Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Hooray for March and Shamrock Shakes!

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When you have Spring Fever … Its sunny outside giving you a false impression that it’s warm … but its 30 degrees!

Another chance to use your imagination…Imagine writing a short note or finding one …. What does it say? … I will use your “notes” in an upcoming story … Have fun!

The Apple Pie “Bomb” … The Cadbury Eggs Thief … A Lego Printer and Other Rare Facts …


Small brained perhaps, but sooo cute!


What would make someone think of even trying that??


Oh gosh, another way to make spiders …. creepy crawly!


He actually stole a trailer with 200,000 Cadbury Eggs inside of it!


Another example of how not all mistakes are bad. I remember using the yellow pages a lot! Why can’t my mistakes turn out to be something profitable?


What an amazing guy!