Pirate Trouble!

Here is the conclusion to Monday’s post,The Vanishing Act! Thanks to those who provided some interesting details for me to use in this story. Enjoy the story!

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There was silence when Mrs Van Cleeve left the breakfast table. Emily was barely touching her food.

Emily stared after the widow and after a little bit Gina spoke up, “A penny for your thoughts? They look deep.”

Emily sighed, “I feel bad for even thinking it and you want me to say it out loud?”

“You think the old bag knocked off her husband? Pushed him overboard?”

“You don’t sugarcoat things, do you?” Emily said.

“I call it how I see it. Anyone could tell her crying was fake!”

“We don’t know that for sure.”

“Oh pleeease! It was fake. Are you going to eat your sausage?”

Emily shook her head, passing her sausage to her friend. “I have known you for years and never saw you eat as much as you have this past week!”

Gina stabbed the sausage with her fork. “You know that saying, “Fat people are barder to kidnap. Stay safe. Eat Cake!”

Emily couldn’t help but give her friend a laugh. “You are hopeless!” It felt good to have a little something to smile about. The tension on the ship was getting stronger each day.

A few hours later Emily was walking around the deck. A lot of people had taken to their rooms, trying to stay safe. Emily felt like she would go stir crazy in the tiny room she shared with Gina.

Gina had gone to the bookstore to buy a book. hoping it would provide some distraction. She had told Emily she would join her on the top deck soon.

Where was Gina? Emily’s skin began to prickle and her stomach felt funny. “Quit it!” She told herself, nothing happened to Gina. Maybe she ended up going back to their room for something. Emily headed back to their room to check.

Gina wasn’t in the room, but she had been there. There was a sea green book on … Hey, the book looked identical to Emily’s book. Even the title had an eerie similarity to it. “Midnight Love” Was it a sequel to Emily’s book, “Moonlight Love”?

Emily would check out the book later, now she had to find Gina. She opened the door and stepped out into the hallway.

A hand covered her mouth and she saw a knife. “I wouldn’t scream if I were you. ”

There was terror in Emily’s eyes as she looked at her captor. A pirate! What was a pirate doing on the ship? Her captor pushed her forward, ordering her to walk.

Where were they going? Emily wrote a goodbye letter in her head to her mom.

Up on the top deck Emily was in for a surprise there were pirates everywhere! Passengers were tied up. Emily’s heart sank, would she ever see Gina again? Would they at least get a chance to say goodbye?

“Attention! We have claimed this ship as ours. Don’t look so scared. We may let some of you live.” She cackled.

Emily couldn’t believe what she was seeing right in front of her. Mrs Van Cleeve was a pirate! Their leader! Who would ever expect an 80 year old to be a pirate!

“But so you all know that we mean business I am going to show you a demonstration of what happens if you try to cross us.”

Emily felt herself being pushed towards Mrs Van Cleeve or whoever she was. She saw another young woman coming from the opposite direction. Being pushed roughly by a pirate. The poor victim was Gina!!

They insisted on being able to walk the plank together.

Both had tears coursing down their cheeks. “I wish I had eaten more cake. Leave it to Gina to try and make Emily smile one last time

What was that sound? A bell was ringing. A huge creature was in the water. What was it? It was brown and white and , a cow’s moo rang through the air! Betsy, the cow, the legend, had arrived to save the day!

“Emily! Emily! Wake up+”

Emily rubbed her eyes, her heart was poundng.

“Gina! What are you doing here?”

“Ummm….did you forget? We have our college project to work on. I brought us some delicious chocolate cake with peanut butter icing to give us energy.”

Emily looked around her, she was home, not on a ship! But how? What?

“I see how exciting your book was, You fell asleep, with it lying on your face.” Gina laughed.

A dream! It had all been a dream! Emily couldn’t stops smiling as she jabbed her fork into a big piece of chocolate cake. One could never be too safe.

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