The Sentimental Gift

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Gabriel’s five best friends followed him on the way to school.

“It’s not fair.” He grumbled to himself. Why did his parents think school was so important.

Oreo looked at him with sympathetic eyes while Creamsicle led the way. She knew the way without even looking where she was going.

Mocha held back. He was the shy one of the group. The last thing he wanted was a crowd of school kids rushing out to see him.

Rocky and Pogo joined the others in soaking up all the attention from the school children, but the only person Mocha wanted to be around was Gabriel.

Gabriel turned around and looked back at Mocha standing alone. “I will be back, buddy.’

Creamsicle pranced down the hill, tossing her head from side to side. She was always happy and full of zest. Gabriel would be happy once Saturday came!

On Saturday his grandparents were coming for a visit and he couldn’t wait.

His Grandpa liked to tell stories of when he was young and lived high up in the mountains. He had been a goat herder and understood Gabriel’s close relationship with his goats.

Saturday had finally come. Gabriel was up with the sun. He was excited.

“Aren’t you an earlybird today! Why can’t you bounce out of bed so easily on a school day?” His mom questioned him, seeing him sitting in the kitchen.

Gabriel groaned. “Don’t talk about school!”

His mom smiled as she ruffled his hair with her hand. “Would you like some pancakes or waffles for breakfast?”

“Waffles, please.’ He enjoyed pouring the maple syrup into each little box.

“When are Grandma and Grandpa coming?”

“Ahh! So that’s the reason you are up early. They will be here in time for lunch.”

Gabriel sighed a little. He was hoping it would be earlier, but it would be okay. This would give him time to work on finishing the surprise he was making for his grandma’s birthday. His grandpa had helped him with it the last time they were together.

It would be so fun to give this special gift to her. Grandpa said she may even get tears in her eyes due to being so happy. Gabriel thought that was silly, his mom got teary-eyed at times, too. She said they were happy tears. Women sure were strange sometimes.

Gabriel painted the last stroke when he heard his grandparents outside. He put down his brush and ran outside.

“Grandma, Grandpa!”

Their faces glowed when looking at him.They enveloped him in warm hugs, and Grandma kissed him on his cheek. He allowed his mama and grandma to kiss him, but Sarah from school drove him crazy. She always chased him at recess, trying to give him a kiss.

Later that night, they sang Happy Birthday to his sweet grandma. His mom had baked a chocolate cake with cherry icing for her. It was yummy!Why couldn’t his mom bake special cakes every night?

Once supper was over, Gabriel went to his room to wrap his Grandma’s gift. He sure hoped she would like it. Grandpa had said it would remind her of her childhood and a book that her Grandpa would often read to her.

Gabriel’s mama would often talk about how his grandparents knew each other as children. She enjoyed telling him their sweet love story, but Gabriel wasn’t into hearing love stories. He liked it better when his dad told him bedtime stories about dinosaurs and dragons.

Walking over to his grandma, Gabriel placed the birthday gift in her lap.

“A gift for me? You are my favorite grandchild.”

Gabriel knew that he was their only grandchild, but it still made him feel all warm inside when she called him her favorite.

“What a fun surprise.” She wrapped her arm around him, pulling him against her.

“Grandpa helped me. He made them and I painted them.”

Her hands flew to her cheeks as she unwrapped the last piece of gift wrap. “A pair of wooden shoes. These are beautiful! Thank you so much! I love you.”

She squeezed Gabriel in a tight hug and gave him another sloppy kiss, which he endured. He was happy when he looked up at her face. Grandpa had been right,tears glistened in his Grandma Heidi’s eyes.

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