Special Dolls … How to Live Longer … A GPS Proposal and Other Facts!


I am all for unique, romantic proposals, but this seems a little extreme. Was he that desperate to get a “YES!”?


Poor moth!


A great idea! People need contact with each other.


Not sure ahout this fact, but figured all my spicy food lovers would enjoy this. I will take my chances and continue to avoid spicy food. I think chocolate makes you live longer.


A wonderful example of working together.


What a thoughtful thing to do! ❤


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Sitting by the water with a gentle breeze on a warm day, wearing a new hat and dress. She should be happy. The stage was set for a perfect day.

But the truth was that she was all dressed up with nowhere to go. Why did she get all dressed up when she had no real plans? Was she hoping for something to magically happen?

Where was her fairy Godmother when she needed one? She had heard through the grapevine that Charlie’s party had been a lot of fun. Marcie would have liked to have been there, but her invitation had been lost in the mail. She didn’t get it until a few days after the party.

Now what? She was doing okay this summer working at the bookstore. The owner was a charming, sweet lady, who needed help. Marcie was glad for the job, but she wanted something more. Wanted to go on an adventure. Perhaps she should stop reading those smaltzy romances where one meets the man of their dreams in a fascinating way and their relationship sizzles.

Oooh, she could see it now. A guy in a boat with the sun glistening on his muscular, tanned body. Watching his arms flex as he rowed towards shore keeping his eyes focused on her. His smile was as bright as a thousand suns and his eyes, filled with desire.

Marcie shook her head, she had to stop such irrational day dreams. Only made things worse. She probably would grow up to be an old maid and … WHAT? What did she see?

Her day dream hadn’t actually been a day dream, there was a guy rowing towards shore and looking straight at her, with a dazzling smile.

He had a red shirt on, but she still couldn’t take her eyes off of him. She could see the muscles in his arms. Why was he looking at her? Was this really happening ?

She didn’t ponder for much longer, she went down to meet him when he came to shore. Even though she kept telling herself she was crazy.

He was getting closer, and he still stayed focused on her. Marcie’s heart was doing flip flops, now she knew why she had dressed up today. There had been a reason!

He was almost to shore. What would she say to him? She moved closer to the water. His boat edged closer and at last he had arrived. He tied up his boat and walked towards Marcie, her heartbeat echoing in her ears.

Where would they sail to, the Blue Danube? The Riveria?

He was almost to her and he held blue dahlias in his hand. Her favorite color and favorite flowers. She was going to melt. The pages of the books she read were coming to life.

“Excuse me Miss.”

Here it was, he was going to tell her how beautiful she was.”

“Would a fine lady like yourself know anywhere around here that I could buy some gourmet chocolates?”

Oh, wow, he was going to give her flowers and chocolate. This was turning out to be the perfect day.

She tried not to stumble over her words in her excitement as she gave him directions.

He took her hand in his. A trillion butterflies inside of her were fluttering. “Thank you most kindly. I am here to surprise my girlfriend who is vacationing here. I appreciate your help. Have a wonderful day.” And with those words he walked away, out of her life.

All Marcie could do stare after him like a sad puppy. She felt so stupid. Then she heard a voice behind her and saw a little old lady with a wand.

“I am sorry! I messed up, this fairy Godmother stuff is harder than I thought. I think I will resign and go work at the chocolate store that you gave directions to. Thanks! See you later.”

Seriously! Her fairy Godmother reigned! Marcie was in shocked disbelief, what more could go wrong today. Right then a big gust of wind blew her hat off of her head. Things like this never happened in her books. She felt like she was going to bawl her eyes out. It was too much.

“Excuse me Miss, but is this your hat?”

Marcie turned around and looked into the blue eyes of a handsome stranger.

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When you are cooking and your kids pull chairs into the kitchen and start a spontaneous conversation about traveling … Who else wants to go to Australia, Ireland and on an African safari? Yes, we dream big.

When the ending of hook leaves you hanging and you keep re-reading the last page, sure that the answer has to be in thete somewhere!

When your son decides to see if your 15 year old Sheltie will still sit and let him put a treat on her nose, not eating it until he tells her too … Treat was gone in half of a second

The Secret

Luella was hot and miserable from the long ride and hoped she could get a cold drink somewhere soon.

Walking down the street she was muttering under her breath. What was she thinking having come here, or more, what was her boss thinking in sending her here?

When she dreamed of being a travel reporter she imagined going to amazing locations. Going to a small town with a creek didn’t exactly fit her image of a tropical paradise.

