When Joy Blooms

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Once upon a time, there was a mighty mouse, Lord Sebastian , who ruled the land. He was kind and fair, and everyone was happy in the land of Brie.

Well, almost everyone. Sebastian’s son, Stuart, was feeling rather blue.

Miss Nibbles, the cook, opened the refrigerator to make lunch. She reached up on the top shelf and… it was gone! Shaking her head in disbelief, she gave a yell, knowing exactly who the little cheese thief was.


Stuart tried to shrink more into the corner so Miss Nibbles wouldn’t find him, but he knew it wouldn’t work. She always had sharp eyes, and he couldn’t hide anything from her. He still was quick to put his paws behind his back.

Soon, the cook was standing in front of him, looking down on him with a big frown.

“Hand over the blue cheese. I know you have it. I can see the traces of it around your mouth.”

Stuart handed over the small chunk that was left.

She sighed, “That won’t be enough for your father. Go ahead and finish it.”

She handed it back to him but didn’t leave. Instead, she sat down beside him. Miss Nibbles was a caring mouse, and she had known Stuart since he was a little pipsqueak.

“Why have you been eating so much blue cheese lately? If you keep eating so much, your belly will become a giant cheese puff!”

When Stuart didn’t even crack a smile, Miss Nibbles felt concerned.

“What has you feeling so blue?”

“I don’t want to be King!”

Miss Nibbles raised her eyebrows. “Is Lord Sébastien stepping down as King?”

Stuart’s whiskers twitched. “Not now, but someday he will, and then I will be King and have to rule. I won’t be able to play all day, and that’s not even the worst part! Angelina has been running around telling everyone that she is going to be my queen! I don’t want a queen, especially not her.

Miss Nibbles tried not to squeak too loud with laughter. She was relieved it wasn’t anything more serious, but poor Stuart did look really sad. She couldn’t blame him. Angelina, the ballerina, had always been full of herself.

“Listen, Stuart, you will get to pick who you want to be your Queen, and it most certainly doesn’t need to be pesky Angelina.”

Stuart cracked a smile.

“Ahh! Now, that is what I like to see. My boy is smiling. As far as I know your Daddy isn’t stepping down from his throne anytime soon, so stop worrying and get busy playing! Your Uncle Mickey and Aunt Minnie will soon be here.”

Stuart’s smile spread wider at the news. He always had a ton of fun with his aunt and uncle. Spending time with them was filled with amusement. They made the town of Brie feel like a magical kingdom.

Rising up to his feet, he took off running. He needed to get ready and make sure he looked his best. Last time, they brought their friend Goofy along. He was so funny. No one could be blue when Goofy was around.

Aunt Minnie and Uncle Mickey had finally arrived, and Stuart was grinning from ear to ear at Goofy’s antics.

Minnie turned to Stuart’s mom and spoke up, “I would love to see your rose garden.” She gave a small wink, as Stuart’s mom smiled.

“I would be glad to show you.”

Minnie turned to Stuart. “Will you come with me, Stuart? I want to hear what you have been up to. You are growing so fast.”

Stuart would much rather stay with Goofy than look at boring roses, but he did like his Aunt Minnie, so he nodded his head.”

“Don’t look so excited! We aren’t that bad of company and we won’t be long.” His mom said.

Giving his mom a weak smile, he didn’t say anything. Though he knew better. When his mom and aunt got to talking, they didn’t stop. Maybe he would be able to slink away without them noticing.

“Such beautiful roses. What do you think of that one, Stuart?’ His aunt pointed at a large pink one.

Looked like an ordinary ….

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“Surprise! Hi Stuart!”

He couldn’t believe it. It was his friend Blossom, who lived close to his aunt and uncle.

“Wow! I didn’t know you were coming. Want to go play?” Stuart pleaded with his eyes, looking at his mom.

She smiled, “Yes, go scamper away, you two. Have fun.”

Off they ran. Blossom was a fun friend to have, much better than Angelina. Stuart was glad to see her again.

“Hey Blossom, have you ever thought of being a queen someday?” Asked Stuart, thinking that maybe the future was looking rosy after all.

14 thoughts on “When Joy Blooms

  1. I beg your pardon, did Stuart’s mother promise him a rose garden?

    Blossom loved to play in the rose garden, and because of this she contracted aphids. After she became queen, she gave the aphids to Stuart, too. They were itching and scratching all over, until they learned about the Ladybug clinic. There, they were rid of their aphids, and lived happily and unscratchily ever after.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The fun became a chore when lil’ Stuart started waddling with his cutsie friend because he had gained so much weight from stealing the cheese and had to go to the mouse doctor to have his blood sugar checked. Moral of this story is eat your veggies! Little Blossom hooking up with some mouse hunk in the third row of the sunflowers. They lived happily ever after while Stuart became pre-diabetic and suffered from gout like all kings typically do. You think Hallmark will like that screenplay? 🤣


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