The Magical Charm of Pumpkin Spice

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Janey snapped the last photo of the day. She had been busy all day. It was non-stop craziness. Everyone wanted to take advantage of the 30% discount special for dressing up your pet.

It was fun seeing all the adorable and funny costumes, impossible to pick a favorite. But this last photo session of a cat named Pumpkin Spice ranked up their with Janey’s favorites. Too precious.

Her phone rang as she was heading out of her studio. Glancing at it, she answered. “Hi girl, what’s up? Whoa! Slow down, I can barely understand you.”

Janey pressed her ear to her phone. What was Colleen so upset about?

“Oh yeah, the house, how was it? Nooo! That’s horrible. Send me a photo, okay, and I will call you back when I get home. I am so sorry! Will talk soon.”

Wow! Janey couldn’t believe it. She had thought Doug’s parents were starting to finally accept Colleen, but now it was pretty clear that wasn’t the case.

Her phone dinged.  Colleen must have sent the photo. She would look as soon as she got home.

So, Doug’s parents bought them a rundown house for their wedding gift? How could they do that to their own son? He was so hurt, Colleen had said. 

Janey pulled into her garage and took a look at the photo.

Pinterest painting

She gasped! No wonder Colleen was so upset. Who wouldn’t be. This was insane. Holding a grudge was one thing, but this went beyond that! When would they accept that their son loved Colleen?

Once she got comfortable on her couch, she called Colleen back. They talked for over an hour. Thankfully, Colleen was feeling somewhat better by the time they hung up. Doug and her were formulating a plan. Janey was eager to see what they would come up with.

For now, Janey’s head felt heavy, and her legs were refusing to budge. It didn’t take long until she was in a deep sleep, stretched out on her couch.

Two days later, Colleen popped into Janey’s studio when she was on lunch break. She had a devilish grin on her face.

“You will never believe it!”  Colleen said with excitement.

“Well, you sure are in high spirits. You and Doug must have thought of the perfect plan!”

“We are still thinking, but right now, we owe a debt of gratitude to a cat.”

“A cat? Why?’

Colleen’s eyes shined with pleasure as she relayed the story.

“I had gone to see Doug’s parents to confront them. I wasn’t going to be shy anymore. I needed to stand up for myself.”

“Yes! Proud of you, girl!”

“Well, thanks, but I haven’t done it yet. I didn’t get a chance, thanks to one orange striped cat. I was on their porch when an orange striped cat ran up beside me and sat there waiting for the door to open.

When Doug’s mom opened the door the cat ran in! Doug’s mom screamed and yelled at me to grab it. But watching the chaos was more fun. The cat ran across her dining room table, knocking off her china. Then, across her countertop, stepping into the freshly made apple pie.

Janey wiped tears of laughter from her eyes as Colleen continued on with her story.

“Doug’s mom grabbed her tail a couple of times, but it kept slipping through her hands. It ran up her expensive curtains, clawing her way down.

Finally, I took pity on the cat, running scared, and I picked it up. Doug’s mom was pale and sitting in a chair with an ice pack on her head.

I have the cat at my house, was thinking maybe you would recognize it from all the photos you take. I want to get it back to their owner and thank them. “

Janey laughed, “I will be glad to stop by and see your hero cat after work.”

They chatted a little more, but Janey had to get hack to work. “Will see you tonight.”

“Bye.”, replied Colleen as she walked with a bounce in her step, out the door.

Janey shook her head, smiling. She wanted to tell the cat thanks, too. It sure did cheer Colleen up.

“Oh my word! I do know this cat.” Janey was in Colleen’s house looking at the cute cat on her couch. Making itself right at home.

“Thats pumpkin spice!”

Colleen raised her eyebrows, “What? Now they are naming pets “pumpkin spice!” She smacked her head. Everywhere you turn is something related to Pumpkin Spice!”

Pumpkin Spice purred, making Colleen smile. “But I have to admit, it is a cute name.”

Janey looked at her receipts and was able to find the phone number for Pumpkin Spice’s owner. She called, and the lady was thrilled to hear from her. Pumpin Spice had been missing for a few days. It was a happy reunion at Colleen’s place.

When Colleen was offered a reward, she had refused. “I was already given a wonderful reward. A time of satisfying laughter was brought to me by your sweet pumpkin, my hero.” She told the cat’s owner. And maybe it was only Janey’s imagination, but Pumpkin Spice looked pretty proud of herself.

22 thoughts on “The Magical Charm of Pumpkin Spice

  1. A house as a wedding gift? Who cares if it’s a fixer upper. It’s a house. Colleen must have very wealthy in-laws, so she’d better treat them like royalty. Then maybe for an anniversary gift she’ll get a car.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Her real reward will be when her and her hubs ‘flip’ the house and make a killing in the high priced real estate market. They made enough of a killing to erase all their debts and practically paid cash for the house of their dreams…far, far away from the MIL. The end. 😆

    Liked by 1 person

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