Wiping sweat from her brow once more she was relieved to spot a diner. Mason’s Diner, the sign read, and there were balloons of all colors outside and inside the diner.

When she opened the door a blast of cold air hit her, and it felt so good. “Welcome to our Birthday sale”, a cheery waitress told her. “I will be right with you.”

Luella watched as the waitress balanced two full trays in her hands. She was impressed with her skill. Taking a booth directly under an air vent she sat down and looked at the menu.

There was a list of specialty iced coffee drinks. The caramel marchiatto one sounded good.

“Hi! I am Cara. What would you like?”

Luella gave her order and then Cara said it came with a free dessert. That was the birthday special they were running for today.

“Hmmm .. I will try the shoo-fly pie please. Never tasted that kind of pie before.”

“I could tell you whether I thought it was good or not, but I will let you make up your own mind. I don’t think you will be disappointed.”

The coffee hit the spot. Luella started feeling a lot better. Picking up her fork she tried the pie. Wow! Cara had warmed it and put a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Luella’s tastebuds were doing the dance of joy.

A few minutes later Cara stopped by Luella’s booth. “What did you think of the pie?”

“Delicious! No wonder the diner is so crowded.”

“So what brings you to our charming town? This being the only diner in town, its easy to spot new people.”

“I heard about your small town and was curious. I enjoy visiting new places and especially seeing farms and baby animals. Would I be able to visit Mr Fuzzywhistle’s farm?”

“Sure! In fact, I can take you. We will be closing early. Somebody wanted off for their birthday.”

Luella heard a man speak up from the booth beside her. “Birthdays only come once a year, one has to celebrate, you know! Tell Mason I will be waiting at the race track for him. I have a good feeling that my horse will win this time.”

Cara laughed, “Like the “good” feeling you had last time, before your horse lost. Better keep my tip, so you at least have some money left.”

“You will see, its going to be different this time. I am betting on Mason’s pick this time. Number 53 , Oreo. And no worries, I don’t need your 50cents tip.”

“Heyyy…it better be more than 50 cents, cheapskate!”

Luella laughed, she was enjoying herself here. Maybe this town wouldn’t be too bad after all.

“Mason, he is the owner, right? Is he the guy with the ladies swooning around him?”

“Yes, that’s him, he is going to need a hat for his head if those ladies don’t leave soon!”

“Oh, but you can’t cover up that wavy hair.”

Cara smacked her forehead, “I will try to get you out of here as quickly as possible, before you fall under his spell.”

The drive to Fuzzywhistle’s farm was a pretty scenic drive through back country roads.

She chatted with Cara the whole way. Gradually Cara started opening up about Betsy.

“You will probably think I am crazy, but Betsy, the cow is far from your ordinary cow.”

Luella felt excitement stir inside her. This was what she wanted to hear.

“Betsy travels around and helps people and animals. She knows when there is trouble and she has her own unique way of seeing that justice is served. Its all possible with her enchanted cowbell.”

Luella had thought her boss was crazy talking about an enchanted bell, but Cara totally believed in it. Perhaps it really was true, and Luella would be the one responsible for spreading the news. With a story like this she could be promoted in no time!

Old man Fuzzywhistle was a kind man. Luella watched him being so gentle with the baby lambs as he talked to them. The farm felt so serene. A babbling creek ran through the pasture. The sheep grazed and the baby goats were jumping around wanting to play.

On the right side of the meadow under the firecracker red Crepe Myrtle is where Betsy, the wonder cow, was resting.

Betsy raised her head when they got closer. When she looked at Luella with her big brown eyes, she felt drawn in to this amazing cow.

The cowbell around her neck sparkled in the sun. Cara shared with her more personal stories of how by ringing the bell one can be transported somewhere else. Luella was overwhelmed. No one would ever guess that this small town would have such an incredible animal!

It was so hard to believe, but Cara’s sincerity came through when talking. She probably wouldn’t have talked so freely if she had known that Luella was a reporter.

Luella had never petted a cow before but there was something about Betsy that made her feel so comfortable. She pet her nose and after a little while Betsy was nuzzling her. Luella was looking into Betsy’s eyes and that’s when she knew. When she knew what she had to do.

Luella ended up staying the whole day in town. Amanda and Sarah met them and they all went shopping. Afterwards they sat on the swings in the park, feeling like children again, they competed to see who could swing the highest in the air.

