Frozen in Time

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“The leopard’s eyes pierced through her, as she froze like a statue, unable to move. This was one staring contest she had never planned on having!”

Jillian rubbed her eyes as the words started to blur. Her novel was coming along slowly. Now when she felt the ideas turning she found herself fighting sleep. Groaning she slumped down in her chair and looked at the clock.

5 minutes until midnight. Groaning louder she got up from her chair and headed for bed.

She had a 8am meeting with her boss first thing tomorrow. He had not been real forthcoming about why he wanted to see her, which made her curious.

Not too curious to sleep though, it had been a long day and she was beat. Closing her eyes, she hoped that no leopards would show up in her dreams.

“Good Morning Jillian.” Tina, the secretary smiled at her walking into the office.

Jillian wished her a Good Morning, but kept walking. Knowing that if she stopped to talk she wouldn’t be able to get away. To say that Tina had the gift of gab was an understatement!

Stopping at Starbucks had almost made Jillian late. The line was so long, but she had to have her double chocolate mint frappe to start the day.

Quickly throwing everything in her office she made it to her boss’s office with 5 minutes to spare.

The door opened just as she was getting ready to knock.

“Good Morning! Come on in.”

Jillian sat down in the mahogany, leather chair, anxious to hear what her boss had to say.

“You know I don’t like to beat around the bush so I will get straight to the point. Jack had an accident and broke his legs. We need you to fill in for him. He was supposed to go away on a 1 week assignment for us.”

Poor Jack! But oh lucky her! She was actually going to fill in for Jack? He was one of the best photographers that they had. She was going to go away for a week! Her assignments had always been close by.

A dreamy look was breaking out across her face. Feeling like a little kid being set free in a candy store.

“Jillian, did you hear me?”

She tried to focus. Nodding her head, she looked her boss in the eye. “Yes sir, I am listening.”

“Good. As I was saying. You will be going to Africa to photograph and write about one of the elephant reserves there.”

Butterflies were having a party in her stomach. Had she heard right? She was going to Africa! Her ship had finally come in! This was her time to shine.

Jillian couldn’t stop smiling. Her novel would have to wait, she was going to Africa.

So far her stay in Africa had been amazing! The elephants were magnificent creatures and her heart felt like it was in a constant state of euphoria.

Today she had decided to explore on her own some. They had told her she should always have a guide with her but Jillian was feeling confident.

She wanted to explore the other side of the massive reserve. It wasn’t only an elephant reserve, there were other animals to see. Thinking of the pictures she could get made her bubble over with enthusiasm.

Parking her landcruiser she got out to walk around. Promising herself she wouldn’t go far. Oh, but it felt so good walking around in the field, the tall grasses, feeling the gentle breeze. Staring at a….!

The leopard’s eyes pierced hers. Frozen, she was like a statue, unable to move. Her novel was coming to life right before her eyes!

The Legend of the Peach Tree

Octavia the Ostrich was being her typical self. Her head was buried in the sand, not paying heed to what others were saying around her. They were talking about grim stuff and she didn’t want to hear that. She did what she always did when she didn’t want to hear, she buried her head in the sand. In her mind if she didn’t hear it, it wasn’t real news, it was fake.

One day while feasting on some roots, leaves and seeds, Sir Oliver, the head of the flock, called Octavia over to him.

“Octavia, I am concerned that you are not paying attention to our serious warnings about the leopard some have seen lurking around.”  he said.

“I haven’t seen any leopard.” she replied.

“Have you been looking for one? We all take turns you know at guard duty and watching out for leopards. When its your turn on guard duty,  you are watching right? ”

Octavia stammered around for a bit and her gaze went down to the ground.

“Octavia! Are you not watching? Do you have your head in the sand, putting others and yourself at risk?”

She raised her head and looked at Sir Oliver defiantly, “Never, I am always watching, I mean I attempt to watch, but I think the talk about spotting a leopard has been greatly exaggerated. I don’t like leopards, so why should I watch for them, I would rather believe they aren’t around.”

Sir Oliver shook his head, “They are true warnings Octavia, and it would be good for you to take them seriously.”

Octavia looked him straight in the eyes as she said, “Okay, if you say so, but I think things are quite fine here. That’s what I keep telling myself.”

Sighing Sir Oliver walked away. He worried about Octavia. She lived in a fantasy world of her own creation. If she didn’t like what she saw or heard, she just wouldn’t believe it.

About a week later the flock was all abuzz about what had happened down by the old Peach Tree.

Legend told that years ago a leopard had been seen stealthily creeping up onto the sleeping ostriches. He had stopped by the peach tree and suddenly he disappeared. The ostrich that had been on guard duty said that it looked like the peach tree just swallowed him up.

Well that story had been passed around  for years in the ostriches history lessons and now it had happened again. The ostrich on guard duty had seen it with his own eyes. The leopard fell and the peach tree swallowed him up!

The Peach Tree still stands, as the ostriches go on with their lives. Some keeping their eyes wide open and others like Octavia who bury their heads in the sand.