It’s a Back to almost Normal day! :)

Back to school today with a 2 hour delay. The phone rang early this morning and my girls were hoping it was the school changing the delay to closed, but no such luck! My friend who has little ones posted this and I had to laugh and share it. I haven’t worked full days at the Day Care this week.  But yesterday when school was closed for a third day in a row, some of the kids whose parents were teachers showed up. The Moms needed a break!

Will have my 3 word story to post when I get back, hard to crawl out of the bed this morning! Have to get back to a schedule again and need to get caught up on reading my favorite blogs. 🙂  Have a great day!

4 thoughts on “It’s a Back to almost Normal day! :)

    • Aww! You are so sweet! Glad you can catch up 🙂 I think the reader messes up sometimes, for there are posts that I miss also! Glad you found them now and hope the reader doesn’t mess up anymore!


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