They visited Sarah’s flower shop where Luella chose some sweet smelling blue hyacinths. At the end of the day Luella didn’t want to leave, but she knew she would be back to visit this special town.

The next morning Luella took a deep breath before entering her boss’s office. She could do this.

“Did you get the story? Did you meet Betsy? Where did her bell take you? Tell me everything.” Her boss’s eyes were lit up with anticipation.

Sorry, but there was no story. Only an ordinary brown cow. The lead you got must have been from someone who had a little too much to drink.”

Her boss’s face fell. The light in her eyes went out and she pounded her desk. Luella felt a twinge of guilt, but she spoke up.

“I did get a story. A story about the magic of a small town. The best kept secret of a pie that will make your taste buds dance. Of a diner where everyone knows your name. Where friendship and laughter flow. A town where the simple pleasures come to life, from swinging on swings, to cuddling baby lambs and eating homemade icecream.”

Luella stopped talking and silence filled the room. Then a smile broke across her boss’s face. “I like it. Have the first draft on my desk by tomorrow morning.”

“I will! Thank you.” Luella was filled with joy as she walked out of the office. She had a story, and Betsy, the Wonder Cow, would remain the best kept secret of Bittersweet Creek.

When the Peanuts Grow Up!

In the comments from my post, The Truth Behind the Mirrors a reader wondered if Lucy ever had a change of heart. Some people do change over the years, lets take a peek and see.

The highway seemed to stretch endlessly before them. ‘I’m hungry!” whined a little voice from the backseat.

“Okay, buddy, we will stop to get a bite to eat.” He silently hoped that little Bobby would fall asleep after a good meal and sleep the rest of the way.

They pulled in to a McDonald’s and went in. Had started to go through the drive thru, but all they could hear through the speaker was , “Wah, Wah,Wah..” Plus it would be good to stretch their legs.

Three year old Bobby was happy for his nuggets and fries. Linus looked at his smiling boy. He reached over and tousled his hair. His heart was overwhelmed with the amount of love he had for Bobby.

“Take the thumb out of your mouth, Bobby. Keep eating, for soon we will have to get back on the road.”

Linus wanted to reach their destination before dark. Finally Bobby was finished and he rubbed his baby blue eyes with his tiny fists.

Ordering a coffee for the road Linus picked up a sleepy Bobby and carried him out to the car. Strapping him into the car seat took only a few minutes and then they hit the road. Linus was smiling. It hadn’t taken long at all for Bobby to fall asleep. The car was peaceful.

Linus was listening to Beethoven. Schroeder had taught him all about the classics and he had come to appreciate them.

Two hours later a shriek erupted from the back seat which turned into a wail! Poor Linus didn’t know what was wrong. He tried to talk to Bobby in a soft quiet voice, but Bobby only screamed louder.

Linus had to pull over, he couldn’t concentrate with the screaming going on.

They pulled over and once Linus took Bobby out of his car seat he settled down. Taking him in his arms he asked him what the problem was.

“I want my blankie!!”

Oh good grief thought Linus, was that all? He must have dropped it on the floor. A quick search of the back seat soon revealed that Bobby’s favorite blanket was not there!

A strange feeling began in the pit of his stomach. Linus remembered washing off Bobby’s fingers and lying the blankie on the chair beside him at McDonalds. The McDonald’s that was now a little more than two hours away!

As Bobby cried louder, Linus held his head in his hands. So much for making it to his destination before dark. He buckled Bobby back into his car seat and they sped back down the road.

Schroder was playing the piano when Lucy entered the room. ” They are almost here! So exciting!” She bent over, leaning, with her elbows on the baby grand piano. That quickly earned her a glare from her husband.

“Sorry dear.” Lucy straightened up, looking at the clock again. Soon all the gang would be together. It had been so long.

Fifteen minutes later Lucy heard someone pull up. She peeked out the window. It was Charlie Brown and Peppermint Patty “They are here!”

With anticipation she opened the door and Snoopy was there to greet her with a big sloppy kiss. “BLECH!”

Peppermint Patty laughed, some things never changed. “Hey Chuck, Lucy still doesn’t like doggy kisses.”

Charlie Brown grinned as he made sure that Woodstock’s family all made it up Lucy’s steps.

While Charlie Brown visited with Schroder, Peppermint Patty helped Lucy in the kitchen. Lucy had grown up to become a wonderful person. She surprised everyone with her caring heart. The long ago experience with the mirrors had really changed her.

