The Bad Apple!

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She was known as the Apple girl, because little Claire was often seen with an apple in her hand. All the children thought she was crazy, for she would often choose apples over candy, but they all liked her. Sweet Claire was always kind.

When Claire grew up the boys couldn’t stay away. She was the apple of their eyes!

Her big green eyes mesmerized them and her locks of black hair was as soft as lamb’s wool.

Claire was pretty much a household name. Not only because of her beauty but for her sweetness. She was crowned Homecoming Queen and won the beauty pagent at the County fair. Plus every year she took the blue ribbon for the most delicious, shiny, red apples, that she brought from her own apple tree.

Life was good for Claire, in fact people often said her life was like a fairytale. But one day that all began to change.

It started when she plucked a juicy red apple from her tree and took a bite. “Eek!” She screamed! There was a little green worm poking its head out of her apple. She threw it on the ground and picked another one. To her dismay that apple had two worms in it. What had happened to her apple tree?

Instead of destroying the bad apples, Claire let them continue to grow. Soon the disease took over the tree destroying any sweet apples that had been left.

At the same time Claire began to get a mean streak in her. The eyes that once rsdiated with kindness had malice in them.

She no longer won the beauty pagents at the fair. Her once rosy cheeks grew pale and her smile grew sinister.

What people didn’t understand was why would she continue to eat the bad apples from her diseased tree?

The more she ate, the more gaunt her cheeks became. Little children ran from her because of looking so scary. Her shiny black hair turned gray, becoming thin and straggly.

Her apples still looked shiny on the tree but each one was filled with numerous worms.

Claire never showed up at her HS reunion, but once again she was the talk of the school. Though what was being said about her wasn’t good!

Everyone felt horrible for Snow, the girl who had been new in town but won everyone’s heart. The one who won the beauty pagents at the county fair.

Snow had an apple tree in her yard and everyone raved about her apples. Said they were the most delicious apple ever. Needless to say, she won the blue ribbons at the fair for them.

Now Snow lay in a coma and no one knew for certain why, but they had their suspicions. She was found in her yard with a half eaten apple in her hand. The apple was crawling with worms and everyone pointed their fingers at Claire.

They knew she was envious of Snow. Her eyes shot arrows at her whenever they passed in town, even though Snow smiled at her. Everyone agreed that Clair probably poisoned Snow’s apple.

The doctor’s tried all the antidotes they had for the poison but nothing was working. Snow still remained in a coma.

One day a stranger came riding into town. He was extremely short but was said to be a wise Doc. When he saw poor Snow in a coma he was drawn to her by his compassionate heart. There had to be some antidote that would work. At night he pored over his medical books, until he became Sleepy.

Finally, an idea came to him the next morning. He rushed to mix up the antidote and it worked! Snow opened her eyes and started talking!

All the town was Happy and celebrated, praising the Doc, though he was Bashful at their praise. Snow was able to be discharged in a few days and return home.

To celebrate, the town had a feast for all. The best bakers went to work. There was chocolate cake, cherry pie, peanut butter pie, peanut butter banana bread and more!

Everyone had a grand time rejoicing, well, everyone but poor Claire. She was becoming more Grumpy every day. Heed the warning, thats what happens when one continues to feast on bad apples. They slowly become one, inside and out.

40 thoughts on “The Bad Apple!

  1. I took a break from my Sneezy allergies to say, β€œYou’re brilliant!” Evil queens~you never know how they hid behind their forbidden fruit. Gives me caution about visiting some farmer’s markets right now~particularly green-eyed brunettes? There’s always one bad apple in the bunch! My friend, you give me joy! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸŽΆβ€οΈπŸ™πŸ»

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When I got to Doc, I knew this would be a short story. Seems Claire was rotten to the core.

    After Snow awoke from her coma, she visited a photographer named Mason, who took a portrait photo of her. She was very happy with the results, when he presented her with the handsome prints.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Interesting take on this.
    It seemed that Claire loved the fruit of her tree but didn’t love the tree itself. Her empathy and sunny disposition was a result of the tree, not the apples, and by neglecting the tree, the damage was done to the source of the apples. Isn’t that how it is in life? People who benefit from the fruit of someone’s labor, but do not nurture the provider, soon find resentment and poisonous fruit.

    Liked by 2 people

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