Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When your son makes you a yummy, healthy, fruit smoothie.

When living in Bittersweet Creek or one of my other fictonal places would be preferable to reality at times. What fictional character of mine do you think it would be fun to be?

Thankful for good, health care being available…when needed!

This past month and a half, I have been dealing with some heart issues. Circulation in the legs is being tested as well. At least my hands are working fine. I can still type stories. Thankful for the laughs and smiles you all bring my way and your care. I am blessed in many ways.

I agree with a friend who says I need a prescription for water aerobics … at the beach! Saltwater heals everything!

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46 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. My sincere good wishes to you. It’s easy to forget that others we meet online are also humans… well, maybe not Betsy, or Henrietta, or… At any rate, I understand how one’s health can affect everything else. So I’m sending you the vibes. 🙂

    I’m so anchored in “reality” that it’s difficult to come up with a fictional character. Perhaps “Abeline”, from, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.

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  2. Sorry to hear about your heart issues, Carolyn. I predict the doctors will figure it out and how to address your situation. Since I got my pacemaker, my life has returned to normal. Best of luck, my friend.

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  3. Well you’re still alive, so I guess your last procedure went okay, thank goodness. I hope they discover that the root cause is not enough puns. You need more puns in your daily fare.

    By far, the best character to be like in Bittersweet Creek is Tippner. He’s a superhero, and who wouldn’t want to be a superhero?

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