Now she gave free psychological counseling to those who desired it. Plus wrote a column for the daily paper. The WoodStock Times.

Peppermint Patty was lost in thought as she poured drinks for everyone. It wasn’t only Lucy who had changed. Charlie Brown had finally fallen for her, Peppermint Patty, and now they were happily married. Sometimes she had to look at her ring to believe it was real.

And talking about changes, brought Pigpen to her mind.

“Hello ladies!” Lucy and Peppetmint Patty turned around to see Pigpen standing in the kitchen. His cologne filled the room and he looked like he had stepped out of a magazine. In a way he had.

“You made it! Your modeling session is over?” Asked Lucy.

Pigpen kissed both of Lucy’s cheeks and Peppermint Patty’s. “Yes, I made it back from Paris last night.”

The girls were speechless. It was still so new seeing Pigpen as a handsome model. Their childhood friend who used to have a cloud of dust everywhere he went. Now he left a trail of girls behind him.

A good time was had by all at Lucy’s. They all played a short game of football and Lucy didn’t take the ball away when Charlie Brown went to kick it!

Snoopy told everyone that he had finally got his story published and bought a beach doghouse.

The only one missing from the party was Linus. Where was he, everyone wondered. They knew that Sally unfortunately couldn’t make it, for she was helping out at the Children’s hospital, being Mrs Claus. All the letters she had written to Santa when she was little had served a purpose. She wanted to keep Santa alive in children’s hearts.

“I see car lights.” The gang had been sitting around a campfire and they all looked towards the car. A cheer erupted when Linus stepped out of the car with Bobby.

Lucy’s wheels were turning, somehow she had to fix up Violet with Linus. They needed each other and she wanted a sister-in-law.

Linus and Bobby greeted everyone and they sat down. Once they were seated, Linus explained about having to go back and retrieve Bobby’s blanket.

They all laughed, reminding Linus of all the times he left his blanket behind. Like father, like son.

At the end of the evening Charlie Brown made an announcement. He had bought a big enough beach house for everyone to use whenever they wanted to get away. It was close to Snoopy’s new beach doghouse. Everyone cheered, “You are a good man, Charlie Brown!”

Peppermint Patty smiled, listening to the cheer. A lot may have changed, but some things never did!

Tuesday’s Thoughts!

Happy Tuesday! When your children convince you to work out with them and you feel good about not being too sore. But I still prefer walking over other forms of exercise. Or if reading could burn calories somehow that would be great!

Whether you got physical exercise this week or not, I hope you enjoy exercising your mind with the following quotes. Thanks for reading!





This goes for Dads too!







Wishes and Angel dust

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Every Monday she came to this fountain. Would take a moment to throw some coins in and make a wish. She didn’t really helieve it would come true. Wishes were for children to make and her days of being a child were long gone.

Sabrina ran her hand through the water. What made her keep coming back when she didn’t believe in wishes anymore?

“Lovely day isn’t it.”

Looking up Sabrina was shocked to see an older man sitting on the edge, like she was. He hadn’t been there earlier. Or had she been so engrossed in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed him?

Well, before she forgot her manners, she replied. “Hi Yes, another day of sunshine.” Sabrina smiled at him.

She watched him throw three coins into the fountain and close his eyes.

Upon opening his eyes he was beaming. Sabrina’s cheeks grew a little warm, as she found herself staring at him. His eyes twinkled and kindness shined out of them.

“Did you make a wish?” He asked.

Sabrina replied, “I did, not that it will do me any good. Wishes are for children. My wishes aren’t coming true,” she scoffed.

A tinge of sadness touched the eyes of the older man. “Wishes only for children? Pftttt! Thats nonsense.”

“But its my reality. Throwing coins into a fountain and making a wish, makes for good fairytales, but not true life. Sorry, but thats how I feel.”

The man didn’t say anything, only lowered his head for an instant. When he raised it again, he was smiling.

“Well, since you don’t believe in wishes, what were you thinking when you threw in those coins?”

His eyes held a tender, compassionate look. Made her tempted to share her heart with him, but he was a stranger. Sabrina wasn’t one to pour out her heart to anyone, much less strangers.

The man looked at his watch, “I must run, can’t be late for my next appt, but I am really glad I met you, Sabrina.”

“You too…” She paused, she had never asked his name. As if he read her mind, he said, “Name is Charlie. Don’t stop believing in your dreams. One never knows.” He tipped his hrown hat and walked away whistling.

