Into the Enchanted Forest

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The clock was ticking. Would this new boy make it back? Mr Kiljoy looked at the clock as he walked the dismal streets of London. He was growing anxious. How much time did he have left? The doctors wouldn’t say.

If this boy completed the mission, it would change Mr Kiljoy’s life and the boy’s life, too. If he failed, Mr. Kiljoy would have to look for another orphan boy, and that would take more time, which he didn’t have.

Straightening his tie, he thought about how he really was a good guy, doing these boys a favor.

After grabbing them from the street he would take them to his house and the housekeeper would draw them a hot bath with bubbles galore.

After the bath, the cook had a bountiful meal ready for them. The eyes of the boys almost bulged out of their heads when they saw all the food on the table. Yes, he was kind indeed. All he asked of each boy was a small favor in return for his kindness.

The boys always exhibited excitement when he told them about the favor. What adventurous boy doesn’t like going into a forest?

They would be all smiles as they slept in a cozy, feather bed the night before starting the grand adventure. All they had to do was go into the forest and bring back the enchanted goblet. A goblet that would always fill itself with a magical potion when one was ill. It cured every disease. It was Mr Kiljoy’s last hope.

Upon delivering the plum purple goblet into the hands of Mr Kiljoy, the boy would be richly rewarded. The boy would never have to worry where his next meal would come from and would always have a soft bed to sleep on. The lucky boy would be his heir. All Mr Kiljoy had would belong to him.

Ecstatic, the boy would immediately say yes to Mr Kiljoy. He would agree to retrieve the goblet from the enchanted forest with no hesitation.

Mr Kiljoy may hold back one small detail. For if he was to tell them, they may refuse to do the favor.

The goblet belonged to a giant who wasn’t as kind as Mr Kiljoy. He didn’t like little boys who tried to take away his enchanted goblet.

Fie- Fi- Fo- Fum.

Grumbly, the giant lived in the enchanted forest and was getting quite tired of the little boys disturbing him. His anger grew stronger, with each attempt that was made to steal his enchanted goblet.

He also was developing a nasty headache from all the screaming that came from the boys, whom he had locked in cages. Holding his head, he rocked back and forth on the ground. Something would soon need to be done about their squalling.

Meanwhile, Jack had reached the forest a few minutes ago. He was still salivating the sweet taste of the delicious dessert that Mr. Kiljoy had served. It was the biggest piece of chocolate cake he had ever seen. The cherry icing was so thick on top of the cake. It was heavenly.

He hoped that he could find the plum purple goblet soon, for his stomach was growling with anticipation for more cake and fried chicken.

Jack saw the trail of books that Mr.Kiljoy had mentioned. He smiled. How hard could this be? Thinking of the crown that Mr. Kiljoy offered him on his return, Jack started down the path.

*to be continued..*

29 thoughts on “Into the Enchanted Forest

  1. Okay ……… I am confused. This appears to be a “Dickens era” London story, which explains the street lighting and the clothing styles, but that clock???? It’s not Big Ben! Finally, isn’t that a pickup truck parked on the right side of the image, and where’s Betsy .. or at least her bell?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Jack had a harrowing adventure, but he was eventually successful at eluding the giant and bringing back the purple goblet. However, unbeknownst to either Jack or Mr. Kiljoy, this was not the PLUM purple goblet. Rather, it was the PRUNE purple goblet.

    After Mr. Kiljoy slaked down the liquid from this nostrum tumbler, he looked in a mirror and saw his face becoming more and more wrinkled. Within minutes he transmogrified into a wizened old man. Soon after, he perished from old age.

    Fortunately, he had already put Jack in his will, and Jack inherited everything. I know, because I met the boy. If you don’t believe this story is true, then you don’t know Jack.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. EEK!Iโ€™m intriguedโ€”a bit bothered heโ€™s little all the little boys to do his work? Does he have some HUGE Tylenol to send with the little boys. Personally, Iโ€™d take the giant and forest (and CAKE) over the streets any day! I canโ€™t wait to see what happens. Like a good bookstep, thereโ€™s another adventure around the cage. And yes, whereโ€™s Betsy when you need her?? ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’• Youโ€™re so clever! I love your storiesโ€”and into the Forest I go! What do I have to lose? Send me? With cake, please. And I have some good pain meds for the Giant, just saying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, on the huge tylenol! And yes they may actually be safer in the cages and who knows perhaps the giant really isn’t too bad. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      This may be a job for Betsy, if she isn’t busy helping someone else. LOL! We will see. I’m happy that you are intrigued.๐Ÿฅฐ

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      • Tee hee! IF the Giant loves that many books he has to be a good giant right? Iโ€™m sending love and hugs, dear friend. Iโ€™ll be off to visit my son and his family tomorrow in between all my appts and scans and oh boy. Yeah, I wanna stay in YOUR world! But Iโ€™m so happy to be going to visit them! Sending love and hugs!! ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค—

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Grumbly the Giant | Nuggets of Gold

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