Friday’s Super Short Stories!

It’s Friday the 13th and a Full Moon tonight …. Superstitious? You may want to stay in bed! ( Any superstitions you remember hearing as a child? )

While at the beach enjoying the sunrise  … turned my head and realized I had company! What was it? Take a guess and I will post a picture of it later. A clue, it walked on 4 feet, but no, it wasn’t a dog or cat! 

Be like the sun! It always rises, breaking through the darkest night. 



19 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. Beautiful sunrise skies. You know, you could have fooled people and told them these are sunset pictures, and that you are on the west coast. Because it seems impossible to tell the difference between a sunrise photo and sunset photo.

    I’m guessing the four-footed creature was a sea cow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I should have tried that, for yes, I have the same problem sometimes distinguishing between the 2 in a photo. I am more of a sunset person due to the hour, but sunrises make it worth getting up!
      A sea cow? That would be unique for sure, you never know!

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  2. Friday is also mid autumn festival here, remember the paper lanterns i gave you? we light them and go on a night walk through the neighbourhood then come home to mooncakes and tea. nothing spooky but lots of fun for sure!

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