
This is part 2 of Saturday’s post, Gone With the Wind

One more day down. Kimberly was sitting outside on their deck, overlooking beautiful Lake Placid

When she had said that she wanted a house with a view, Aiden made sure to find a fabulous one.

“Only the best for the love of his life.” He had said. They had been standing on the pier of Lake Placid when he proposed. The shades of soft pinks and fiery oranges made for a spectacular sunset on a night that she would forever remember.

Three years later, and never would she tire of seeing the brilliant sunsets.

They had spent countless hours on the lake during the day and watching the sunset at night. She didn’t need a castle, not when she had her slice of paradise. Her lakehouse. But paradise came with a price.

Would Kimberly still have said yes if she would have known the extent of the price when it came to being married to Aiden Fletcher?

The life that Aiden and Kimberly were building together was worth the worry and many nights that Kimberly spent alone. Being married to an FBI agent wasn’t always easy, but she would make it.

The days went by quicker this time. Now, after a month of him being away on special assignment, he would be home within a few days! She walked back inside. Only two more nights alone.

Over the past three years, Kimberly learned that in order to keep her sanity that she couldn’t dwell on the fact that Aiden’s job had its dangerous times.

Times like when he had to storm barricaded buildings with potential explosives inside. Or have to psychologically try to get into a killer’s mind to know what they were thinking and to try to stay a step ahead of them.

Aiden often needed time away to de-stress after particular, grueling missions.

Kimberly might worry about him when faced with stressful times, but she admired his dedication to his job. As well as his sense of integrity, which helped him to be a remarkable agent.

He also had his share of monotous days in the office. When the big excitement was whether or not Vivian, his secretary, would walk into the office smelling like she swam in a pool of perfume. She was such a sweet older lady, but her perfume could literally take one’s breath away.

Kimberly’s heart was full. Aiden’s arms encircled her, and she was at peace. Her husband was home, safe and sound.

“This was one of the strangest missions yet that I have been on. I think our witness must have escaped from a mental hospital. You should have heard the wild things he was telling us.”

Running her hand through his golden wavy hair, she listened. Listened as they reclined on the sofa, eating Chinese food. They always ordered in on his first night home. Not wanting to leave the intimacy of their home.

Shep, their border collie, stayed at their feet in hopes of them dropping some honey glazed, seasame seed chicken on the floor.

Candles lit up the room, the perfect Hallmark setting.

“This guy kept insisting that he had heard a hippo singing one moment…and then…”

Kimberly interrupted, “A hippo singing? I didn’t know they could sing.” She giggled. “What was this guy drinking?”

“Well, according to this guy, hippos can’t sing. He said his ears were still ringing as he left the river and was out taking a leisurely hike in the country.

Then he saw the guy that fit the description of the man we have been searching for. Six foot, with short jet black hair and a mustache.”

“Oh, great, so even though he may be a tad delusional, thinking hippos can sing, do you really think he saw the guy? Was he able to give you any more information? Did he talk to the guy? Does he know where the guy went?”

Aiden rolled his eyes. ” Can’t say he was too helpful, for in his words, the next thing he heard was the sound of a bell ringing and this guy disappearing in a blur of pink and purple smoke.”

Kimberly spit out her Boba tea.

“Are you joking? That is crazy!”

“I am only repeating exactly what the guy said. He said that after the smoke cleared, he noticed a brown cow grazing in the field. That it was wearing a sparkling, silver bell around its neck. He figured that must have been the bell he had heard.”

Aiden shook his head. “There seems to be no limit to the crazy people I meet through this job. For then, he went on to say that he thinks the cow made the guy disappear. That he had heard about Betsy, the Wonder Cow, and her enchanted bell!

But now I would like to focus on the crazy woman I fell in love with and have deeply missed.”

He enticed her with his smile as he ran his hand up her bare thigh, sending shivers of desire through her body. He fingered the lace of the black lingerie she was wearing.

Drawn in by the passionate look in his eyes. She licked her top lip. Feeling amorous.

Without words, Aiden teased her lips with an ever so gentle kiss, quickening her pulse, and then he pulled away. Taking her hand, he pulled her off the couch, leading her upstairs.

45 thoughts on “Reunited

  1. FBI agent? Suuuure. A likely tale. And I’m a CIA agent. That’s what I tell my wife when I want to get away for some, uh, you know, things guys like to do that their wives disapprove of.

    “Yes dear, I’m a CIA agent, and I’m going on a secret mission. See ya in a few months.” Bwahahahaha!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Apart from the x rating to the ending of this story, Kimberly sounds a lot like the character Mrs. Delores Bickerman that Betty White played in the movie “Lake Placid” where she fed the gigantic crocodile for years. Boredom can be dangerous. πŸ˜†

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I read part 1 and, this one and I enjoyed the story. Thank you. It made me smile affer reading this one as I couldn’t help feel for the character who didn’t want him to go.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So they … went upstairs … to …??? Play a game of gin rummy or Monopoly? Or … I know … they’re going to read to each other! Or, perhaps he’s gonna help her clean the bathroom! (Yeah, right, a guy cleaning a bathroom 🀣🀣 ) Joking aside, you are one damn fine writer, my friend, and I’m glad what’s-his-name the feeb returned home safe ‘n sound. I asked Betsy and she swears she had nothing to do with this at all!

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