A Magical Day

Lanikai Turtle Beach Painting from Pinterest

Little Cody couldn’t wait to see the sea turtles He broke free from his Mom’s arms and ran towards the water looking all around. All he saw was endless waves and sand. He kicked at the sand, where were they?

“Hey buddy, so are you happy to be here? The water is beautiful isn’t it. It’s green like sea turtles.”

Cody folded his arms across his chest and stuck out his bottom lip. “Its stupid!”

Melinda stepped back in shock, she wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction. “What is wrong, you were all excited on our way here?”

“There are no sea turtles! Why is it called Sea Turtle Beach, if there aren’t any actual sea turtles?” He narrowed his eyes at his mom and she had to work at not laughing. She did feel bad for him, but sometimes when he was mad he looked so cute.

Wrapping her arms around him she pulled him close. “I am sorry buddy, maybe they will come out later. While we wait, we can still have fun in the waves. The water should be super warm.”

Cody brightened up a little as he grabbed his mom’s hand and they ran into the water. Soon he was yelling with glee, splashing in the waves. For now, he had forgotten all about the sea turtles that weren’t there.

Mother and son were having a splendid time, oblivious to anything else, besides the sand and water around them.

After splashing in the waves, Cody wanted to build a sand castle. He got his blue bucket and shovel and started digging. He was concentrating hard. Building a castle was serious work.

The beach was quiet, only a few people around. Melinda was having as much fun as Cody. She was so thrilled to have won this trip to Hawaii for her and Cody. This would indeed be an adventure of a lifetime, she would make sure of it. One of the first things on her agenda was to find some sea turtles. They had to be somewhere.

“Mommy, this is the bestest day ever!”

She smiled and her heart was full. For a moment in time the stress of their lives were behind them. For a moment in time she could forget. She gazed into the ocean and she yelled, “Cody, look!”

His face sparked with joy as he jumped to his feet. “Mommy, Mommy its two sea turtles!”

Mother and son were caught up in the moment of excitement. They never had noticed the big brown eyes of a cow that had been watching them from the time they arrived.

The sea turtles were drifting in the sea. “Stop grumbling.” Myrtle said to Tulag, the other sea turtle.

“I am not grumbling. But one moment I am basking in the sun and the next I am suddenly riding ocean waves. Why can’t Betsy give us notice before she rings her enchanted cowbell?”

Myrtle rolled her eyes, “Did you hear how happy we made that little boy, thats what matters. She makes people happy with her cowbell and I am always glad to help out.”

“Yes, I guess you are right.”

“Of course I am, I am your wife.” Myrtle snickered as she caught the next wave.

Once Cody got his fill of watching the sea turtles he was ready for some bubblegum icecream. They started walking back to their car.

“Mommy, what is this?” Melinda stopped and looked at what Cody had picked up from the sand.

“That’s strange. It looks like a silver cowbell, but …. why would a cowbell be on the beach?”

“Can I keep it? Please Mommy. Jimmy doesn’t have a silver cowbell! I don’t think any of my friends do. I would be the only one. His smile stretched from ear to ear. How could she say no? What harm could a simple cowbell be?

“Sure honey!”

“Cool! I wonder how loud it rings.”

(To be continued…)

32 thoughts on “A Magical Day

  1. On the Big Island there’s a beach where my wife and I saw a bunch of sea turtles. I didn’t know Betsy was behind it, so a belated thank you to Betsy.

    It’s dangerous swimming in a sea turtle area, because they have been known to bite swimmers. And unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to Little Cody. But it didn’t affect his development much, because humans don’t need all of their fingers and toes, to thrive. So this story can have a Hallmark ending.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Pingback: A Day of Dolphins and a Decadant Dessert! | Nuggets of Gold

      • I’m doing good! šŸ™‚ I’ve been a busy bee with lots of things shifting and changing in the last year! Onto my 3rd book (which feels like it’s taking forever…and not very long at the same time…lol).

        How are you doing? I love that you continue to bring so much fun and joy with your whimsical stories!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Congrats on your 3rd book! What is it about?

          I am doing well. Love the warm weather that is finally here.
          Aww! Thanks, they are fun to write and I love to bring smiles. Maybe someday Betsy will see herself on a book cover. Time will tell. šŸ™‚

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          • It’s a poetry book on archetypes of astrology that are within us and that how we can utilize the highest expression of those archetypes. Along with animal wisdom from various animals and how we can learn life lessons from them based on those archetypal attributes and characteristics.

            It’s a bit different, but I’m really enjoying putting it together!! It’s really a book of helping us love the parts of ourselves deeper.

            I’d love to see a book of all Betsy’s adventures!! You are such a talented writer that really shines through your stories!! šŸ™‚

            Liked by 1 person

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