Feelings of Regret …

Painting by Daniel Gerhartz

Why? Why was he here? Never had she guessed about him being at the party. Finally her mind wasn’t thinking of him 24/7 and then … there he was. Looking as sharp as ever. Her heart flipped and the room felt like a furnace. She couldn’t breathe.

Samantha wanted to bolt but at first her legs wouldn’t let her. They were like a bungee cord that had snapped, felt so weak, like they couldn’t hold her up.

Then his eyes started to sweep the room and she ran. Knocked a tray of crab hor d’oeuvers right out of the waiter’s hand. Samantha felt bad, but kept running.

She made it and leaned against a column, bracing herself. She may have only seen him from afar but the memories of his beguiling blue eyes overtook her.

Oh, why! Why did he have to come? Tonight was supposed to be a fun night of kicking back and relaxing, but that idea had been nixed now.

Her neck and shoulders ached with knots from the shock of seeing him and the rush of memories that followed

The day they went to the park and he pushed her on the swings. When they dipped their feet in the creek and dreamt of all the tomorrows to come. Discussed their future plans of Samantha becoming his bride.

The night he had brushed her face wirh his gentle hands, romancing her with his promises of love. She was lost in his eyes that night and thought all was right with her world.

She had blushed with feelings of love before, now her face was flushed from mixed emotions. Did she really miss him?

For a moment in time it had been so right. Where had it all gone wrong?

25 thoughts on “Feelings of Regret …

  1. She gazed at her Zirconium engagement ring. Where had things gone wrong? she wondered. She glanced in a mirror at her black eye. Just why had they broken up? She limped into the garden, to hide from him. Just what was it about him that left her feeling hesitant? She hugged her broken ribs and pondered. But she just couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

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  2. He looked across the room and saw her. There she was, as beautiful as ever and apparently in a complete daze and lost in her own internal world as usual. Samantha was a lovely woman and when she was in touch with reality she was fun to be around. But he soon tired of trying to talk to her only to notice her eyes glazed over as she was in her own mental world listening to her own internal dialogue. He honestly wondered if she had noticed that he no longer came around. But he just couldn’t take trying to have a relationship with someone who often acted like a mannequin. Oh well, at least the hors d’oeuvres at her party were nice.

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