15 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. My responses:
    I’m afraid of water, so I’ll just wait for my ship to come in.
    Always choose a guide dog with excellent eyesight.
    If I only had one colored crayon in a box of gray ones, I’d swap boxes with the kid next to me.

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  2. Satfriurday’s Super Short Stories are a welcome addition to the morning! On #1 : I may have shared this anecdote in regards to my ship coming in, but it comes to mind every time that I hear that phrase. Some rather grim years were encountered as a single Mother of three and for many years every New Year one of my employers would say to me “this year your ship will come in” to which I replied “and I will probably be at the airport”. On #2 : An oft quoted truth…”The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” – Helen Keller. On #3 : I was led to pull out one of my favorite old books by Robert Fulghum published in the late 80’s “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten”…Kindergarten being much on my mind here of late. The one right next to that book is Fulghum’s “It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It'”, published after though also in the late 80’s. Both are excellent books, as are all of his books, many of which reside amidst my bookshelves. Your third story reminded me of something that I read in one of those books and jotted down. It was less time consuming to find that notebook than to read all of Fulghum’s books to find it again. “We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others are bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.” Hmmm…emerald blue?! Thank-you!


    • Glad my post could bring you smiles this morning! Oh Ellen I love your comeback to what your employer said! I can imagine those years were very rough but I am sure it helped make you the strong woman you are today!
      Yes, love that Helen Keller quote.
      I have read the “All I ever really need to knowl….” book , it is very good! Will have to look for the other one you mentioned , you intrigued me! And OH most definitely emerald blue will be right next to the Hot pink imagination crayon!! ☺️☺️


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