Sabrina was smiling. What a pleasant man. Even if he was a little too cheery. She didn’t mean to sound so sarcastic with him, about wishes, but her mood wasn’t the greatest. She had not wanted to move to this town, but she had no say about the job transfer, not if she wanted to keep her job.

Saying goodbye to Martin had been the hardest thing. Would a long distance relationship work?

Well, she still had a lot of boxes to unpack, so she better get back to her apartment. She was thinking about Charlie again, and then, it hit her, how did he know her name? She never had told him, had she?

The following Monday she was on her way to work when her car started sputtering. She was barely able to get pulled over before it died on her. “Not again!” Sabrina pounded the steering wheel.

There was a knock on her window. “Charlie!”

“Car trouble?”

“Yes! This car is always causing me trouble.”

“Let me take a look. I used to be a mechanic in my younger years.”

He popped open the hood, and within a few minutes closed it. “Try to start it now.”

Sabrina turned the key and it started right away! She was thrilled. No towing fee this time.

“Thanks so much. But, what are you doing out so early in the morning on this back country road? Do you live close by?”

His eyes twinkled, “Had an early morning appointment. Have a great day and don’t forget to stop at the fountain.” With another tip of his hat he started walking down the road.

Sabrina watched him go, wondering where exactly he was headed. What kind of appointment did one have at six am?

After work she stopped at the fountain, hoping Charlie would be there. Walking towards the fountain she saw him and her heart lifted. He was becoming her first friend here. Her co-workers were friendly, but it always took some time at a new place until you felt like you fit in.

“Hi Charlie!” He smiled as Sabrina walked over to him. “Thanks again, my car started great when I left work. What did you do?”

“Perhaps sprinkled a little angel dust.”

Sabrina laughed, “Well, I could use a big supply of that to keep the car running.”

They chatted some more. She felt the tension that she had been carrying around since she moved, running out of her, while talking and laughing.

Three weeks later on another Monday, Sabrina was at the fountain again. Closing her eyes she made a wish and threw in the coins. She was a believer now.

Maybe her wishes hadn’t come true yet, but she felt happier since coming here and meeting Charlie. Talking to him, opened up her heart. Why not believe that her dreams could come true?

Standing up to stretch she walked around the fountain. Sabrina noticed a plaque in front of the fountain that she hadn’t paid attention to before.

She walked up to it to take a closer look and gasped. A picture of Charlie was staring up at her. “This fountain is dedicated to tbe memory of Charlie D’Angelo, a man who who never knew a stranger. “

She couldn’t believe it. It had to be another Charlie they were talking about, but there was no mistaking that face. Goosebumps were all over her body. The plaque said that Charlie had died five years ago!

Sabrina had to sit down and catch her breath. “Just a little angel dust ..” he had said. Her heart filled with warmth as the truth dawned on her about Charlie.

“Hey there, how is my Sunshine girl doing today?”

Sabrina looked up and squealed in excitement. It was Martin! They embraced, as her eyes misted feeling his warm embrace. Her eyes closed when their lips met. Today was turning out to be amazing.

With their arms still around each other Sabrina asked. “How did you know where to find me?”

“Well, you told me how you came to rhe fountain every Monday to make wishes. This is a small town so I hoped this was the right fountain. It was a little strange, for as I was walking here an older gentleman said , “Hi Martin!” There was a twinkle in his eyes, but I never had seen him before.”

Sabrina smiled, and looked up. Then she looked back at Martin. Still hardly believing that he was here. their bodies melted into each other once again, as they kissed. Later there would be time for talking. Sometimes wishes did come true.

Cats Rule … The Smiley Sky … The Spam Lawyer and Other Facts …


Cats really do Rule!


I missed looking at the sky that night. 🙂


Thats a way to take action! Hmmm…maybe I should contact him about the spammer who recently told me to send them $500 in Bitcoin. Even was nice enough to provide me a link. I had 50 hours to send the money. Unfortunately for him I don’t have Bitcoin.


Well, that is gratitude for you!


Oh, the “horror” at spending too much time reading!


Dogs Rule too🙂

The Truth Behind the Mirrors

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Stopping in her tracks on the first step, Patty wondered. Did sbe really want to do this? At first she had been excited, but now was filled with trepidation.

“Its only nerves, shake it off,” she tried to tell herself. Unfortunately she wasn’t too convincing, her legs refused to budge.

