Gone With the Wind

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The biting wind blew through her disheveled hair, but she was oblivious to it. All she felt was the fiery warmth of his last kiss upon her forehead.

There was a building ache in the back of her throat as she tried to swallow the rapid growing lump. She willed herself not to cry.

Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go.. was the mantra resounding in her head.

Clinging tight to his coat, she breathed in the scent of musk. A scent that would no longer fill the house.

Aiden cupped her face in his hands . Kimberly kept her eyes downcast. She couldn’t bring herself to look into his hazel eyes.

He lifted her chin. “Look at me.” His voice was husky with emotion.

Blinking to stem the tears, she met his eyes.

“We will be okay. I promise. I will be home before you know it.”

Her hands trembled as she squeezed onto his arms. Feeling them wrap around her one last time in a tight embrace. The mantra in her mind growing louder, Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go.

Kimberly let her mind go back in time as she took deep breaths, remembering all the times his arms had held her.

Strong arms that had enfolded around her. Holding her tight, through all the times when her heart was broken, being her strength, like he was now.

Tender arms that she had cuddled into when all was right with the world. When they could enjoy the pleasure of simply being together. Sharing their secrets and desires.

Teasing arms that would hold things behind his back or out of her reach. Arms that held her down while tickling her until he gave into her cries for mercy and their lips met.

Loving arms that made her feel like a princess as he fanned the flames of desire in her heart.

Closing her eyes, she tattooed the feel of his arms onto her heart until they were around her once more. She made herself believe that time would come again. He would be okay.

“I love you!” Were the only words she could manage to get out as her voice quavered. With great reluctance, she let go, with a final kiss between them.

Kimberly watched until the taillights of his car were out of sight. The wind stilled, and he was gone.

*possibly to be continued…what do you think? Should he remain gone with the wind, or do you want to know more?*

33 thoughts on “Gone With the Wind

  1. Sounds like you’re following her narrative. Does she need to do some growing for them to become inseparable? Does she need to recall his other trips so we have an idea how brave she was to let go? Or were there other trips? What holds him in her heart? Will that tie be able to withstand this separation? Take it where your imagination leads. I’m curious enough to continue reading it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m curious, so yes I want more. Was he off to war? Is he on an undercover mission for a government agency? How did they meet? Are they in the Ukraine or Israel? Sooo many questions.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. As he drove through the windy night, a smile slowly emerged on his face thinking of his future. His over-sized shoe pressed further on the accelerator pedal. He reached in his coat pocket and retrieved the bright red round nose and put it on. He then reached into his duffel and felt the satisfying touch of his bright orange bushy wig. Yes, his dreams were finally coming true – he was joining a traveling circus as a clown!.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Reunited | Nuggets of Gold

  5. Many, many years later, she would retire from her teaching job at the age of 80, still never knowing what became of him. Meanwhile, there is an unmarked grave somewhere in the mountains across the big pond …

    (Don’t mind me … I’m in a bit of a macabre mood!) Of course, you must finish the story, silly girl!

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