Friday’s Super Short Stories!

Halloween is approaching … Put on your thinking cap …. Share a Super Short Scary Story in the comments below….

When your daughter is squeezing a packet of Ramen noodles and is surprised when the bag pops and the noodles go all over the floor. At least at this age they can clean up their own messes. And yes, she LOVES Ramen noodles.

When you have to hit the alarm clock 5x in the morning before hitting the right button …. Yes, I may have been sleeping deeplyIt is lucky it didn’t get thrown!

The Plot that Backfired

This is the continuation of Monday’s post. The Last Walk

Mason and Tippner were speechless as their mysterious captors handcuffed their hands behind their backs and led them off the creaky bridge. Their hearts pounded in their ears. What was happening to them?

“Hey, if you let us go, I will give you the pick of any bike in my store. In case you didn’t know I own the best bike store in town!” Tippner had to pause to catch his breath, he was talking fast due to his nerves.

Mason spoke up, “I can give you free coffee and the best pie you ever tasted!”

CLAP! There was another loud thunderclap, a storm was brewing. It was getting closer. They kept being pulled along by their silent captors. Then they stopped and were shoved into a car. At least they assumed it was a car. The door shut with a bang.

Their fear was starting to grow as they drove down the road.

“My grandmother is really going to miss me. Never again will I taste her cookies.”

“Stop talking that way Mason, we got out of other binds, surely we will ger out of this one too. Maybe Jenny will come to our rescue again.”

They both half groaned, for who knows what they may be turned into if Jenny tried to help! But if she got them free they would be forever grateful!”

“So what would you guys like on your tombstone?”

Gulping they kind of sputtered. “Tomb-Tombstone??”

“Yes, tombstones, you know, the things in cemeteries. Would you like to visit one?” The captor laughed.

It was chilling, but yet there was something vaguely familiar about the laughter.

About 10 minutes later the car came to a stop and their hearts started skipping beats. Was this to be it? Their final stop and resting place? They were pulled out of the car and started walking, then stopped once more.

A bell rang, as a door opened. Mason recognized that bell, that was the bell he had on the door of his coffee shop.

The bags were pulled off their heads as people yelled, “Happy Halloween!”

Then they were getting sprayed with silly string and shaving cream from all directions amidst much laughter.

“Arthur!! We knew we recognized that laughter! What are you doing here?”

“One just never knows when I may show up! Surprise!”

Mason and Tippner shook their heads, looking around them at their friends, who had managed to pull this prank off.

“But Arthur we had talked about pulling off a Halloween prank on the ladies! What happened?”

Mason and Tippner stared him down. Arthur walked in between them both putting a hand on each shoulder and wearing a devilish gleam in his eyes.

“Oh dear cousins, you see its like this. I never pass up the promises of good food! Especially desserts! Cara promised me a whole Shoo-fly pie and Mason your grandmother bakes some delicious cookies! All I had to do was pull this prank off on you guys.”

Mason’s eyes bulged. “My Grandma was in on this?”

Cara laughed, “Oh yes, your sweet Grandma thought the plan was fabulous. You just never know about Grandma’s do you?”

“You poor thing!” Amanda came up to Mason, with mischief in her eyes as she patted him on the cheek with a hand full of shaving cream.

Cara and Sarah patted both sides of Tippner’s cheeks at the same time. Splat with the shaving cream.

“A shame how some plans backfire, isn’t it?” laughing, they told the guys they could go clean up and they would serve them some pie.

“Umm…we kind of need these handcuffs off first. ” their eyes glared directly at Arthur.

“Where did you get these handcuffs anyway?”

With a touch of red in his cheeks he said, ” Sorry guys, can’t reveal my sources,”

Arthur patted his pockets and a worried look came across his face.

“Uh oh! Ummm…. we may have a problem guys.”

“A problem? What do you mean exactly by a problem?, the guys said in unison.

“Well its really quite funny. I kind of don’t remember where I put the handcuff keys.” he grinned sheepishly.


“Guys, guys, don’t worry, you can trust your good ole cousin Arhur, right?” He patted them on their shoulders again.

“I think I left them back at Fuzzywhistle’s farm. Will be back in a jiff!” Old Man Fuzzywhistle and Arthur walked out the door.

The ladies were doing their best to hold in their laughter but it wasn’t working real well. Then Cara spoke up.

“Hmmm… see what happens when you plot revenge? We saw the conspiratorial wink you gave Arthur, Bard and Grayson the last time we were all together.”

Sarah put her arm around Grayson, batting her eyelashes at them “It wasn’t too hard to get Grayson to spill the beans.”

“Yes, same with Bard. Women are good at finding out what they need to know, aren’t we dear?” She raised her eyebrows at Bard. Poor Bard and Grayson kept looking at the floor, they wouldn’t meet Mason and Tippner’s eyes.

“Frogs and mud in my hair! You are lucky you just got silly string and shaving cream!”

Mason ran his fingers through his sticky, not so luxurious hair now. Tippner just hung his head. They were both hoping that Arthur would be back real soon!!