Love Has No Price Tag

I was reminded of a movie earlier today and then upon reading another blogger’s post I was reminded of it again.  Not because they talked about the specific movie in their posts  but they talked about Love!  The power in Love!

There really is nothing stronger than love.  I think of all the beautiful love songs out there.  There are so many.  My husband made me 9 cassette tapes filled with love songs,  when we were dating. Even with that many love songs , there still were times that I couldn’t find the words to explain the depth of love that I had felt and still feel.

He actually ended up making me 10 tapes, for he made another one for me after I had accidentally left one behind in the airport!  I had stopped at the gift shop in the airport while waiting for my flight to come.  I was trying to distract myself from crying.  For yes I was heading home after spending a short visit with him.  I had the  cassette tape that he had just given me safely in my purse. I surely wasn’t going to trust putting it in the luggage. I bought something at the gift shop took  and took out the tape to get to my wallet.  Made the horrible discovery when I got home that my tape was gone.  I had left it on the counter at the gift shop in the airport. I was so upset!  The only consoling thought was hoping that the clerk at the gift shop had enjoyed the songs!

Love moves the heart like nothing else does.

This is a fictional movie that I am going to talk about, but the one incident in it tahat I am going to describe is moving to me and makes a wonderful point.

A young couple went to an Art auction.  The artist had recently died, his wife had died before them and they had no children, so his paintings were being auctioned off.  He was very well known and had many exquisite paintings.  There were many people wanting them as the full auction hall gave evidence too.  Very wealthy people sat in the audience, everyone knew these paintings would go at a high price.

The young couple were not wealthy at all, but she wanted to go, even though they felt out of their league sitting in the auction hall.  The first painting to be bid on was one of the first paintings that the artist had done.  It was a very simple painting of his wife.  It didn’t really compare to all of his other paintings as far as beauty goes.  The auctioneer read a letter that the artist had included with the painting.  In the letter he had written that he knows this may not be the most exquisite painting that he ever did, but to him it was his most valuable one. The reason was simple to him,  it was a painting of the love of his life and nothing else compared.

The auctioneer started the bidding and not a bid was heard.  He lowered it and still no bids.  He kept lowering it until the young couple made a bid.  The couple had been touched by what the artist had written in his letter. They ended up getting the painting much to their shock and joy.  The biggest shock was still to come though!

The auctioneer pulled out another piece of paper saying how he would now be reading a portion of the the Will left by the Artist.  He proceeded to read that whoever bought the painting of his beloved wife were also entitled to his whole collection of paintings,  for according to the artist they had seen the value and beauty of true love.

You really can’t put a price tag on love!


20 thoughts on “Love Has No Price Tag

  1. Nicholas Sparks has written some moving love stories. I read the Guardian, and cried way before I reached the end. He wrote The Notebook, Message in a Bottle and The Lucky One to name just a few. I’ve seen the latter 2 as films.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes he is a great writer! I have read just about every books of his and have seen several movies. The Notebook is one of my favorite movies! You need to see that one. I have The Lucky One and Safe Haven and Dear John. We all love Dear John, that is another favorite of his movies.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have seen this movie and was very moved about choices that led to such a surprise. I believe fate loves giving us a little gift every now and then. such a lovely story on love and the cassettes reminded me of my youth too. I fell in love with your love story. beautiful!


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