The Munchkin Cat … The Power of Sushi … Kermit’s Twin and other Facts!


They say everyone has a twin …


It would have had the opposite effect on me. I may have still gone on a second date, as long as we didn’t go out for sushi!


Ernie would be ecstatic to have all these rubber ducks


Wow! I want to ask why she was paying that much in cash, but so kind of the worker’s to help her!


I think I want a cat.


A wonderful idea!

33 thoughts on “The Munchkin Cat … The Power of Sushi … Kermit’s Twin and other Facts!

  1. 1. Let’s see, the frog on the left doesn’t have a yellow, pointy collar. It’s also skinnier than the frog on the right. And its eyes are different. And . . . how many points do I get for spotting all the differences between the two pictures?
    2. I’m with you on the sushi. And I think there’s something fishy about that survey.
    3. Of course, with rubber toys there’s always a way to bounce back from a disaster.
    4. Paying cash, I suspect she was the moll of a mobster. So naturally the garbage men helped her. Their reward was not getting a broken leg.
    5. “Wiener cats,” is a much better term than Munchkin.
    6. Unbeknownst to the homeless, the van is actually a robot that is watching them with its giant eyes.

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  2. The rent! Oy vey! SO…my Monday morning includes running to the property management company for charging me rent—TWICE. YIKES! I will NOT be having sushi today, tomorrow, or any day. I would not like it her or there, I would not like it anywhere. I do not like them in a house, or with a mouse (but the mouse can have it!). LOL. Sending you love, hugs, and prayers! 💛💕😜

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      • Hello my friend,…after a trip to the management office, a trip to the bank, THEN BACK to the management office…well, I THINK it’s straightened out! But it will take 5 days to “fix”. On another note, lol,…nope! Not on a train or in the rain! LOL! Joy, everything that could go wrong seemed to in the last 4 days–hooligan (s?) breaking plant stands, plants, solar lights, a new security system, every filter I own (refrigerator, air conditioner) needing to be replaced, a fire broke out a store I went to pick up t-shirts (no joke!),…the best? My hiking friends came and helped me–and we planned our trip to the Grand Canyon. I take one hour at a time because we all have “life”. Life happens. I think of my “kids” and my grandkids–I look at their pictures. I think of my Savior and how blessed I am to be here. Friend, whether I have one more day or 3 more years, I can’t cry over the spilled milk…but I will cry if you feed me sushi. I love you!!!

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        • Oh my dear friend!! I sure hope that this week is bringing you much better days!
          Yay, on the Grand Canyon!❤❤ Loved it when we went and you are so very right! One hour at a time, making the most of each moment! And no worries, I won’t feed you sushi.
          But I will confess … when trying sushi for the first time I hated it, but years later, my son had m try another kind and surprisingly that kind was much better. Still not something I love though.
          Love and hugs! If I can find Betsy’s enchanted bell, I will send it to you. 😊❤

          Liked by 1 person

          • Aww, how sweet! I made sushi for the kids several times…and I never liked it (although I love rice and seafood?). Yay to trips! Today I wrote about a “Resilience Retreat” I attended virtually on Saturday. Girl, we have to have it! We’ve got it! Much much love!!💚💕❤️


  3. That Munchkin cat looks like it could be the Corgis of the cat world. Too cute.Sorry you’re not a fan of sushi. Contrary to popular belief, sushi is not raw fish (that’s sashimi which is thinly sliced raw fish or meat without rice); sushi focuses on the rice, with raw or cooked ingredients added. 😉


  4. I’ve always felt sorry for Munchkin cats. They are the result of deliberate cross-breeding to get those short legs, which prevents them from jumping up into/onto all the places cats normally do, though some people might choose them for that very reason. However, the breeding also caused inherent health issues for them and they don’t live as long (I think) as the average house cat.

    Love the idea of the van with the washing machine and dryer so the homeless can get their clothes cleaned occasionally.

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