Over The Hill

Samantha was finishing up a story when Haku popped up behind her. He was always surprising her. “Good Morning, writing again I see. What are you going to have me do this time. Who will Haku, the hero dragon save?”

Without looking at Haku Samantha replied in a soft voice. “I am not writing about you this time.”

“WHAT! Why not? You want the story to be good, don’t you?”

Samantha sighed, little had she known how much Haku would enjoy being in her stories after she had written the one about Haku, the great, great, great dragon. https://joyroses13.wordpress.com/2024/05/06/the-dragons-tale/

It was fun writing the story, but now he thought he needed to be in every story. She tried to tell him that he couldn’t be in every story, but trying to reason with a dragon was difficult.

“Could I wear a cape this time that says Super Dragon? Make the cape blue please with a little bit of emerald green in it.”

Since when were dragons so particular about colors, thought Samantha. Though she had to admit those colors did sound pretty together. The problem was she wasn’t planning on writing about dragons today. Her picture had nothing to do with dragons. She had drawn a picture of a tree. http://jasonfrels.com/2024/06/20/gray-morning-gray-photos/

“So, lets begin. What are you waiting for? Stop chewing on the end of your pencil. Do you have some chocolate pudding? I am hungry.”

Some days Samantha wished she had a pet dog instead of a dragon. But at least a chocolate pudding would keep Haku quiet for awhile. She ran downstairs to the fridge and brought one back up for him.

“Thanks.” Haku said, when she handed him the pudding.

Now she would begin her story while he was busy eating. She began writing a tale about herself.

Once upon a time Samantha decided to go on a walk. She was tired of being cooped up inside. It had been raining for the past three days and today it finally had stopped. The skies were still gray and cloudy, but no rain. Feeling happy, she spun around in a circle when she got outside.

“Then Haku, her great, great, great friend appeared beside her, making her even happier.” Haku interjected.

Samantha turned her head and looked at Haku, “Are you sure you want to be in this story?”

“Of course I am. You put yourself in the story, so obviously you need to put me, your best friend, in it too.”

“Okay, if you are sure.” Samantha gave him a coy smile. She had a plan.

Haku puffed out his chest.” Yes, Haku the Great is sure, continue on please.”

Picking up her pencil Samantha continued writing.

Going on a walk with Haku was always fun. Samantha felt protected. For Haku, the great, great, great dragon wasn’t afraid of anything.

“That’s right! You are doing a super job writing this story.” Haku said.

Samantha’s mom had always told her to not go over the hill, but Samantha was tired of always walking the same trail. Today she had Haku with her, so she should be fine to explore. Today she would solve the mystery of what was to be found when one went over the hill. http://jasonfrels.com/2024/06/20/gray-morning-gray-photos/

Haku interrupted. “Are you sure about this? We don’t know what lies beyond the hill?”

Samantha touched Haku on the cheek, “Haku, the great, great, great dragon isn’t afraid is he?”

“Of course not, don’t be silly.” Haku shook his head. “I am only trying to look out for you. But yes, over the hill we go.”

Smiling to herself Samantha kept writing. Her plan was working.

The two friends walked up the hill and over it to see what they could see. Samantha grabbed onto Haku when she heard a strange sound. “What if its a bear? Haku, you aren’t afraid of giant bears with sharp teeth are you?” Feeling a little worried Samantha looked to Haku for reassurance.

“You don’t have to worry, my friend, Haku the great has no fear of bears with sharp teeth and claws.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Samantha saw the worried look on Haku’s face as she wrote. She choked back her laughter.

“Hey … do you think you can get me another chocolate pudding?” Haku asked.

“I am in the middle of my story. Samantha thinks she hears a bear, don’t you want to find out if she does. You may get the chance to battle a bear and be a hero.”

Clearing his throat, Haku put on a brave face. “Yes, Haku the Hero! Write on.” he said, though his voice that wasn’t quite as loud and bold as before.

They walked along the trail with Samantha clinging to Haku. What was the strange sound she heard? Should she continue on or turn around?

“Turn around.” Haku said, interrupting the story once more.

“What was that? Haku the hero wants to turn around?” Samantha put down her pencil and raised her eyebrows at him.

“No, no, keep going.”

Samantha picked up her pencil and giggled at hearing Haku muttering under his breath about her crazy story.

Seeing a large tree up ahead Samantha wondered if that’s where the bear was. Was it behind the scary looking tree. Always one to be curious she had to look and see what was making the horrible sound. She wasn’t too afraid, for she had Haku, the mighty dragon hero, by her side. They walked on and then … GROWL! The creature stepped out from behind the tree.

Haku gripped Samantha’s shoulder while she tried to write.

“Ouch!” Samantha said.

“Sorry. but I am scared for you in your story.”

“Scared about me. You don’t need to be. I have Haku, the great and mighty dragon hero beside me. Remember?”

Haku grunted ,releasing his claw. “Yes, absolutely, continue on. Samantha should probably turn around soon though. She needs to be home in time for lunch. Is it lunch time yet?”

“No, its not time for lunch. I have plenty of time to keep writing.”

Haku muttered under his breath again. He wasn’t enjoying this story as much as her previous one.

The two friends were astonished to see a black dragon and a girl with dragon wings. They didn’t look friendly and Samantha cowered against Haku, the mighty dragon.

The black dragon looked at Haku with his blue eyes glowering at him. He took a step towards him. Haku the mighty dragon didn’t blink an eye. He wasn’t afraid.

Haku let out an audible gulp behind Samantha, as she wrote.

The black dragon roared and Samantha screamed, jumping onto Haku’s back. What would Haku do?

“Haku would run … that’s what Haku would do… he would run..! He is a mighty dragon and he needs to protect Samantha. He needs to get her out of danger.” Haku yelled in Samantha’s ear as she wrote.

Haku was torn, he wanted to fight the dragon. Show Samantha how powerful he was, but he wasn’t going to put Samantha’s life in danger by showing off. Instead he did what every great, great, great dragon would do. He soared high into the air with Samantha on his back and took her home.

When they got home Samantha hugged him tight. “Thanks Haku, you are my hero!” The End

Haku’s breathing was easing up as he visibly relaxed. “I think every dragon hero needs some chocolate pudding.” He looked at Samantha, “Please?” he asked.

“I agree! Chocolate pudding sounds good.” She ran back downstairs, and brought two chocolate puddings up. They both enjoyed the tasty snack.

When they were finished Samantha picked up her pencil again. “Do you want to be in another story, Haku?”

Haku had a wary look in his eyes. “No, Haku the hero needs to take a nap. You go ahead and write your stories. I think Haku has had enough adventure for today.”

Samantha grinned. It had worked. She had found a way to keep Haku from always taking charge of her stories. There was more than one way to tame a mighty dragon.

Pulling out a fresh piece of paper, she began. “Once Upon a Time …”

16 thoughts on “Over The Hill

  1. Later that afternoon, grandpa came into the kitchen to get some chocolate pudding. “Where did all my chocolate pudding go?” He wondered aloud. “It has my special laxative medicine mixed in so I don’t think anyone would take it.” He mused.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. It was a true spur of the moment story that came to me when I saw Jason’s photos this morning and then saw Shadowclaw’s picture.
      LOL about the dream. Maybe instead, he will dream of chocolate pudding.

      Oooh dear, you named them, and I love the names. Now, I may need to continue their story.

      Liked by 1 person

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