Wishes and Marbles

This is part 2 to The Glowing Charm

Charlie was waiting in front of the teapot house. He was early. Couldn’t deny that he was excited about seeing Miss Dorinda again. She was fun to talk to, and she seemed to really enjoy Charlie and Holly’s company.

She wasn’t like some grownups who didn’t want to be bothered by children, and thankfully, she didn’t wear any strong, smelly perfume!

“Hi Charlie!”

Holly was running down the street towards him.

“I have been looking forward to this day all week. I bope she has some more …”

“Cake!” Charlie said, and Holly replied with an emphatic yes.

Holly ran for the front door and stopped.

“Why did you stop? Isn’t it unlocked?”

Miss Dorinda had said that she would leave it unlocked for them.

“It feels funny to simply walk in.”

Charlie shook his head, “Says the girl who crawled in an open window last week!”

Holly made a face and turned the knob. They both yelled, “Hello!” as they walked inside.

There wasn’t anyone downstairs, so they sat down on the cozy purple polka dotted couch.

“Hi children! I am upstairs. You can come on up.” Miss Dorinda’s called down to them.

They didn’t waste time heading for the stairs, wanting to see more of the house. Now, if only they could find the stairs!

There were three different hallways, but none led to a stairway. This was strange. How can a staircase be hidden?

“Are you coming up?” Dorinda called down.

Charlie and Holly looked at each other, and Holly spoke up. “Where are the stairs?”

They heard laughter echoing down to them. “Opps, forgot to mention that there aren’t any stairs.”

The children looked at each other in confusion.

“You have to take the elevator. It’s right by the kitchen. Behind an emerald green door.”

An elevator! Looking at each other with their mouths agape, they ran to the kitchen and spotted the emerald green door. Opening it up, they stepped into the elevator. They had to squint their eyes at the sudden brightness. It was glowing! This was wild.

They pushed the Up arrow and stepped off the elevator when it opened. Miss Dorinda was standing in the hallway to greet them.

“I am so glad you came back again to visit. I have a surprise for you.”

“The elevator ride was a super surprise. I wish we had an elevator in my house.” Charlie remarked.

Miss Dorinda smiled, and her eyes crinkled. “The surprise I am going to show you both is even better.”

Charlie and Holly smiled with anticipation.

They followed her down the spiral hallway and entered a room with a king-size bed and a fluffy Sheltie lying in the middle of the bed.

“Welcome to Misty’s room.”

“Misty has her own bedroom?” Holly asked in disbelief.

“Yes, for Misty is a really special dog. Go ahead, have a seat on the bed, and pet her.”

She was a pretty dog with a white streak running down the middle of her face and brown on both sides. Her friendly, brown eyes shined out at them.

“Oooh, look! Her heart charm is glowing!”

“Yes, it is, and when it’s glowing, you can make a wish. Any wish at all.”

Charlie jumped up. “I know, I know what I want to wish!”

Holly interjected that she wanted to make a wish, too. They babbled on until Miss Dorinda put her hand up and said, “Silence!”

“You will each get one wish, and then you will get a joint wish. One you have to agree on. You can’t make them today. You have to take time to think about it and when you come back next Saturday you can make your wishes.”

Their enthusiasm dampened. This was going to be the longest week ever!

“MOO!!” The children’s eyes bulged!

“Oh dear! I completely forgot about poor Clementine in the bathtub.”

Miss Dorinda covered her face with her hands and ran from the room. Holly and Charlie were right behind her, at her heels. When they followed her into the bathroom, they almost fell over in disbelief! There was a cow sitting in the bathtub looking none too happy!

Pinterest image

It was then that Charlie began to wonder if Miss Dorinda was losing her marbles and if Misty’s charm really could grant wishes.

(To be continued….)

28 thoughts on “Wishes and Marbles

    • Well, if you haven’t guessed yet, this isn’t quite the normal house. 😅 Annnd Miss Dorinda may not be your average person. Guess we will have to wait and see.
      Though it could simply be that I fell in love with the picture too and had to find a way to fit it in. 😉.


    • I never cease to be surprised at what I can find on Pinterest. It popped up, and I just knew I had to somehow use it! LOL!
      Pinterest also remembers what pictures you like and keeps showing you more. So, I am always getting images of cows and cute animals popping up when I go to the site. 😊


  1. Of course, you know me…when I read the part about the glowing elevator…I presumed it was a clever disguise for an oven and Miss Dorinda was actually a witch in the forest looking for kids to bake. Guess I won’t be writing for the Hallmark Channel any time soon.

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