Catnip’s Adventure

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Once upon a mountain in a Swiss chalet, there lived the Cheddar family. They were a family of mice, and they shared their home with humans.

All mice knew that humans resembled Monsters, and you needed to stay far away from them. So, they were always sure to be on the lookout for them

In this family of six, there was the runt of the litter, named Catnip. His dad had dubbed him that when seeing how small and scrawny he was. But catnip was a fighter, and he was able to run faster from the house cat than all of his siblings. He was the one usually dragging them with him to safety.

As time passed, Catnip’s siblings moved out of the house, and Catnip was bored. He wanted to go see what adventures awaited him outside the Swiss Chalet.

One morning, he decided to be brave, said goodbye to his parents, and headed out.

It didn’t take him long until he was blue from the cold. He was so relieved to find a house with a pipe to squeeze into that took him into a small room. Brr! The room wasn’t as warm as he expected.

What was that sound? Oh, no! There was a human sitting in the corner. Catnip’s heart started to race, but soon, he forgot about being scared. Catnip had a caring heart. His dad, Sargent Pepper Jack, told Catnip that his tender heart may get him into trouble someday, but that didn’t stop him from caring. His brother Colby Jack had a caring heart as well.

The human in the corner appeared to be sad. She was crying. Catnip wondered what was wrong as he watched her for a while. Then she noticed him. He was ready to scurry back into the pipe if she had made a sudden move. But she didn’t.  Instead, she threw him some cheese off of her plate.

Catnip gobbled down the cheese, and she threw some more.

“Hey, little guy. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”

Catnip moved closer to her. His fear was subsiding.

The young woman kept feeding him off of her plate. She must not be hungry, he thought, and oh, how kind she was.

Suddenly, there were sparkles everywhere in the air, and a little white-haired lady appeared. She had a long stick, and Catnip didn’t know what to think. The young woman appeared to also be in shock. She was staring wide-eyed at the white-haired lady.

“Good evening! There’s not much time to waste. You have a ball to go to, young lady.”

“Bibbidi Boppity Boo!” The white-haired lady waved her stick.

Instantly, the most gorgeous gown ever covered the young woman from head to toe.

Wow! In all the years of living in the chalet, Catnip never witnessed anything quite like this before.

The young woman was beaming with happiness, and Catnip felt happy for her. His tender heart was touched. Her smile made him think of his sister Brie. She was his closest sibling, and he missed her.

The two humans had been talking, and the white-haired lady had opened the door. Catnip had been lost in thought, not paying attention to them, but Whoosh! The cold air blew in, and he was focused on them once more.

The lady waved her stick at a pumpkin, and it became a carriage! Catnip was intrigued with that stick. Maybe he could wave it at cats and have it transform them!

Oh dear! The stick was being pointed at him. Before he could move out of the way, he felt himself lifted into the air.

Whoa! He was sitting in the carriage, and he was … he was…a human! Catnip was speechless. No one would ever believe this!

He was driving a carriage of horses. He, Catnip, a little runt of a mouse, was now a distinguished gentleman. Incredible! Oh, if only his family could see him now!

When he brought the young woman home from the ball, his heart was racing with adrenaline. It felt like he had been running from a cat with as fast as they rode. The lady kept shouting at him to “Go,Go,Go!’

Soon, they were back in the little room, and Catnip was rather relieved to find that he was a mouse again.

Maybe someday he would write about this grand adventure. Perhaps many would read it, and he would become the most famous mouse of all. The mouse who became a human! All would know his name and want his autograph.

Catnip smiled at that thought and closed his eyes. It was a wonderful thought, but the book would have to wait. He was sleepy, and the young woman’s glass slipper made the perfect cozy bed for him. Ahh! Sleep was so close, but one thought was stuck in his head. What had happened to her other slipper? She left with two but came home with only one.

Hmmm … Oh well! All he needed was one. His eyes closed, and soon he was fast asleep, dreaming of living on a mountain of cheese.

The End

13 thoughts on “Catnip’s Adventure

  1. I am yet again charmed by reading a story you’ve written. The names of the characters in this one made me want to giggle each time I was introduced to a new character. And I am again almost envious of the way you can take a well-known story and add a different dimension to it. I loved this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like the names you gave Catnips siblings, although they seem a little cheesy.

    Catnip continued to live there, eating the cottage’s cheese, thrown to him by the lady Muenster. But then a handsome prince arrived at her cottage and took her away. Poor Catnip despaired, because now he wouldn’t be fed. He saw the lady’s stepsisters from time to time, but when they saw him they just shrieked loudly and ran away.

    He figured they’d never feed him, until one day when he discovered a little surprise. There on the floor next to his mouse hole, they left him a little gob of cheese on a fancy wooden platform equipped with strange metal parts. He felt curious about those metal parts, and briefly sniffed them, until the scent of the cheese overwhelmed him. He sank his teeth into the cheese. It tasted delicious!


    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hello Joyroses,

    What a wonderful story. You have great imagination. I thought at first it was going to be a case of curiosity killed the catnip! So glad his adventure ended well for him.
    Thanks for making me smile.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A lovely Cinderella update. Very timely too. I found the tiniest of field mice in my compost bin yesterday. He blinked at me and dashed down into the depths of grasses, leaves and other organic materials. Cute little bugger. Think his tail was longer than his whole body! 🐭


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