A Serving of Humble Pie

My Dad’s favorite pie is Mincemeat pie. I honestly don’t know how he can eat it, but I would take Mincemeat pie over Humble pie any day!

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were perfect and never made mistakes. If things just always went according to plan, working out exactly as you intended it to. Unfortunately if that was so, we wouldn’t be human!

Recently I have had to partake of some Humble Pie and it hasn’t been my first time and probably won’t be my last. Though I don’t intend my next serving to be for the same reason. Lesson has been learned!

As bad as eating Humble pie can feel, it does serve a purpose. It helps to show us things that we can make a note of and learn from. As someone has said to me, learning from our mistakes is part of life, it keeps us growing. May not be the most fun way to grow, but it does help us, if we are open to seeing the lesson.

The other lesson from eating Humble pie is the feeling of grace we get from our dear family and friends. The feeling of grace when they extend their forgiveness. It warms the heart.

Hopefully we can remember that feeling of grace and extend our forgiveness to others when we are on the other side.

Life is a journey. A journey of mountain tops and valley’s;  twists and curves. A journey of times where  we can teach lessons to others,  and times of where we are the student and learning lessons. So thankful for my dear family and friends that continue to  walk this journey of life with me, through all the ups and downs that life brings.

57 thoughts on “A Serving of Humble Pie

  1. Thanks again for popping over to my blog. It’s quite late on my end so I’ll have to come back. But on your topic of the lessons you need to learn by eating humble pie, I have had to teach myself to be grateful even for unpleasant things that happen since quite often, bad as the experience might be, there is often a lesson for growth. Of course, it’s far from easy – our egos get in the way and sometimes you want the satisfaction of throwing your toys out of the cot. Hope to see you again soon! 😀 Chevvy.


    • I am enjoying your blog and look forward to reading more. Thanks so much for commenting on mine, even though it is quite late!
      I hope you enjoy reading my other posts when you have time.
      You are so right about a lesson in growth and I had to smile at your last line. At times that can be true. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh I’m definitely coming back, your attitude to life is very refreshing. Yes, on that last point, I’m learning to give the monkey back to their owners otherwise I live with other people’s stress on my back. Look foreword to keeping up with you! Cheers!😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks so much for your kind words. I try to have a good attitude about life, can’t say I win at it all the time! Sounds like you have a great attitude as well! Glad to have you as a follower and look forward to interacting with you more.
        Have a great day!


  2. I know what you mean JR, that’s tough, I’m praying for you. No one likes to have flaws or things done wrong pointed out, but we do grow and try to change because of those times for the most part I think. There are times people are being just mean.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A lovely post. I do believe one of the experiences we all have many times is the taste of humble pie.

    According to the Phrase Finder ( http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/eat-humble-pie.html)

    “In the USA, since the mid 19th century, anyone who had occasion to ‘eat his words’ by humiliatingly recanting something would be said to ‘eat crow’ (previously ‘eat boiled crow’). In the UK we ‘eat humble pie’. The unpalatability of crow, boiled or otherwise, seems clear, but what about humble pie?

    Humble pie In the 14th century, the numbles (or noumbles, nomblys, noubles) was the name given to the heart, liver, entrails etc. of animals, especially of deer – what we now call offal or lights. By the 15th century this had migrated to umbles, although the words co-existed for some time. There are many references to both words in Old English and Middle English texts from 1330 onward. Umbles were used as an ingredient in pies, although the first record of ‘umble pie’ in print is as late as the 17th century. Samuel Pepys makes many references to such pies in his diary; for example, on 5th July 1662:”

    My best to you always, 🌍

    Liked by 1 person

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