knew there would be trouble. Felicity had been unable to stop the bile from rising in her throat when Justine was gloating loudly about Michael.

She had to get away. How could she go on a bus trip with Justine and her girls. They would probably keep talking about Michael in such glowing term, making sure Felicity heard every word.

It wasn’t that Felicity missed him. Once Michael had shown his true colors, she had  wanted nothing to do with him. Was glad to be rid of him. She only wished that she would have seen his true colors sooner. Seen them so that she could have dumped him before he and his new girlfriend, Justine had humiliated her.

Her sweet friend Meghan had arrived as Felicity was headed for the door. She had mumbled that she couldn’t stay as she rushed past a bewildered Meghan.

When she came home, she wound up eating  too many fun-size candybars. Ugh! She was a mess.

The doorbell was ringing. Who would be at her door. Before Felicity made it to the door, it opened, and Meghan was standing in front of her with her arms open.

She wrapped Felicity in a warm hug.

“I am sorry I didn’t explain things…”

“No need to. I figured it out when I saw Justine and her  group of girls wearing pink. If I had known they were coming, I would never have  suggested the bus trip. That group of girls makes Maleficent look tame.”

Felicity groaned, “You are right. Want a candybar?”

Meghan took the Snickers bar, thanked her, and then noticed her vase on the table.  “I like your vase of flowers and lemons.”

“I made it last night, and life threw the lemons this morning. I am ready for some sweetness to counteract the sour now.” With a devious glint in her eye, Felicity looked at Meghan.

“It’s too bad that their isn’t such a thing as the karma police. That would be sweet hearing about something that happened to Justine and Michael.  Nothing too bad, of course.”

Before Felicity put another candybar in her mouth, Meghan took her hand. “You need to get out of the house. Let’s go tubing down the lazy river.”

“I like that idea. Let me go change.” Felicity headed to her room. Maybe today would have some sweet moments after all. Letting go of her troubles while floating down the river sounded wonderful to her.

After floating for two hours, they went home and changed. Then, they hit the salon for manicures and pedicures.

“Thanks so much, Meghan, for a fun day. Was exactly what I needed to forget. “What’s his name.” What  color do you think I should choose for my nails? Caribbean blue or lemon yellow?”

After their nails were done, they grabbed some sandwiches and iced coffees at a nearby cafe.

“Maybe next weekend we can take a day trip to Bittersweet Creek. I haven’t seen my friend Cara for quite awhile.” Meghan said.

“Cara? She works at Mason’s Diner, right? Works for the guy with the awesome hair?”

Meghan laughed. “Yes, but sorry, my friend, he is taken.”

“Well, maybe he has a friend?” Felicity’s mouth curved into a sly smile.

“There is a guy named Tippner who owns a bicycle shop.”

“Perfect! I like to ride bike.”

Shaking her head, Meghan let out a “Riiight! Do you even own a bike?

“Nope! That’s why we need to pay a visit to Tippner’s bicycle shop.” Felicity gave her a smug smile.

Meanwhile, Justine was losing patience fast.

“Blow your horn more!”

Michael blew the horn again, but the cow wouldn’t budge.

“I think it’s deaf.”

Justine opened the door. No cow was going to make her late for her pageant! She held up her gown as she walked toward the cow.

“Move it!”

The cow’s deep brown eyes looked directly at her . Her cowbell sparkled, and she started to move.

“That’s right, move out of  the way.”

The cow turned around and ….


That was when Justine found out about cow pies and how hard they were to clean off of diamond studded shoes.

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