Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When my sister gives me a book, “The Bride Collector”, and tells me NOT to read it at night, if I want to sleep! But now my curious mind wants to read it.

When you are given a lot of blackberries … Time to make sweet, blackberry cobbler.

When you fall in love at first sight … Held my great-niece today….Welcome to the world Aurora Paige!

24 thoughts on “Friday’s Super Short Stories!

  1. I want all of those things in this specific order: 1) Baby!!!!! I go ga-ga over babies! 2) Blackberry cobbler. I like blackberries but I’ve never known how to do anything with them except eat them as they are. 3) The book. It sounds like the kind of book I would like to read, but I do not need another book in my 500+ to be read book pile. Although, just so you know, by the end of September, I will have read 134 books for my 130 goal this year. And I still have three more months to go!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Babies are simply adorable, aren’t they! You just have to love them. ❤️
      Blackberry cobbler is so yummy, especially with some vanilla ice-cream on top. 😋
      Wow on bypassing your reading goal already! 👏 ! Maybe you will reach 200. 😉
      I will let you know how the book is. I plan to start it today. I don’t usually read many scary books, but I am enjoying this author, and his stories have depth to them.


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