Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Halloween is approaching … Put on your thinking cap …. Share a Super Short Scary Story in the comments below….

When your daughter is squeezing a packet of Ramen noodles and is surprised when the bag pops and the noodles go all over the floor. At least at this age they can clean up their own messes. And yes, she LOVES Ramen noodles.

When you have to hit the alarm clock 5x in the morning before hitting the right button …. Yes, I may have been sleeping deeplyIt is lucky it didn’t get thrown!

37 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. Around here when it comes time for Halloween, we have to usually put on a hoody-the weather usually turns cold and/or wet and I’ll only have a couple of trick-or-treaters if any. But I’m prepared with a 7 lbs. bag of chocolate! LOL


  2. Scary? Scarier than ghosts and ghouls and goblins . . . and things that go bump in the night? A truly frightening sight?

    Three determined Girl Scouts selling Girl Scout cookies who REFUSE to accept “NO” at face value.

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  3. I just stayed at a hotel and the alarm went off quite early (thanks to the previous guest), and it took me quite a while to figure out how to turn it off. Gave me an idea for how to prank the next hotel guest…

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