The Golden Glow

This is the next Journey in the Snow

Wow! Stacy didn’t know what she had expected to find when following her little deer friend who she had named Kojika, but this hadn’t been one of her guesses.

Kojika had stopped in front of a cave. There was a boulder in front of it. It had a glowing long and pointy object stuck into it. It wasn’t the typical thing one saw every day.

Why did Kojika bring her here? What was Stacy supposed to do? Try to take the object out of the rock? Where was one of King Arthur’s knights when you needed them?

It was glowing gold and had some pink tones in it as well. What was it, and how was she supposed to pull it out of the rock? Especially now with shooting pain in her wrist. Not that she was strong enough even if her wrist wasn’t hurting.

She had stumbled in the snow earlier and bent her wrist to catch herself. At least she hadn’t twisted her ankle in the fall.

The deer stood there patiently watching Stacy. She gazed back at the deer.

“Are you sure you can’t talk? Why did you bring me out here to this boulder?”

Kojika stared back unflinching.

The longer Stacy stood still, the more that the cold started sinking into her bones. She wanted to be home under her thick tangerine orange blanket.

Reaching toward the glowing object in the rock, she touched it. Nothing happened. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting. Plumes of smoke to fill the air, perhaps?

Giving a small tug, she pulled on it with one hand. To her great shock, it came out of the rock! There was no doubt now that whatever this object was, it was magical. How else could Stacy have pulled it so easily out of the rock?

Her hand started trembling uncontrollably. What was happening? Stacy started to worry as the trembling increased spreading throughout her body. What magical powers had she unleashed?

She heard the echoes of her heart vibrating in her ear. Then, suddenly rainbow snowflakes filled the air. Coming down so fast and thick, Stacy couldn’t see anything else.

The curtain of snowflakes parted, and Stacy was in awe. There was a unicorn standing in front of her with a glowing golden horn standing in front of her.

Bowing its head, it spoke. “Thank you, my friend, for freeing my horn. I am indebted to you.”

Before Stacy could recover enough to utter an intelligible word, the unicorn was gone.

She spun around. It wasn’t anywhere, and where had her little deer friend, Kojika gone? Stacy was all alone, but she didn’t need to worry about finding her way home. There were golden glowing prints in the snow that she followed. Soon, she was in her backyard, where it had all begun.

As Stacy got ready for bed, she was lost in thought. What had happened? Why was the unicorn’s horn stuck in the boulder in the first place? Who would ever believe her story?

Snuggling under her heavy blanket, she wondered. What did it mean by being indebted to her. Would she ever see the unicorn again? That was her last thought before giving in to sleep.

The next morning, Stacy was happy to wake up to the pain in her wrist being gone. She could move it fine, like nothing had happened to it the night before.

Pulling on her cozy robe, she walked out of her bedroom. Buffy was yipping, wanting to be fed.

Stacy couldn’t help but wonder if last night had all been a wild dream. There was no deer or unicorn standing in her backyard when she looked out.

After feeding Buffy an egg, a special treat for her, she sat down to drink her coffee and plan her day. The ringing of her phone pierced the solitude of the morning.

Stacy didn’t recognize the number, but she answered it.

“Hello, Is this Miss Stacy Uni?”

“Yes.” Stacy replied.

“Wonderful. This is Mrs Ames, and I am calling to say how impressed I was by your resume. We think you may be the perfect fit for us here at the Golden Glow Corporation. Could you come this afternoon for an interview?”

Stacy couldn’t stop smiling as she hung up the phone. She had an interview! But she was confused. Why couldn’t she remember ever sending a resume to the Golden Glow Corporation? Had she simply forgotten?

Walking over to her desk, she pulled out her file of jobs she had applied at. She couldn’t find “Golden Glow” on her list. Strange.

Oh well, her crazy brain had probably forgotten to write it down. She walked back to the kitchen and passed her picture window. Her mouth fell open. The unicorn was standing in her yard bowing its head. There was no doubt that it was the same one from the night before. A golden glow emanated from its horn.

43 thoughts on “The Golden Glow

  1. Stacy was soon gainfully employed and hard at work bottling Golden Glow furniture polish. Once a week the unicorns would come out of the forest and she would have to polish their horns with more Golden Glow. Then she got the idea for a unicorn hunting lease on her property and eventually lured in a retired letter carrier willing to pay anything to hunt unicorns.

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  2. Unicorns, rainbow snowflakes, NO PAIN, coffee, a new job….wait…let’s leave the job out of it! Joy, you always bring me JOY and laughter–and I’ll admit, I like coming here for all the pun too! But YOU are the GLUE that holds this crazy group together. Before my dreaded day….I’ll be thinking of unicorns, pups, coffee, magical stories you write…and YOUR friendship~ MUCH LOVE AND HUGS! Sometime I need to post a pic of me in my unicorn mask–sitting on my recumbent bike at a campground. I always put it in my backpack for when my hiking tribe and I reached our “summits” I’d put it on and greet fellow hikers. Tee hee. πŸ¦„πŸ’•πŸ˜‚πŸ™„πŸ”οΈπŸ₯ΎπŸŒ„πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸŽΆπŸŽΆ

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