Perhaps she sbould turn around and go back. But she went to all the work to make herself presentable. Dressing up was not her thing. While pondering on whether to turn around, the door opened. Out stepped an old white haired woman. She had a thin lime green scarf draped around her neck and was wearing a bright yellow dress. Squinting against the brightness, Patty realized there was no turning back now.

“Welcome, Please come in, we have been expecting you.”

There was a genuine smile on the old woman’s face as she motioned for Patty to come in.

Still feeling timid, but with a boost of courage Patty climbed the rest of the steps. Smiling up at the old woman, she introduced berself and stepped into the house. The door closed with a loud thunk. A chill went through Patty’s heart. She hoped she would be able to get bck out of the house when the time came.

The old woman put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “There is nothing to fear, my dear, you will be fine.” Patty felt a little better, her voice was soothing like her grandmother’s.

They walked down a long hall. There was nothing fancy about the house. Some simple paintings on the white walls. Simple but beautiful paintings of flowers.

Then they turned the corner and entered the room of the magic mirrors. Patty’s pulse quickened. A lady with glasses on her nose and her black hair pulled into a tight bun sat at a round table.

“Hello Patty, have a seat.” Patty took a seat. Now this lady’s voice was opposite her grandma’s voice, not soothing and hard to understand. But Pstty gave the lady her attention, while sneaking furtive glances at the hallway behind the table. The hallway of mirrors.

“Any questions about what I said?” The lady was looking at her, as she pushed her glasses back up.

Patty flushed, she thought she had paid attention to what the lady had said, but … her mind was distracted.

“Umm…no Ma’am.”

“Great! Then, lets go.”

Patty’s insides began doing somersaults. She could do this.

“Here dear, have one.” The sweet old woman handed her a peppermint patty, her favorite candy. That made Patty smile.

“Thanks!” She took it and took a bite. Ahh! The sweet taste. A perfect treat.

Now she was ready, and she took a step into the hallway of the magic mirrors.

This was amazing! Patty felt bubbly with joy. Sunshine and all the colors of the rainbow shined through the mirrors. All her favorite things were appearing in the mirrors, warming her heart. All too quickly the magic mirror walk ended.

Lucy had been so wrong about this place! It didn’t make any sense, why had Lucy’s experience been so bad?

The old woman greeted Patty when she stepped out of the hall. “Your face is glowing child, I take it that you enjoyed the magic mirrors?”

“YES!” She gave the sweet old woman a hug. “Thank you!” The glasses lady shook Patty’s hand and said a few words but once again it sounded like jibberish to Patty. Kind of like her school teacher. It was summer now, she didn’t want to be reminded of her.

Turning to the old woman Patty said, “I have only one question. I know a girl named Lucy who came here and she said the experience was horrible. That she saw frightening creatures and things she she didn’t like. Why would it be so much different for her?”

Smiling down at Patty, the old woman spoke, “Everyone experiences different things when they come see the magic mirrors. What makes these mirrors different is that they don’t reflect what you look like, they reflect what’s on the inside.”

Patty scrunched up her face. What did she mean? “I don’t get it. I didn’t see any of my bones and I don’t want to see blood!”

The old woman laugbed. “You will understand someday. You have a good heart.” She gave Patty a wink and another peppermint patty.

As Patty was headed for the door she saw a boy come in with black shorts and a polo top with a black zig zag across the middle. It was Chuck!

“Hi Chuck! I didn’t know you were coming, Chuck.” Patty gave him a broad smile.

The old woman looked a little confused. “Chuck? I thought your name was Charlie?”

“Oh his name is Charlie but I call him Chuck, right Chuck!” Patty patted him on the back. “You are going to love it Chuck.”

He looked a little uncertain as Patty said goodbye. She heard the old woman talking to Chuck as they walked. “I hear that you are a good man, Charlie..”

When Patty walked out the door, she petted the beagle lying on the step. Now to go find Lucy, she had a lot to tell her and she would see if Lucy could explain why their magic mirrors experience was different. It would be worth a nickel to hear what Lucy thought.

Friday’s Super Short Stories!

When you are in the middle of of a story … and POOF … you are in the dark, due to power going out … Reason for no post last night …

Candles are flickering … In a dark room … Husband looks at you … with a confused look on his face … What? Doesn’t everyone decide to organize their pantry at 3am when power is out and they can’t sleep?

Happiness is finding a couple books that you have been wanting … More Happiness is when you had store credit to use, making them free …. Plus more Happiness when you returned home to the power being on and the house feeling cool again.