Monday’s Snapshot Memories!

HI! I am back for the week, so will hopefully be able to post every day! 🙂 Hope everyone is having a great start to their Monday! I did by going to the chiropractor and getting my mess of knots loosened up!

These pics were taken last year at a Sunflower field nearby us. They were nearing the end of blooming, they aren’t as upright as they should be, but it was still beautiful to go there. It reminded me of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and the field of Poppies that she was in. Everywhere you looked you saw Sunflowers. I recently saw a card with  5 lessons that we can learn from a Sunflower and that’s what made me think of these pictures. Hope you enjoy the pictures and the Lessons 🙂

Lessons from a Sunflower

1. Always Face the Sun!

2. Always Stand Tall!

3. Always surround yourself with friends!

4. Show your colors to the world!

5. Don’t mind the bees!

Cell 2007Cell 2008Cell 2006Cell 2005

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