Friday’s Super Short Stories!


Sometimes it may not be a Yellow Brick Road that you are on, but … Keep walking … you will find it! 

Laughter is one of my favorite sounds … especially when coming from my children!

Excitement mounts as the days draw closer!

Bonus “story”  for the benefit of my dear children. They are curious as to what you all think.  Yes, these are 2 so very important questions. 🙂   Is it Yanny or Laurel or have you no clue? First its the white/gold dress vs. black/blue dress and now its Yanny vs. Laurel. Some people have too much time on their hands. LOL!  But it is interesting to see how people can see and hear things so differently.




10 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. Definitely LAUREL!!! Clear as a bell. My husband heard Laurel also. Murphy, our Australian Shepherd Mix, can’t make up her mind!!

    Color of the dress? BLACK AND BLUE!!! But I wouldn’t wear it in either color scheme!

    How nice it might be if we didn’t have more pressing issues to wrestle with than this!! Lol.
    🔹 Ginger 🔹


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